Homeschooling itself is a character lesson. Sometimes your children are the characters. May I entertain you with a one-act play taken directly from the pages of our fine homeschool…
A Lesson in Self-Control
Son as himself
Daughter as herself
Mom as herself (wishing she were someone else)
Mom: Today we are starting a new unit on self-control. Son, please be quiet for just a moment. Daughter, sit up. OK, here is the definition of self-control…
Daughter: (shouting) I don’t know the definition!
Mom: That’s because I haven’t told you yet…now sit up and don’t yell! Self-control is making myself do what is right.
Son: Oh yeah…doing what’s right…yeah, that’s right…I knew that. Hey, I know a song about self-control…(starts singing).
Mom: (trying to talk over Son) It’s not easy to do what is right all the time is it? So, we have to practice self-control and do what is right even when…Son stop singing!…Daughter sit up!..even when it isn’t easy. OK, here’s what we’re going to..
Daughter: I’m tired. Can I get a drink?
Mom: No. OK, here’s what we’re going to learn during this section…
Mom: Um, yes, but here are some of the things we’ll learn about self-control…1. To control my body and appetites…
Son: Yeah, like eating too much!
Mom: yes…2. To control emotions and expressions…and 3. to control my tongue…
Son: Yeah, like overtalking!
Mom: Yes, like talking too much and saying mean things to others. Now, self-control is one of the fruits of the Spirit…
Son: Hey, that’s the song I was singing (begins to sing again).
Mom: Hang on! Let’s read the verse first and then…
Son: Can I read it?!
Daughter: I don’t want to read!
Mom: It’s Galatians 5:22-23 and I’LL read it!
Daughter: I can’t find it. ARGH!
Son: I found it! Can I read it!!!
Mom: Hang on! Daughter, Galatians is BEFORE Ephesians, now I’LL read it! (Mom reads–trying ever so hard to exemplify the fruits of the Spirit–especially the “longsuffering” one!)
Daughter: Hey! That’s not what my Bible says!
Mom: OK, what does yours say?
Daughter: I don’t want to read it!!!
Mom: Just read it, please. (Daughter starts to read) Wait! That’s Ephesians, not Galatians…here is Galatians 5:22. NOW read it. (Daughter reads. Then Mom lets Son read his because, even though the versions are the same, it wouldn’t be fair to let one read without letting the other read too).
Son: (starts singing again) Hey, wait a second…these words aren’t right! What happened to patience?
Mom: Longsuffering is patience.
Son: Longsuffering?? I thought that was being sick a long time!
Mom: Well, it means that even when you must suffer through something for a long time, you are patient and you don’t complain…
Daughter: I’m complaining! I don’t want him to sing that song anymore! (makes a really grouchy face)
Mom: OK, Son, stop singing for a while, please. Let’s draw some pictures about the fruit of the Spirit. SON, STOP SINGING! DAUGHTER, SIT UP and STOP MAKING GRUMPY FACES!!! ARGH!!!!!
Jennifer says
Hey! Have you been spying at my house? Too funny. Great post.
abba12 says
Sounds like they need the unit 😉
Do you have a bible curriculum for this? I often prefer topical studies to chapter studies, a whole unit on each fruit of the spirit would be a fun study for kids I’d think!
Vicki says
LOL! That is soo funny! Sounds like my house.. All. The. Time!!
Anonymous says
This was hilarious! I sympathize! This morning my hubby asked why our documentary on the Greeks was blasting on the computer. Answer:To drown all 6 of them out!! Hopefully they heard/learned a little something!
Amy @ Raising Arrows says
This particular study came from KONOS.
Michelle says
I think you must have been peeking in my windows – LOL. (Except you forgot the 5 yr old pulling at my shirt sleeve going – “Mom? Mom? Mom? Mom?”)
Hang in there! 😉
Sue says
oh, man, Amy, sounds like my house, too! Thanks for the giggles!
~Sue (fiveboys)
Sandi says
I’m glad I’m not the only one doing school like this :o)
What a comical way to share reality!
I am blessed! says
I’ve been reading A Charlotte Mason Companion by Karen Andreola and I love what Charlotte Mason said of the will- that it’s “finely wrought metal beaten into shape and beauty by the repeated action of the will.”
When I see my kids exercise self-control, whether it be holding their tongue and not interrupting a sibling, or finishing a math lesson without allowing themselves to become distracted, or cleaning off their table before running off for free time without being reminded, I am thrilled. Of course, I’m usually frustrated that we just finished reading the Bible and they’ve already completely forgotten the lesson they were supposed to be learning, but every once in a while I see a trace of character forming and it pleases the heck out of me.
Jay -- Arlington Virginia Condos says
Okay, that is waaaay too familiar to my wife and I. so funny! One of our little boys will not stop singing and humming–always at the wrong times. Sharing this post with my wife.
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Christina F says
WOW. It’s so nice to hear a conversation that sounds just like what happens in my house. I have only one child and I feel like I am always fighting to keep some kind of order. Thanks so much for being real and sharing. Very encouraging!!