We eat a lot of Mexican food here. It’s often an easy meal that requires few ingredients. I’ve never been one for using those little packets of Taco Seasoning you buy in the store, but I do like to add some sort of seasoning to the ground beef we use to make our Mexican dishes. This usually consists of chili powder and cumin, salt and pepper, but I was never satisfied with the taste (especially when the kids did the cooking/seasoning!).
I ran across a taco seasoning recipe on Pinterest that was just about right, but as always the portions were WAY too small. I don’t want to mix up seasoning EVERY time I cook!
After a few tweaks, Ty has declared this DELICIOUS – so, here’s our adapted recipe in bulk form!
Bulk Taco Seasoning
4 Tablespoons chili powder
9 Tablespoons paprika
3 Tablespoons cumin
2 tablespoon onion powder
2 tablespoon salt (we REALLY like RealSalt)
5 teaspoons garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon cayenne or ground red pepper
Mix well and store in a sealed container. I just use an old seasoning container with a “new” handwritten label.
I like to just shake it on the meat and eyeball it, but if you want to be super scientific, use about 4 tsp per 1 pound of ground beef.
Quick Note: I try to only use 2 lbs of hamburger for our family of 9 no matter what the dish is, and I only made the transition from 1 lb to 2 lbs a couple of children ago. This is just one way to save money when you are cooking for a large family.
Speaking of large families…
My ebook Large Family Homeschooling is part of the Build Your Bundle Sale coming NEXT WEEK! There is still time to enter to win $100 toward building your own homeschool bundle!
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Kelsey says
Ooh, thank you for this! The store stopped carrying my previous brand of Taco seasoning and every one we’ve tried since has given my husband and one of my sons an allergic reaction. Poor guys have been eating their beef plain lately. Perhaps if I can make it from scratch, we can leave out whatever’s bothering them.
Amy says
Wow! I wonder what is giving them a reaction? These are pretty simple ingredients, so even if you do see a reaction, you should be able to figure it out pretty quick. Although, it’s probably something “not so natural” doing it. Let me know if they like it! 🙂
Jennifer G says
Can’t wait to make my own taco seasoning. I love using leftover taco meat with scrambled eggs in the mornings. It gives them a chorizo flavor. I do have a question about your recipe. I do not like cumin, if I leave it out, would the rest of the measurements remain the same or would I need to adjust them?
Amy says
I’d just leave it out. It should be just fine. 🙂
Rebekah says
So, I’m curious! You said you switched from 1lb of beef to 2lbs recently for your family of 9. I was blown out of the water when you said 2lbs for your family of 9! I use 2lbs for our family of 5, so I could probably switch down to only 1lb; but my question is how? Are you talking side dishes along with tacos, or are you talking about adding beans/onions to stretch the meat a little further?
Amy says
Yes! (I think I’m going to have to do a post on this since I’m getting emails about it – lol) But, the short answer is, bulk up with sides and when you can, the actual meat dish you are making. In something like quesadillas and things like that, we start everyone out with the meat ones and then make cheese only to fill them the rest of the way up. There is usually rice, or a salad, or even just bowls of olives and such sitting out. We encourage them to add sour cream, salsa, lettuce, cheese, beans to bulk it up too. In chili and stews, we rely on the beans and other veggies for the bulk. (ok, that wasn’t a short answer 😉 )
Kate says
I had the exact same question- two pounds for nine people -how? I make five pounds for two nights for four people (one of my three kids does not eat ground beef or turkey). Now, my “kids” are all adults, but even with sides the two men can eat at least a 1/2 to 3/4 of a pound each. I’d love to hear more about how you stretch meat. Do you think the quantities will change as your kids ( especially your boys) get older? Thanks!
Debbie says
That is a lot of meat. Now to be fair my 12 year old, who is just hitting puberty and a mayor growth spurt is eating 2 hamburgers at times right now. If they are doing a lot of physical work more protein may be needed by their bodies but meat is not the most cost effective choice. I am bulking up my ground meat recipes with lentils. Home cooked ones are a similar colour to the meat and they blend right in. Eggs are also a great economical protein source. How you serve the meat also important. We really like sausage in our house but it is costly. Tonight we had perogies and I sliced the sausage on the diagonal and fried it. Those 2 sausages went a lot farther. My kids also know to ask how many pieces each and once it’s gone it’s gone.
Kate says
It comes out to 2.5 lbs per meal. Both my husband and son are 6’5″ and my girls and I are between 5’10” and 6′. i feel like 1/2-3-4 of meat for the guys and 1/2 a pound for the girls is okay, but now you have me worried! We use 97% lean ground turkey, so I’m not worried about fat intake. We eat about 3dozen eggs a week too. All of us are really active too (runners), I wonder if the size of the people in my family is the issue! Being tall is expensive -special clothes, more food, etc.! 🙂
Amy says
Kate – My boys are 16, 8 (hefty eater), then 5 and down. So, yes, this could change when all those boys are teens. I’ll do a post to explain more about how we do it. 🙂
Debbie says
I have been meaning to get back to this for a long time. Anyway, Kate, I would consider increasing the amount of fat for your family. Considering your family is active I wouldn’t worry about it. Remember that the brain is 60% fat so our bodies really do need fat. We are a tall family too, my oldest son is 6’6″. I have actually switched to whole milk as well since our bodies absorb the nutrients better from whole milk.
As well it is common to not eat enough produce in Canada the teaching is half of your plate should be produce 1?4 protein and the rest carbs.
Good luck keeping everyone in pants 😉
shantzfamily says
thank you!!! this one sounds awesome!
Kori says
Thanks! This has the same ingredients for the recipe I have been using, but the ratios are different. I will be trying yours. Also, I really like to add oregano to mine.
Amy says
Hmmm…never thought about oregano!
Danielle B says
I make the meat stretch by adding tomatoes and black beans.
Marybeth S says
I add cooked lentils to our ground beef. They have no taste and are tiny so they blend in.My son that won’t eat beans or peas has no idea they are there.this adds cheap protein and fiber to any meal.
June says
Thank you for the Bulk recipe, I was just too lazy to figure it out myself, lol. Try Smoked Paprika with it (I got mine from Penzys) It gives a WONDERFUL smokiness to whatever dish your cooking!
Chris Waughtal says
I have always bought in bulk at our local bulkfoods store, but since I have all the ingredients on hand, I may as well make my own too!!
Thanks for doing the math:)
Sometimes, its just easier to have it done for you!!
Jana Brown says
I have been mixing my own taco seasoning as needed, but that sure adds extra steps to my cooking dinner. So thankful for your post. I just mixed up a big batch and filled two empty spice jars. WooHoo! Thanks Amy!
JES says
Thank you for sharing this with us at Strangers and Pilgrims 🙂