I was given the name of a ministry that specializes in creating beautiful things to remember your deceased child by. The volunteers for Heavenly Angels In Need create buriel clothes, bracelets, and memory boxes, all at no cost. Although it was hard to ask for it, I really wanted something beautiful to put some of Emmy’s things in. A gorgeous, hand-painted box arrived in the mail today. I have been so blessed by this ministry.
3foldcord says
This is the first time I’ve commented on your blog although I’ve been reading along a few weeks now.>>What a beautiful little box to keep your little girl’s memory alive. This is a lovely idea.
Steven Jenkins says
What a beautiful box! May it be a comfort to you and a blessing as the days go by. (by the way, I’m at http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/deedeeuk if you wanted to say hi! Just realised that you don’t know how to find me. Not that you have to, mind you. I just want to keep coming and encourage you at this time!)
The Morris Family says
Amy,>What a special way to preserve memories with Emily. I know I recieve comfort keeping Joel’s things. May the Lord continue to work his grace and comfort in your heart. I pray for you often!>Cindy Morris (mommy to 3yr Joel who went to live with Jesus Jan. 23,2007)>http://www.weloveyoujoel.blogspot.com
Anonymous says
What a blessing they are doing. That is a beautiful box! You are continually in my prayers!>>In love,>Crystal S.
Brandi says
Aw, that’s so sweet and pretty. Perfect for Emmy’s things.
Michele says
I visit you regularly but am never quite sure what I could possibly say that would comfort, except that I do pray for you & your family. The pictures of your “green dinner” were lovely; you are a beautiful family! If you’d ever like to visit me I’m at http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/hugs4Him… no obligation of course! It’s such a blessing that you’ve had so many wonderful people to help you through this trial; I will continue to pray.
Laney says
Amy,>I had a wonderful time visiting with you on Wed. It was a blessing to see you and your little ones. I do hope we can do it again next time we are up that direction. I am honored to have eaten a bit of that wonderful cake your dd made for your green supper. 😉>>Your box is beautiful. My mom gave me a small wooden chest with Madison’s name carved in it after we lost our daughter. I store our pictures of her along with her blanket and cards from friends and family in it. In some way, it is my small piece of her left here.>>It is nearly 3:00am and I pray that you are sleeping and resting peacefully…I am obviously not.>>Continuing to lift you up daily,>>Laney
Lisa says
Amy, >Just making some blog stops tonight. Emily’s memory box is beautiful. I have been thinking on doing something like that for Aaron too keep a few things in. Your Irish supper looks like it was delicious. I love the Urban Homemaker… just got a new catalog today and was droooooling over all the goodies inside. We continue to pray for you dear sister! In Christ, Lisa
Mel says
Precious! We’re praying for you all. May you continue to know His Everlasting Arms under you, upholding you.>Mel
Jen S. says
What a beautiful box. May it bring comfort to you and your family!>>Blessings and prayers,>Jen(CMOMB)
Christine says
What a precious reminder of your darling baby girl. My family and I are praying for you!
joanna says
we are moving.
today i packed away my matthew david’s memory box.
stillborn february 9, 2000
tomorrow i will pack his sister’s box.
maple clara – late miscarriage at 5 months
october 20, 2013
thank you for sharing your story.