Make your home run smoothly with methods that fit your family. No two families are alike, so stop believing you are doing it all wrong and start implementing systems that help you manage your specific home!
General Homemaking Information
Does it Matter When I Wake Up?
Cleaning the Kitchen
My Favorite Homemade Cleaner {only 3 ingredients!}
How to Keep the Kitchen Clean (includes printable & time-lapse video!)
Can a Large Family Have a Minimalist Kitchen? (with kitchen tour part 1)
Cleaning the Bathroom
Bathroom Cleaning Chores for Kids (and mom too!)
Large Family Laundry Solutions (not just for large families!)
Cleaning Routines
One Day Home Blessing – pick a day and do your major cleaning chores on that day.
Chore Board – Every morning, write down the chores that need to be done.
Day of the Week Chores – Each day of the week, you tackle one major chore.
Cleaning with Kids Podcast Series:
Homemaking while you Homeschool
It can be difficult to keep your home clean while you homeschool, but it’s not impossible!
READ >> How to Balance Homeschooling and Homemaking
Need help managing your home or finding a good schedule?
Check out my ebook!

Quick Tips to Keeping It Clean
15 Minute Tidy – The way to quickly pull your home back in order.
Teach your kids to clean!
Get my FREE Home Management Training Checklist! This will not only help you train your children, but it will also help you work your way through homemaking basics! GET IT HERE!
Decluttering Room by Room – A simple way to declutter every room in your house by dividing them into sections and spaces. Includes a free workflow template!
The charts, schedules and posts listed below are a conglomeration of things we have used over the years and not reflective of what we are currently using. Managing your home is an ever-changing thing because your circumstances and situations change regularly. What you see below is meant to give you ideas and a starting point to creating something that works for you and for your household.
Blessings, Amy
Home Management using Binders
How I use binders to organize my household.
Morning Chores
These are the chores required of each child (and mom) prior to breakfast.
Weekly Chore List
This is a list of the household chores we do Monday-Friday.
One Day Home Blessing
Our new method of cleaning in one day!
Table Chores
Chores that are to be done after each meal.
Habit Chart
We use these charts whenever the children are learning a new task or schedule.
School Schedule Template
Template that goes along with Part 1 of the series on How to Set Up a School Schedule.
Monthly Menu Planning Calendar
Once a Month Shopping Master Grocery List
Read the OAMS Shopping Series!
Our 2011 Daily Schedule
{in case you need a little guidance}
Greet the Morning Checklist
for Mom