Huge list of FREE (and not free, but worth it!) Advent devotionals and resources to share with your children this Christmas season!

If you are looking for advent devotionals to share with your children this Christmas season, this list is sure to give you plenty of ideas! I’d also encourage you to get my Holiday Homeschool Christmas Planner for more ideas, plus a great way to plan and preserve all your holiday memories!

Family Advent Readings and Activities
Celebrate Jesus with a Jesse Tree from Feels Like Home
Beyond the Nativity – Advent Devotional with Nativity Art Study (would be great for Christmas School!)
Christmas Adventure Box – blog style Advent readings and activities
Good Morning Girls Advent Study from Women Living Well
Focus on the Family’s Yearly Free Advent Devotional for Kids
Reasons for the Season – this devotional is simple, but powerful and great for little kids!
The Advent Jesse Tree – this was suggested to me by a friend, and I wasn’t disappointed! It includes devotions for children and adults and is an Amazon Bestseller.
Unwrapping the Greatest Gift – This is our nightly routine during the Advent season – read the book, hang the ornament, eat a piece of candy. And last year, we began reading Day 25 before opening gifts on Christmas morning – it really helped to keep our focus on Christ and slow down our morning.
A fun addition to this would be the Advent activities from The Homegrown Preschooler blog that match each day of this devotional! (note: you will have to search the blog for each day. The link above is for Day 1.)
You can also purchase The Greatest Gift for yourself to use during your Quiet Time!
Advent Reading Plan from Not Consumed
Family Advent Guide from Lifeway
2012 Jesse Tree Advent Devotional from Tired, Need Sleep (adjust for current year)
Advent Blessings from Raising Arrows (explanation of how we use these can be found here)
Advent Boxes from I Can Teach My Child
Advent Coloring Book Pages from Ministry-to-Children
Names of Jesus Paper Chain from Spell Outloud (you can also find ornaments here) I also really like the Advent Devotional Unwrapping the Names of Jesus by Asheritah Ciuciu:
Every Good & Perfect Gift from Proverbial Homemaker – help your children to focus on Christ’s birth and not on material gifts this season!
Proverbial Homemaker also has a couple of fun Christmas-themed Bible Brick Challenges where your child uses Lego® blocks to either tell the story of Jesus’ birth or work through the ornaments associated with the Jesse Tree devotional. Both of these include a devotional to share along with coloring pages and other fun activities!
Need help planning for Christmas?
For many years, I used the 12 Week Holiday Planner to plan our holiday gift giving, menus, decorating, etc. It makes me smile every time I pull it out. While the preparations begin in October, you could definitely benefit from starting now.
It is a comprehensive plan for the holidays
that helps you simplify your days, so you can enjoy the season.
Melk the Monkey – not a free devotional, but one worth mentioning! Like Elf on a Shelf, but way less creepy (and way more Christ-centered!).
This is the monkey we ordered to go with the Melk book:
Jesse Tree Readings, 3-D Ornaments, & Resources from Catholic Icing
Nature Study Through the Holidays from Our Journey Westward
This is a totally different take on Advent and we LOVE it! Full of nature study ideas that point to Christ, this has been a family favorite for years!

Bible Verse Advent Cards from Happy Home Fairy
Kids’ Advent Devotional from
Need a Kid Friendly Nativity Scene?
The PLAYMOBIL Nativity Set has been a family favorite for many years!
If you are looking for a set with chunkier pieces (for little hands),
I highly recommend the Little People Christmas Story Set
(We keep ours under the Christmas Tree to discourage the little ones from playing with ornaments!)
Don’t miss the FREE Family Christmas Eve Service (this is what we use every year to celebrate Christmas Eve!)
Have a blessed Christmas!
Josi says
Amy, thank you so much for inspiring me to be more intentional this Christmas! I didn’t do the Christmas planner like you do but I have really gotten excited about carving out time with my kids along the way leading up to Christmas. I have already been reading short Christmas stories while the kids eat lunch. I ordered a Christmas devotional that I’m excited to do as a family. Also, I looked over some of the links you posted for the Advent boxes and want to put them together this week. Way to go on your bags! I can just feel the excitement! I bet your kids are busting at the seams with anticipation. I’m sorry to hear that you have been sick. You’re such a trooper. So thankful your clan works together as a great team!
Amy says
Good for you! The children really do look forward to this time of year (so do I)! Have a blessed Christmas!
Stacy @ A Delightful Home says
Thanks for sharing these great resources for Advent. And thanks for hosting the link up!
Lori Duncan says
The Truth in the Tinsel sounds like lots of fun!! Have you ever read Jotham’s Journey or any of the other 2 books by Arnold Ytreeide? They are so good!!! He even has one for Easter.
Nikki says
Thanks for the links! I’ve been wanting something to do with my children for Advent, but I had no idea where to start looking. I’ve already printed one out, and it’s waiting for Advent to start.
Rebekah says
“Farmer Boy” is my favorite LHOP story too. I read it year round whenever I get a chance just so I don’t forget how it feels to read a book while I’m waiting for my babies to be school-agers. My mother used a LHOP curriculum for homeschooling when I was younger. She also used McGuffey’s Readers and an old-fashioned Mathematics series that I can’t remember the name of right now 🙁
Here is a link for a LHOP curriculum – I believe it is the same one Mother used.
Amy says
We have the Prairie Primer and love it! I wonder if your mother used Ray’s Arithmetic? It’s an oldie that goes well with McGuffey’s. 🙂
Jessica Wolstenholm (@graceformoms) says
Thanks for this list. I can’t wait for my kids to be a little older to start using the Jesse Tree devotional. We have a free advent resource on our site as well. Something I put together for the littler ones.
Thanks for sharing all these great links!
Stacey says
Thanks for sharing these great links! We have a 3 and 5 year old, and we’ve really been enjoying the free advent devo put out by Thriving Family (Focus on the Family) – it’s called Knowing Him By Name. Each day we talk about a different name of Jesus and what that teaches us about HIm. It’s very simple yet has led to some great, thought provoking discussions for our littles – and encouragement for the adults!
Tricia @ SweeterThanSweets says
Thanks so much for linking to my Advent Calendar in your post. Just saw that a lot of traffic came from you. I appreciate it!
Amy says
You are so very welcome! 🙂
Jennifer says
We’ve been enjoying Ann Voskamp’s Jesse Tree Advent Calendar this year! It’s a pop up paper tree with a new ornament to hang each day to go with each short children’s devotional. We got it on Amazon. Thanks for all the fantastic suggestions as usual!