There are days and weeks and yes, sometimes even months when you feel bogged down by the weight of the things in your life. Discouraged and dejected, you keep going the best you can.
The last few days have been like this for me. There have been a couple of events in my online life that have really been discouraging and made me ever so happy to have a God Who loves me, an encouraging husband and a peaceful family in my real world.
The events really aren’t major in the grand scheme of things, but they make me realize when you put yourself out there, you sometimes get hurt. All too often my reaction to persecution is to pull back. Sadly, I am a people-pleaser at heart and you simply cannot please all the people all the time.
I love helping people out. I love helping other bloggers out. I love shining Christ’s love in my tiny corner of cyberspace, but there are days when I’m not so very helpful and I’m not so very shiny. Those are the days I run to the Psalms and remember David and all his many ups and downs, successes and failures.
Discouragement happens. We’ve all lived it. What matters is where you run when it happens. Do you withdraw from it all and hide your head in the sand, do you lash out and live in anger, or do you stand and face the Light.
Today, I stand. I stand and bask in His glory. And I realize the Truth and stay focused and strong, praising Him in the midst of it all.
If you are discouraged today, please let me pray for you. Even if you cannot bring yourself to say why you are discouraged, simply leave a comment and I promise every name that comes through my comment box will be prayed over.
You are loved.
sandy says
We are struggling, again, to survive financially and it looks like I will be getting a job, outside the home. Being a SAHM for the last almost 3 years and homeschoolers I worry how I can do this. Do I have to put them back in public school? It breaks ny heart and I don’t know what to do. We have to survive but I don’t want to fail them. Thank you for your prayers.
Sarah says
Just want to say…I stumbled upon your blog during a time of discouragement. I really felt at peace reading your blog:) You have such a kind, gentle “voice”, and it was a blessing to me at just the right time. Amazing how God works!
Kristin says
Praying for you, Amy. Thank you for the encouragement you’ve been to me.
I’m struggling with wanting more babies and DH not being on board. I know I need to trust the Lord and be content with where he has me right now, but I’m not doing so great with that. 🙁
Cathy says
Yes, feeling very discouraged — can’t get over my “mountains” and feel like there’s just too much and I feel inadequate to do any of it. BUT, your post reminds me that my help comes from the Lord, and I can be still, know that HE IS GOD, and wait for Him. How I feel — shifting sands. Who He is — bedrock! Thank you for this post. Thank you for praying for me. I’ll be praying for you, too.
Bless You!
Maria Alm says
Please pray for my family. Grandpa, my father, is coming today and he is having such a hard time accepting and accomodating our son’s special needs.I also see that the two of them have so much to gain from a closer friendship. Pray that I will chose my words honestly and kindly during his stay …
Praying for you, Amy!
Jenn P says
I’m sorry to hear you have faced some discouragement for putting yourself out there. I too have faced that with my blog as well. I think sometimes when we are shining our Light, satan likes to try and attack us. Praying you are strengthend! I enjoy your blog & the grief support. I am feeling discouraged in regards to my husband, his employment & his attitude. (((hugs))) to you
Jenn P says
Oh wow after I read your post I came across this devotional….
Suanna says
Amy, I like your blog. I’m not discouraged today (yet), but I will pray for you today as well.
Jane says
Thanks for sharing this. I’m also 15 weeks pregnant, exhausted still, and not sure I am homeschool my energetic 5 and 3 yr olds. Feel like I just can’t do it all and thinking about putting the back in school….(which is not what I want to do)… thank you for your prayers!
Katie says
Hi! I remember being in your shoes not too long ago! Take heart! A 5 & 3 year old don’t need formal schooling, consider this a “baby year” and concentrate on around the house learning. I have a 5 year old bright little guy who I am waiting to homeschool until next year. This year we count how many apples I put in the bag at the store, and what color clothes we’re wearing today, etc. I only have 5 children, but I learned quickly that taking easy baby years is a good way to do it! Your kids will learn like crazy whenever and however you teach them! Praying the Lord gives you strength and peace as you move forward this year 🙂
Michele says
Amy, you do so a beautiful job of encouraging others, and I for one am thankful for your blog. As my mom used to tell me, don’t let the turkeys get you down. ;). Hugs and many prayers for your day from VA.
Samantha says
First I wanted to say, thank you for being open and honest about your discouragement. Most people don’t talk about things like this because they don’t want to admit to others that they have a “problem.” I will keep you in my prayers. You have been a great source of comfort and encouragement to me as a mom of 4 and in March to be 5.
As for my discouragement, it has to be that I am weighed down by being the emotional backbone for not only my husband and children, but the rest of my family right now. My grandpa is dying of heart failure and my grandma is a mess. My mom is falling apart because her dad is dying and she’s not taking it well. My husband is facing depression and is needing me to keep positive and build him up. I also start homeschooling my first high school student this year.
All of these things are weighing on my heart and I feel heavy. My face hurts of smiling when I feel like crying. I’ve been spending most of my time in prayer so much so that my kids go searching for me and the first place they look is in my prayer place.
Susan says
Samantha, I will be praying for you. My first one started highschool last year. Yes it is a transition but a good one. She did all of her studies on her own and met with her dad in the evenings. I start my second one this year and that scares me more than the first.
Praying the Lord will ease soem of your burdens and give you the encouragement to know that you are doing this to Glorify Him. It will be a good year.
Also praying for the rest of your family.
Kate @ Modern Alternative Mama says
Well, we’ve had a rough few days. A busy weekend, a baby who hasn’t slept well in four nights and is now sick (he does okay during the day, but coughs and screams all night) and a mama who is pregnant and exhausted. Need a break.
Hoping you find peace soon. It’s hard to put yourself out there and take all the responses. 🙂
Sande says
Hi Amy. I am not feeling discouraged but wanted to tell you I will pray for you. I wanted you to know also you have been a real blessing to me. I love to read your blog and have used your encouragement and great advice in your homeschooling section. We are beginning first grade with my oldest this year and you have helped tremendously! I am encouraged by your family (even if I am just reading about it on a blog), and by your excitement in homeschooling! Thank you for ‘putting yourself out there’. Young moms and new homeschoolers like me need people like you!
Elizabeth says
We have been in a season of hardship for the last 6 years or so. We have lost a lot including being homeless for a short time. I know God sees the big picture and we need to trust Him, but I often feel like just giving up. I’m always waiting for one more thing to go wrong instead of thanking God for how He has provided over the years even with the very hard times we’ve had. Thank you for your prayers. How can I pray for you today?
Saronda says
Amy, I love reading your blog! Even though I don’t have a big family, I have been encouraged by what you have written. Today’s was especially needed! I have barely kept my head above water. The feeling of never accomplishing anything has been overwhelming. I know deep down this to will pass it just seems right now that it will never end. I know the Lord is faithful and I will rest in that today.
I will be praying for you as well.
T says
Thank you – I needed that this morning.
Amy says
I certainly understand discouragement. When my daughter was born 6 years ago, my husband told me he didn’t want any more children. It was HARD. Two years ago, we talked again and he agreed we could have one more, maybe two, since our three kids are so much older. I was so excited! After a year and a half of trying, I got pregnant, but then miscarried at 14 weeks. I have been struggling physically and mentally for the last two months. Why would God allow this to happen? My desire for more children has been unearthed, and it’s so hard to shove it back into my little box labeled “not gonna happen” again. Plus my body won’t get back to normal. I’m still testing positive for pregnancy hormones and have bled for the entire two months. I don’t know what to do. I would welcome any prayers of support, and will gladly pray for you. Facing discouragement can be tough.
hillary smith says
Is your doctor aware you’re still testing positive? It could be a sign of something wrong, perhaps a partial molar pregnancy.
Amy says
Yes. She just has me coming in for tests every two weeks. Apparently since the numbers are still going down it’s ok, but it doesn’t make it any easier to go through.
Kelli says
Thank you for praying over me and I too will pray over you. I am a people pleaser as well and often end up taking on more than I know what to do with….I am also fearful of letting anyone down or dropping the ball…those two qualities often result in me so stressed to the point of not doing what God has called me to do first…..TO BE A WIFE AND MOTHER TO MY FAMILY AND A CHILD OF GOD SHARING HIS LOVE TO OTHERS…..thank you for reminding me to slow down, look at my list of obligations and make sure my priorities are straight. Thank you also for reminding me that I can not let others criticism and opinions alter the direction GOD has for me….have a blessed day!!!!
Tammy says
Your blog entry was exactly what I needed to put my feelings into words this morning. I wrote in my journal this morning, “Lord, I don’t even have the words for how I am feeling right now.” I think discouragement pretty much sums it up! I am weary and I am tired and I feel like I am barely hanging on. Maybe that is the point He has been trying to make to me- I don’t need to “hang on” I need to rest in His hand that is underneath me holding me up.
Thank you for your posts!! While I am just a recent follower I have come to love your posts. I find them encouraging!! You are such a blessing to so many. Thank you!!
LEANN says
I look forward to everyone of your post! You are an encouragment to me as we go through homeschooling and foster/adoption process! I have never left a comment, but just wanted you to know how much I enjoy your blog Keep up the good work!!!
Hannah says
I really appreciated this post today. Although it’s not a struggle for me at the moment, I have really struggled to find the right balance in my life this year and have consequently had some times of real discouragement. When it comes, it seems like for me it’s time to get back to basics…make sure my relationship with Him is right, then make sure my relationship with my husband and children is right next. There are times when being so connected is not a good thing. Although I love it, it can surely be a contentment trap.
Thanks for being willing to write what so many of us have gone through ourselves!
Jenn says
Awww Amy, I can always use extra prayer! I am feeling discouraged and frustrated and sometimes I don’t even know why. It seems that all I ever do is clean, laundry, and my to-do list just gets a few things crossed off then 10 things added. My husband works a ton and I deal with lonliness. I just try to be GLAD that I have a house and family to take care of and to treasure it because when they leave the nest I will miss it. And to focus on heaven cuz I don’t plan on taking my to-do list with me!!! But I will also pray for you, and your discouragement, and thank God for you beacause you are a blessing to us in blogland and your family!!!
Marianne @ Abundant Life says
What a beautiful post! I love knowing that my identity is in Him alone and that He created us with glory and honor! (Psalm 8) God bless you sweet sister. You are a tremendous blessing!
Kacie says
Sorry you’re having a difficult day/few days! The internet can be a source of inspiration AND discouragement and it’s frustrating when it leans that way.
Miranda says
I covet your prayers. I’ve been very discouraged lately, and it’s been so hard to get out of that funk.
Kristin says
Feeling better today, but yesterday was, whoa! Not good. I had a big argument with my sister and her disapproval of the way I choose to parent my children. And she had me rethinking everything I do or have done in the past. But my husband reminded me we answer to God and His Word is our measuring stick, not my sister’s opinion. I just hope she can come around to understanding that we are all different but I love my children and will continue on the path that has worked for them. Thanks for the prayer!
Kristin says
Also, just wanted to say I’ve commited to praying for you and the others listed here today. This is great!
charity says
June 1st marked my first year home to be full time mom and homeschooling. My husband mows and landscapes for a living. There has been no measurable rain since April. Then a major heat wave just baked all plants outdoors. The discouragement of watching our dreams bake in the heat and sun. Now the money is running out and we do not know how we will make rent. We are discouraged.
Kira says
Amy –
I just wanted to let you know that your blog is a source of constant encouragement for me. I read it almost daily, and enjoy reading insights on large family living as well as the spiritual encouragement I find here. I wanted to let you know that I will be praying for you and ask that you pray for me in return. I am struggling with feeling discouraged as well. I desire and feel that my place is at home with my child, but our current financial situation does not allow it as I am the primary income earner. My husband is trying to find a job that will take some of the financial burden off my shoulders and I am dilegently working to reduce our budget and bills so that in the future (hopefully by the time we have another child) it will be feasible for me to stay home or at least only work part time outside the home. I ask that you pray for God’s guidance in our journey as well as for a seed of encouragement to be planted in my own heart.
June says
As I sat down this morning at my computer, in my jammies, I was bumed about the day. The clothes still need to be wahed, still need to be put away. Dishes that need to be washed, put away. Kids still needing to be fed – all AGAIN!! blah! I wasn’t suppose to be able to have children, but my oldest showed up, all on her own without any help. But that wasn’t enough for me, lol, and I just wanted “1 more”. And we tried and eventually got pg, and then miscarried and I said “I’m not doing this again” But my husband said we should try one more time. And then we had triplets! I say it’s my hubbys fault, he says it’s my fault bc I told God “No more”, so he gave us all of our kids at once! But it’s been hard, with no help after the first year! So I’m drowning here and only recently realized that my own mother, with just one child, was a very poor house keeper and a very poor teacher to me! So anyway, I’m sitting here, feeling sorry for myself and I read other’s post and I’m like, “duh, pity party over, snap out of it” ((hugs)) to those of you wanting more babies and they’re not coming. That is SO hard! I honestly wanted more babies afterwards and we tried, but I miscarried and I was like, “NO! I’m not doing three again, lol!” But I do have days when I yearn for a baby, so those of you with babies, snuggle them and enjoy them! God Bless!
Molly says
what a timely, TIMELY post. I went to bed discouraged, woke discouraged, and fight discouragement much of my days. I feel disapproval from my husband and children though I work so hard to be the wife and mom God has called me to be. I often think that if I were more talented, organized, a better cook, better teacher to my children, more doting wife….. then I would not be so discouraged, but alas, the harder I try the more discouragement I face.
Yes…thank you so much for this post! Truly is amazing how God timed this for today. 🙂
hsmominmo says
I am one who gets sucked into that void of discouragement. often. I have to regularly pull myself up by the bootstraps, and continually come back to what and Who I know to be Right and True. Like you, I stand. Sometimes that is all I can do. Sometimes it is enough, and then I can move forward. Thank you for your openness, and willingness to be a prayer warrior.
I must tell you, too, that you ministered to my soul in a very special way, through your posts following Emmy’s death. I, too, was losing 2 of my children, not to death, but in relationship. The pain was almost unbearable, but your words spoke just what I needed to hear. Thank you, my friend.
Angela V says
Amy, Your blog has been an encouragement to me in so many ways, I have been discouraged lately with certain aspects of home life. Your post today is a timely reminder of pastors sermon only two days ago on the importance of prayer. I am praying for you and your family as well as mine today. Thank you for your ministry here.
Naomi says
Thank you for this post.
Bonnie says
Pray for me…as I pray for you! Thank you sister!
Mellisa says
Thank you for your words, your thought and your heart. Most of all than you for the reminder that we have such an amazing God that loves us no matter how boggled down we feel. Thank you in advance for your prayers. Mellisa
Kerry says
I’m a people pleaser as well and am keenly aware of hurts and rejection that have left holes in my heart. My husband and I and our two kids have recently moved 6 states away from family. I am feeling the pain of friendships ‘back home’ that seem to have forgotten about me/us. That combined with being in a new area without relationships, is leaving me struggling to get up off my knees, both literally and figuratively. I am hurt when people don’t reply to emails or texts of what is going on in our new home. I want to tell them I’m lonely but then consider how I would feel if they still didn’t reply. I’m praying for the Lord to work in this time of solitude, to heal those holes and allow me to be strong and reach out to others without fearing their reaction.
I am encouraged by your words today. Thank you.
Tamara says
I find you to be an encouragement through your posts 🙂
I’m feeling discouraged about a loved ones health and about my ability to parent my almost 3 year old with patience and grace, especially since I’m planning on homeschooling.
Meghan Carver says
I have had some difficult online moments recently as well. Sometimes I just want to throw in the towel. Thanks for your prayers, and I’m praying for you as well.
Marianne says
I have the same feelings and it is good to know that we are not alone. We have decided to homeschool our 5 ages 12-4 this year and man every few days I panic!
Did I hear God right am I really supposed to do this? I am not a teacher! I do not do good in MATH it scares me! But that is when I know that only God will get us through this. Thanks for sharing I will be praying for you.
Amie Clayton says
Your posting today was timely. Thank you very much for your thoughts. I, too, am a people pleaser and that hasn’t been working out very well for me recently and I needed just what you posted today. Again, Thank You!
laura says
thank you so much for that post! i definitely feel discouraged and just weighed down by circumstances and daily responsibilities~ there’s just so much to keep up with kids and home, that i can easily allow it to overwhelm me…thank you for praying and i’ll do the same for you!
struggling says
I struggle with life right now. I have five kids and an unsupportive husband. He’s a nice guy but our struggles have brought out some bad habits caused by his dysfunctional childhood. I think I have thyroid problems (no health insurance), we’re low income and homeschooling, and I’ve always tended towards piles of clutter so add all the kids and then homeschooling…….I need help. We’ve been through a lot more than I could mention since I was pregnant with our fourth child. I just wish the ground would stop shaking so I could move on and up…………
SW says
Please pray for me. 🙁 Thank you.
Tonya says
Trying to get everything ready to start school on Monday and despite having done this for many years, I am still overwhelmed and discouraged. Thanks for your post and your prayers!
Sandy says
I have been a SAHM for the last 3 years and we homeschool. Finances are getting hard and it looks like I am going to have to find a job. I hate the thought of putting the kids in PS but not sure how I can do it any other way. My heart is breaking because I know I am meant to be with them. We just see no other way. Thank you for all of your great blogs and thank you for your prayers!!
Tina says
Sending you a private message dear friend.
Rebecca says
Sweet words for a Mama who has had two weeks of discouraging days…thankful to know…others have them…something about thinking others have perfect lives make me want to run and hide…because I don’t live in a perfect world. Thank you,Amy….praying for you.
Whitney Lowry says
Thank you for these words today, Amy. It’s sometimes such a relief to see that I’m not the only one that gets so discouraged – not that it’s a good thing you do.. I think you know what I mean?
Yesterday was the worst day I’ve experienced in a long time. My home was chaos. Every single item my children put their hands on (mostly my twin 5 1/2 year old boys) got thrown across the school room. I couldn’t get them to sit and focus on any work. I couldn’t even get them to sit down and watch a show or movie. It was just… I don’t even have the words to describe what I felt yesterday. I decided in that moment that I was going to send them to public school.
I talked to my husband about it when he got home, and he encouraged me to try again. Change our schedule and add a different structure to it. I told him I couldn’t do it alone, that I needed his help, so he’s helping me tonight.
Today has been a complete 180 – kids helped clean up the school room & have been playing good while I plan out our year. Last night when we were laying down for bed, I prayed specifically with the boys about having a change in behavior, attitude, and learning how to do what mom asks without throwing a fit. (I believe one of my boys has ODD oppositional defiant disorder, and he has major outbursts every time he’s told no or to do something he doesn’t want to do.)
Again, thank you for being encouragement for me. I love your blog. I read it all the time! I will be praying for you today as well!
Andrea says
Thank you.
Honey says
I am sorry you have been discouraged Amy. These crazy on-line relationships can be so weird (and painful) sometimes, ask me how I know 🙂
Praying that God works it all out for His glory.
Linda says
I am a bit discouraged this morning Amy. There are some personal family issues, if you wouldn’t mind praying for my unspoken …that God would work to bring unity…and that hearts will be softened and lives would be changed! Thank you, and God Bless!
Linda Hogeland
Britta Kreps says
Please pray for me. I’m not letting myself be planted where I am. I can only see what I want in the future. It causes me a lot of turmoil both mentally and emotionally.
Stacy says
My friend posted a link of ur blog entry today and it hit exactly what i was feeling. I am so full of anxiety and need peace over the things i cant control no magger the outcome. Thank u
Cindy Belcher says
Your blog has been a great source of blessing and encouragement to me since I discovered it a few months ago! I’m sorry that you are facing a discouraging situation, and I will be praying for the Lord to lift you up. Thanks for sharing your heart as you do on this blog.
Mary A. says
I really needed this today. My mother has offered to come be with us while we prepare for the birth of our (possibly special needs) daughter in the next few weeks, and to watch our other daughter while I am in labor. God bless her- she has wonderful intentions, but her follow through hasn’t always been great. So the prospect of her not coming as planned has been weighing on my already hormonally influenced pregnant mind lately. This was just the reminder I needed to take it to God and leave it there. I appreciate the prayers, and will be praying for you as well!
Natasha says
Some Scriptures that have helped me through my times of discouragement are found in these blog posts: and I appreciate your post. Praising God is the key. I’m always pulled to the Psalms during my times of disappointment as well. Hugs to you!
Josi says
Dear Amy,
“A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.” Proverbs 11:25 This is my prayer for you. You have been generous to us readers and you refresh us over and over. Your turn!! Thank you for your ministry. Don’t underestimate what you do. You bring us wives/moms together and it helps us know we’re not alone and that the Lord has a good plan for each of us. You are appreciated! My discouragement is my back… Many years of pain with ruptured discs. Just spent two weeks not being able to fully stand up. Still believing Jesus for a miracle. Be glorified Lord!
Misty says
Could use lots of prayer today! I am very discouraged! Thank you! I really hate always being overwhelmed and feeling like a failure.
Gina says
Thanks for this, Amy. This was me during the past few days as well, feeling so down and defeated. But God is so good… 🙂
Janice says
Thank you for your post. I write this with a very very heart. Things have been so heavy for the past few months. I’m a homeschool mom of 5 ( ages 8-almost 1). To say my oldest has been difficult would be an understatement. He’s very hard to live with. Things have gotten so bad, that my husband has to take him to work with him. I am very overwhelmed, heartbroken and feeling lost. Even from the Lord right now. My oldest has effected everyones relationship in the house in some way ( even my husband and I). Prayers would be greatly appreciated. I spend most days just crying. Thank you for your prayers today. Blessings and joy.
Dawn@OneFaithfulMom says
We are curently going through the same thing with one of our boys. I am at my wit’s end. He is my fourth child, but I honestly am at a loss as to what to do. I will pray for you and your son and I hope you will pray for me. Just know that you are not alone. This mom of ten is struggling right along with you. Hugs.
danielle @ RLR says
I hate to being nosy and it feels like eavesdropping to even read others thoughts on a post like this…
But I just wanted to encourage you. My oldest went through a VERY rocky moody sour phase around the same age. There were days when I screamed, sobbed, was ready to throw in the towel, told my husband that I couldn’t homeschool him (I’m not proud to admit it but I believe in transparency…which is why I confess that much of this happened IN FRONT of my son). My heart was grieved for me…and for him. Some days he would make me so angry that I feared I might lash out physically and I would either call my husband to take him to work…or I’d send him to his room.
Our youngest has catastrophic special needs and requires so much care that I was literally hanging on by a thread as it was.
My oldest is 11 now and he can still be quite moody. But he has come a LONG way. And by God’s Grace…we still love each other! I think some of it is developmental…and some is just a reflection that we’re all broken and scarred by sin.
I don’t even know where I’m going with this…because to be honest, I stink at advice giving. I just wanted you to know that I “get it”. And I’m praying over your family right in this moment.
Jenni K says
I feel so discouraged as a mom and a wife. I have 8 month old twins that have a cold, so they’re crying at my heels and wanting to nurse constantly, a 23 month old that is testing me at every turn and basically scaling the walls- like only a boy can do and a 3 year old who is feeling the “loss” of attention and trying to get it in any way she can, even if that includes picking on the others…not to mention a husband who works long hours and wants “attention” and a listening ear when he comes home. Sometimes I feel like it is more than I can bear…and I feel so guilty for feeling that way about my blessed life!
Lisa Suit says
We currently live with my parents, to help out with my dad, who has alzheimers. He was a pastor until last August, when he had to retire because of the disease. My mom is unable to work outside of the home to help them with finances, because he cannot handle it when she is not around. I work from home, but only part time (ie very little money) and just had our second daughter on July 1st, so I’m working even less than normal. My husband lost is job in April and has been unable to find anything else, even though he is looking constantly. We have gotten surprise checks, etc, in the mail, which have been total blessings from God that we have used for most of our expenses since April, however, we do not have our rent for the month of August and are in danger of eviction. I know that God is mighty and that He is faithful and He will provide for our needs, but it has been so very hard not to be discouraged and in despair over these last few months, especially now since it seems to be getting worse for us. I would greatly, greatly, appreciate your prayers. (PS-I will be praying more for you now, too,my mom & I have been praying for you & your family every day since your first miscarriage in the Fall)
Michelle s says
Oh I will be keeping you in mind dear, you are doing the right thing and that is normally when we get tried. Hang in there hun, I
am in a similer situation but only with my mother in law.when we got marriedshe had just lost her second husband so instead of being more independent she became very needy…..for everything! Jesus loves a cheerful giver though and sometimes its our lives that we have to give to him wether we see the end or not 🙂
Verna says
I’ve been feeling so discouraged and overwhelmed lately. I have two small children and sometimes training them seems to be an impossible task. I feel like God is calling me to have more children but I just don’t know how to handle it.
Laura W says
I could use some prayer today. Hubby’s on a business trip this week and it has been harder than usual. I just want to give up, but our school year isn’t quite done, and 6 kids can do some real damage to the house if Mom quits!
Kristen says
I am 33 weeks, still nauseous and feeling rather discouraged today as well.
Cindy says
I hope your discouragement lifts soon! I’m praying for you, sweet friend! I love that you’re offering to pray for others at such a time. That’s often the best way to get out from under that dark cloud. If you can remember it when you pray, I’ve got some lost loved ones I’m desperately longing to see saved.
abby says
Thank you for the prayers!
Bonnie says
For my adult daughter Athena who is very discouraged right now. Her and her family moved to MI with no job, no place of their own to live in as they were led by God. They live in the basement of the church, her husband finally found work only to be losing it soon and she can’t find a job either. My grandson ( her son) turns 1 Aug 3rd. They have been blessed over and over again but it’s so hard when she doesn’t know where the next pack of diapers or necessity will come from and I can only help a little.
Dawn says
Well you have helped me in our journey to raise arrows..please don’t give up. I’m preg only 5 weeks ahead of you with our fourth child, and while we knew there would be a fourth “one day” this preg was discovered when my third child was 2m old. I’m struggling to keep nursing while preg, and throughly exhausted. I’m also concerned about supply for my only 7m old baby. 🙁 so when you pray, please pray I will hve milk and energy to be the mommy God has required of me at the moment. You have so inspired me, I will pray for you today as well! Keep raising arrows! We are called!
Sandra at Thistle Cove Farm says
Every since Dave died in November, last year, my Bible verse has been Exodus 14:14. Our 17th wedding anniversary was a week ago Sunday and the ensuing week has been difficult. Your prayers are appreciated and thank you.
Each Sunday, I post Sabbath Keeping and host a Prayer Keeping at post end.
Miranda says
I had something pretty nasty happen to me at the hands of someone close, and since then I’ve been struggling to have the same joy that I usually have in caring for my family. I will be praying for you too; thank you for putting yourself out there, you are such an inspiration to me.
Christa says
Your blog has been such a blessing to me and in turn to our family. I will pray that God will continue to lead you through this discouraging time as you do His work.
I ask for prayer as we grieve with my sister who recently miscarried. God has recently surprised us with baby number five that we didn’t believe we could have. Such mixed emotions of joy and pain. Pray that we can support her through this time.
Also it seems very trivial but I have bronchitus that has moved into my ears and made it very diffucult to hear. As a mom of five it is difficult to not be able to hear my children well and I feel a bit disconnected.
Thank you for giving your readers an opportunity to pray for each other and thank you for your prayers!
Galadriel says
Thank you, praying for you as well.
Traci says
Thank you for this post! I’ve been enjoying your blog for quite a while now but have never commented. I would be honored to have you pray for our family. My husband is a seminary student and we have four children that I homeschool. He works as much as possible but going to school full time has taken it’s toll on our finances. We are in pretty substantial debt but have been convicted about using credit cards. We want to completely stop using credit cards but I don’t know what to do. We’re going in the hole each month. It’s so discouraging to be know that we are doing what God wants us to do but drowning in debt with no help in sight. I admit that I’ve been losing faith lately. When I say the title of your blog, I was so relieved to be able to tell someone! Thank you for your prayers!
Michele says
Oh, Amy, how my heart has been broken today reading of so many facing discouragement and in need of prayers! It can be a lonely world out there and I am afraid too many of us put on a game face and go through the day, never able to share how we really feel or ask for help. How are you is often just a polite question, not a real concern by so many. Can we all vow to not just ask that, but to really care about the answer? Find someone in your area and be the friend someone needs, blessing them and yourself. We women need to take care of each other! I am in Suffolk, va if anyone needs a friend. I would love to listen, encourage and be a friend!
Lori says
I am in need of prayer as we will be starting our schooling in a couple of weeks and I was diagnosed with breast cancer yesterday.
Angela says
I love following your blog – and I can’t tell you what it meant to me to open this up and read this…
To explain everything I and my family need prayer for would be too much for anyone to read right now, lol… But please… Pray for me and my family. We need it desperately and appreciate it… Yes we have ups and downs – just its a lot of downs for us lately, and although we’ve never met I feel the love of God and we humbly ask for prayer. The feeling of being overwhelmed is getting too… Well.. Overwhelming, lol.
May God bless you mightily and may you receive an hundred-fold harvest of all your seed sown 🙂
Angela, Alan and Mr J – 8, Miss I -7, Mr J – 3 and Mr J – born 12/12/11 <3
Sarah says
Been in exactly this for several days now, and just can’t seem to shake it. Thank you for your continuing openness and the prayers.
isha says
1st time mom, 5 mos pregnant. Husband deployed. Feeling alone and depressed and totally disconnected from God. I’ve got my head in the sand.
Lara V. says
Im sorry you are feeling discouraged. I often feel that way too. I have two children and one of them is on the specturm and regressing this week. I lose my patience. I know sometimes it’s not his fault but I let it get the best of me. And I have a high maintenence husband as well. I’m pulled in all directions. Then my daughter needs attention and I snap. This is so not the mother I want to be.
Anonymous says
Amy, so sorry you’ve been feeling like this. life is just plain hard sometimes. If you would pray for me about keeping my sanity, that would be great. I’m due with #8 in 2 wks. and I keep thinking about the upcoming school year. This past one was really hard. I wonder why I got myself pregnant again. Lately, everything seems so chaotic. I wonder sometimes if satan is trying to discourage me, or if God is telling me to be done having children. I’m really confused. Thanks. I’ll pray for you too.
danielle @ RLR says
Oh stop making me cry already!
Stephanie says
Wow. You expressed perfectly what I’ve been going through for the last 4 months, including diving into psalms. Thank you for sharing. Please pray for my family. We are moving due to my husbands relocation & cannot find a home. I just said a prayer for you as well.
Myra says
Dear Amy, Hope that all the replies you receive don’t weigh you down further. You are a real trooper to offer to pray for others. Discouragement comes mostly when we feel that we aren’t in control. And yet that’s when God is begging us to look towards Him. Just having you share honestly about your own life has been such a source of encouragement. Thank you.
Amber says
Discouraged today by an illness that I’ve been struggling with for the last 6 months that has left me unable to sit or stand for long periods of time & unable to care for my 3 young children (4 years, 2 years & 8 months) or go to church. God is faithful & sustaining us but the lonliness & change in my calling as a mama/wife has been very hard to accept. Hoping & praying for renewal of health in the near future but trying to yield it all to the Lord’s plans & mighty provision.
Praying for you often… rejoicing at the little blessing growing in your belly & appreciating your faith through the many trials you’ve walked through.
Christina says
Look at what your discouragement spurred 🙂
Amy says
I know…I have been so blessed to be able to pray for so many others. 🙂
Blair @ The Straightened Path says
After a disheartening dinner with family members I needed this. I was put in a situation tonight where I had to stand for what the Bible says on abortion in front of my young children only to be put down by other family members.
Dana K says
I just got to read this post today. This week’s been a struggle for me, too, being discouraged with some family relationships and considering the possibility of some major changes in our lives concerning location. But, my main thought as I read your post was how much I can relate from my teaching days. I worked really, really hard to give my students the best education I could. I loved helping them. I loved training them for their future careers. I loved encouraging them. Still, there were usually a few students each semester that caused me such trouble. Some were just mean. Really mean. Some tried to get me fired. Some just complained and complained. And it hurt so much that the people I was trying so hard to help could be so vicious.
Hang in there! We make ourselves so vulnerable when we open our hearts to others, be it in sharing our words and thoughts, opening our home, sharing food, or sharing knowledge while teaching. Chad read a book to Clara last night, “You Are Special” by Max Lucado. I needed to hear it more than she did. 🙂 May we encourage each other to always spend time with the One Who Sees Us so that the dots and stars others may put on us don’t stick.
Katherine says
Very discouraged right now
nichole says
thank you for praying for me and my son
GM says
Discouraged by depression, PND, social anxiety, OCD issues and the fear of putting too much pressure on my hubby and of passing on my problems to my son. Clinging to the cross. Praying for you and yours Amy. GM
Andrea Maddiex says
Thank you, I needed this today. It is my real world that is burying me in discouragement.
nancy youree says
pray for me – I prayed for you too