Over the years, how we homeschool has changed as we’ve changed in our philosophy and style. One of the biggest changes has come in the area of how we school Preschool and Kindergarten.
I began homeschooling when my oldest was 4 1/2. I sat him down at the table with a long and involved (and rather teacher-intensive, I might add) curriculum and purposed to teach him to read within 2 months or else. We made every craft, took every field trip, and read every book that curriculum suggested. By the end of the year, he was reading and
I was exhausted.
However, my next child threw me for a loop. She’s the polar opposite of my oldest and so I figured I would wait to school her until she showed more readiness. However, one day she announced she could read the word “office” (and every other word for that matter) and we realized teaching her was going to be an absolute mystery. She still just suddenly learns things and hates having someone actually “teach” her.
As I added 3, then 4, then 5 (and more!) kids to the mix, I’ve learned that every child is different, and every child needs a different pace, but one thing they all have in common is that they need to learn to love to learn!
Related Post: How Many Hours Does it Take to Homeschool?
I often use the term Playful Homeschooling in our home. It’s education through play. This is one of the best ways for small children to learn and enjoy the process of learning! For some children, Busy Bags or Toddler Boxes or a few props like the ones below are all they need.
However, there are other children, like my Creed, who need a lot more hands on and focused attention to really thrive. So every afternoon is his time for preschool! We use a curriculum that is right along my philosophy of education for little ones – A Year of Playing Skillfully.
Learn more about how I occupy my little ones and more about this fun curriculum in this VIDEO >>
Have a lot of littles? Need help managing their time and yours? You need my book!
So Many Littles, So Little Time
Now, let’s talk a bit about organization for little ones! Over the years, we have done many different things for organizing our homeschool. Look through them all and decide what would work best for you right where you are now!
Homeschool Organization for Preschool and Kindergarten
CRATE METHOD – also known as Modified Workbox System
Each child has a black crate with their name on it. The crate contains their books, their pencil box, and a folder with each subject velcroed to it. I like to use these velcro dots.
The preschooler’s crate has 1 coloring book and his pencil box which contains washable markers, 2 fat pencils, fat crayons, glue stick, and preschool scissors
, along with one of his Rod & Staff ABC Series workbooks.
The kindergartner’s crate contains her assignment folder with 1 math sheet and 1 handwriting sheet tucked inside, her reading book (Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons), and her pencil box with the same contents as the preschooler’s. {NOTE: We have since switched to Phonics Museum for Reading. Read my Review of Phonics Museum!}
On the outside of the kindergartner’s folder are these velcro tabs:
As she completes each one she moves the velcro tab from the outside of her folder to her chart on the pantry door.
Her completed worksheets go back in the folder and the folder goes into the COMPLETED box where I can check them and reload them each night.
(This system began as a modified Workbox System for large families that I found at Peace Creek on the Prairie blog. I have since modified it even more to fit my family’s needs and preferences.
Related post: Large Family Workbox System
This is a very simple method of keeping track of books and supplies for each child – just put them all in one crate, tote, shelf, whatever!
Find more Simple Homeschool Organizational Ideas HERE!
Once our children start to show interest in doing “real” school and can sit long enough for 30 minutes or so of seatwork, we start bringing out a few workbooks. Below are some of the workbooks we use and have used, but whatever you choose, go with something YOU can live with! Everyone is always looking to accommodate each child, but if you HATE the curriculum or can’t seem to make it work, it’s going to be 10x more frustrating and miserable!
Workbooks for Preschool and Kindergarten
My kindergartner has only 2 workbooks – Horizons Math – K and A Reason for Handwriting – K. She uses an assignment folder to keep her on track for the week. I pull out the pages from the book and put them in her folder. You can read more about this method HERE.
My preschooler has a coloring book (the $1 kind from WalMart) and one of his Rod & Staff ABC workbooks. He is working through one book at a time and only a couple of pages at a time.
Schedule for Homeschooling Preschool and Kindergarten
I hesitate to even call the way we school our littles a “schedule”, but for lack of a better term, this section describes the basics of what their “school day” looks like. It is important you read my post on letting your preschool children play as part of their curriculum and also how many hours it takes to homeschool.
After everyone finishes chores, we begin school. Usually that means everyone starts in on their workbooks. The bigs do their independent work while I work with the kindergartner on her 1 math sheet and her 1 handwriting sheet. Occasionally, one of my older children helps her if I am busy with baby or finishing up in the kitchen. My preschooler works at the table alongside everyone else cutting and coloring and gluing his coloring book. (yes, I allow my preschooler to cut AND glue)
After the kindergartner finishes her workbook lessons, she and the preschooler and I move to the couch to read. They love this time and I cherish the snuggle time I get with them. Usually we begin with Leading Little Ones to God, followed by child-friendly books I’ve gathered from various book lists (more on those sources in a bit). By the time I am finished reading to them, the preschooler has had enough of sitting still and goes off to play. At that time, I do 1 reading lesson from 100 Easy Lessons
with my kindergartner.
That marks the end of anything resembling formal schooling. It takes about 30 minutes from start to finish.
Life Lessons for Preschoolers and Kindergartners
Here’s where the true schooling takes place. My littles spend copious amounts of time with me in the kitchen, outside, and on the couch. We cook, measure, talk ingredients and life while we work in the kitchen. Outside we make contraptions from rope and buckets, build campfires, read, and explore nature (yes, there is nature in the city!) On the couch we cuddle and read and read and read. Life is a running dialogue with God’s awesomeness at the center of it all.
Related post: What Life Skill Activities Count As School?
You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.
Deuteronomy 6:7
Now, for the book list sources I promised to talk about.
I’m a book junkie…a bibliophile, if you will. Since I was in grade school, I’ve made lists of books I would someday read. I still have some of those lists!
Related post: List of Must-Read Books Before a Homeschooler Graduates
For my littles, I use lists from several different sources. Here are a few of those sources:
1. Honey for a Child’s Heart
2. Old Fashioned Education book list
3. Ambleside Online book list
4. The Well-Trained Mind resource list
6. Five In A Row Series List
It’s very easy to use lists like these. Simply take the list to your library and find several of the titles listed. As you read them to your children, check them off the list. Also, don’t forget to engage your child as you read…point out things in the pictures, ask questions, have them tell back to you what you read. You will quickly see a LOVE for reading develop, and reading opens all sorts of doors because books can be about so many different subjects. (Read about how to make read-aloud time peaceful.)
As you can see, homeschooling preschoolers and kindergartners need not be daunting and scary. Grab some good books, find a place to curl up together, and enjoy each other’s company. There really is very little extra they need.

If you’d like to read more about how we homeschool, be sure and visit The Homeschooling Mother page of this site.
Angela says
This is helpful, Amy! Thanks for sharing. I would say that my oldest is the kind of sponge who suddenly and unexpectedly gets you wet. He doesn’t like to learn “on purpose,” but he never fails to surprise me by how much he knows. He will turn 4 in March, so I’m starting to give some thought to what homeschooling a preschooler will look like. It does seem a little daunting to me right now, I must admit; so I appreciate your encouragement that it doesn’t have to be scary!
In Christ,
joelle says
I do not comment often, but I regularly read your blog. So, I thought I would stop by and say that I really enjoy reading your posts.
Kristy says
You do make it seem so much less scary than I make it out to be. Even though my children are in school, I do think in another life – I could have done this. It sounds wonderful to me. If only I had known anything about homeschooling at the time my oldest started school. I didn’t, nor did I know a homeschooling mom at the time. And here I am now.. My husband wants to retire after 20 yrs in the military – and we decided (and I believe God called) me to go to college to pursue nursing. But I still wonder, could I do it all? Could I work it out, me in college and them home, being homeschooled? And sadly, I don’t see how I could. However, if God leads me to – especially with my little one, I will do it. He will make the way.
Blessings to you and yours!
Kate Holley says
I am very interested to know if you chose to honeschool.
seemommysew says
What a great post! So far I only have preschool/kindergarteners. Thanks for the great advice! I can see myself inplimenting several of your ideas. 🙂
Sandi says
Loved this post. Not much time right now but my first two are similar to your description. I thought I knew what I was doing umtil my second child came along LOL!
The wringing out analogy is so dead on.
Amy @ Raising Arrows says
Ah yes! The Five in a Row list! Must add that! Thanks!
Fruitful Harvest says
Hi Amy~
Great post!
We homeschool much the same way….in the kitchen and outside. We let each day unfold natually….we don’t force it!
I love your crates and the velcro tag system….very orgainzed.
Heart2Heart says
I think you have provided some great tips that other home school moms can use. The best advice, do what works best for you and your kids and remember why you chose to home school them in the first place. Remember that there will be days where you seriously question whether home schooling them was the right choice. Trust me, it is!
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Peggi says
We used the workbooks from Explode the Code for reading. My daughter started in the very first books, I think they are Before the Code. I loved them and so did she. They teach letter recognition, sounds, and some listening skills. I was so happy that I found them, they were easy to use and the kids loved them.
MolleenCarie says
Love your book lists, Amy! I’m sure between them all you’ve got the Before Five in a Row list covered. Those books are always so good. 🙂
Camille says
What a great post! I am sure you are an encouragement to many! I am past the “preschool and “kindergarten” stage, but some things you are doing would be useful for the higher grades. I have found that it is a process and you grow with it…certainly much less “daunting” than i used to believe. We began schooling our children at home when we had children in grades 6,4,2,and a preschooler…this is our fourth year.
Amanda Sikes says
Thank you for this post. I read here all the time but seldom comment. This year I am homeschooling ny oldest (2nd grade) and my second (K) while I have a three year old and a 1 year old. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the file folder idea and will be implementing that as soon as possible. Thanks for such a great idea.
Angie @ Many Little Blessings says
Fabulous post! It’s so important to remember how very much this age child picks up just by BEING and DOING. Thanks for sharing this!
Erica says
I just discovered your blog and I’m starting to homeschool my 2 and 4 year old in the fall (Pre-K and K). Your description sounds SO EASY! I think I’m wigging myself out by overthinking things.
Thanks for the tips and I look forward to reading more of your blog.
Mrs. Incredible says
Love it! I also home school my kids. I get a lot of my ideas from my aunt who home schools my cousins who are now in HS.
My oldest is doing 3rd grade and loves to read. My daughter is doing 1st grade and I am about to start preschool for my 3 yr old who is too anxious to wait until next year.
I am glad that you posted this because while my aunt is very helpful on choosing curriculum, she is not at all organized. I am more of an organized person and you have got some great ideas.
Thank you again for the post and God Bless you and your beautiful family.
Leah Killian says
Now this is a method that could work at my house! Finally!
It’s ridgid without being restrictive, demanding w/o harping.
Kara says
I just stumbled across your blog! This was so timely and needed for me.I have a 2.5 year old who is learning new things every day and have been racking my brain about what to do “next year” for school! This reminds me that it doesn’t need to be hard and I don’t need to make it that way!! Thank you!!
Ryan says
Amy, this is a great look into the world of how you teach your young ones! Thanks for sharing this.
Ryan (from Alpha Omega Publications)
Kimberly Dawn Rempel says
Hi! Came across your blog from Heart 2 Heart. I appreciate this article. I’m mom to a 4 and 3 year old, and we’re basically ‘doing’ preschool … whatever that looks like… Totally no schedule. At all.
I look forward to reading more!
Rebecca says
Hi Amy!
I am researching 2 types of curriculum and looked for some guidance from you. I am looking at Spanish for high schoolers (I know you do Latin but I thought I would look around on your site for info.) and handwriting for my kindergartener, who is more on a 1st grade level than K. I am looking at the Reason for Handwriting First Grade level. Are you still using that series? Any pointers? I know this is an old post but I hope you get some kind of notification about new comments on these things!
Amy says
I really like A Reason For HW, but when we went Phonics Museum, I didn’t want to overdue the handwriting since it was part of the phonics program. My oldest daughter uses Rosetta Stone for Spanish and we are very pleased with results.
Cathy says
THANK YOU!!! I was beginning to stress out and think I was about to completely screw up my child (kindergarten, starting HS next week). So glad to see that it doesn’t have to be uber structured.
Jessica says
Thank you for your tips and summary of a normal “school” day. I am a very proud homeschool graduate that is preparing to start teaching my own children. My daughter is 3 so I am really interested in what parents are doing for preschool. Thanks again for the wonderful ideas!
Jennifer says
Thank you! This really helps me feel less overwhelmed about homeschool organization. I’ve been intimidated by all the terms like “workbox system” and “lapbooks”. But crates I can do!
Gabrielle says
Thank you for this website! I just stumbled here in my search for homeschooling resources. I’m starting to (more formally) homeschool my oldest this fall – she will be starting kindergarten and this is very very helpful! I have to admit I was getting a bit nervous about the whole thing 🙂 I will be checking here often for your wisdom!
Jenny says
How did you decide to move from “100 Easy Lessons” to “Phonics Museum”? We have “100 Easy Lessons”. I have been working through it with my 4 year old. We got half way and now she hates it. She is still very interested in literacy. LOVES to be read to, always draws letters and asks how to spell things so she can write them, asks what things say. So, the interest is there, but the curriculum got too hard too fast or something and now seems overwhelming to her. I hesitate to invest in an expensive curriculum just to be disappointed again. I was thinking about just getting “BOB books” from the library and trying that system for a while. Do you have advice on this? She is my oldest, so I have no previous experience.
How do you determine what level of math to use? I just looked at the few pages on line from the K-Horizons curriculum. It looked too easy for her. But I imagine it gets harder the further you go on. The first few lessons in the first grade looked like something she could do. But again, I know it will get harder and I don’t want her to feel overwhelmed by that too. But also don’t want her to be bored. Lots of trial and error when you get started?
Why did you use a separate writing curriculum? Does the phonics museum not include writing? “100 Lessons” does, but if we don’t continue with that then may need to get something else.
This is really helpful. Thank you so much for posting. I hope to hear back from you.
Amy says
Hi! I’ll try to answer all your questions.
1. We moved to Phonics Museum because we would get to lesson 30 and the kids were sick of it. I was sick of it. And it just didn’t seem to be what we needed.
2. BOB books were not a good fit for us. My kids spent so much time guessing what the words were, they weren’t really learning to read.
Here is my review of Phonics Museum: https://raisingarrows.net/2012/08/teaching-your-child-to-read-with-phonics-museum-a-review/
3. Level of math – we just started with Kindergarten and moved on from there. There are concepts that children need to start with in order to build on to. The early lessons are going to be easy.
4. There is writing in involved in Phonics Museum, but I felt we needed a bit more.
Hope that helps!
Tahira s. says
I not only have used “100 easy lessons” in a home setting but was trained on the school version of this program as a para (teachers assistant). We were told that the first thing we needed to know about this program was to never move forward with the next lesson till the child understood the lesson he/she is working on 100%. Sometimes (when working with students who had special needs) we would do the same lesson 3 or 4 days in a row before moving on to a new lesson. Also you can tell what days they are ready to work and for how long. Some days we only did half a lesson. Some days nothing. Some days two lessons… just depended on the child’s mood, my mood, the child’s understanding, and sometimes the stars aliening ;). I also always added extra fun stuff… like flash card memory games, reading b-i-n-g-o, or something art related (to the story). Some days all we did was the fun things. If young children don’t find it fun it doesn’t matter what the curriculum is they will not like it.
Angela T says
I am looking for some advice on curriculum. I have all “littles” and feel overwhelmed. I have an 8 yr old in 3rd (My Father’s World), and I need to do K with my 5 yr old. Under them I have a 4, 1 and new baby coming in 3 months. What do you suggest for K that will focus on reading, writing and math and yet not add too much stress? What should I do with my 4yr old who wants to be involved, but tires often of being told what to do?
Thank you for your advice!
Amy says
For your 4 yo, the Rod & Staff workbooks I mention here are great! For your Kindergartner, I suggest just 30 minutes a day working on phonics and math. Most phonics programs incorporate handwriting.
Tahira s. says
There are two “curriculum” I like for very young children (if you can call them that). The first one is Brain Quest Workbooks. This is an all-in-one simple workbook. I like it because it is both all in one, simple, and brightly colored. There is not too much on one page and it is entertaining enough to keep a child’s attention for a little while. If you present them with their own Pr-l/K book in a way to give them a seance of pride and ownership they will be more excited to do a page or two each day. We are the ones that make it fun and exciting! If we act like it is the most exciting thing ever to do a page of their workbook then they are much more likely to enjoy it then if we come in with a tired or “do we have to do this again” attitude… 😉 but I bet you knew that! 😀 https://www.workman.com/brands/brain-quest
Secondly I like “busy preschool book”! This great books gives you tons of hands on learning activities put into subject categorizes. These activities are usually short, use materials around most peoples homes, always hands-on, and fun! Check it out here: https://www.amazon.com/Preschoolers-Busy-Book-Creative-Activities/dp/0671316338/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1487955449&sr=8-5&keywords=365+preschool
At these young ages it is not complected. Doing a page or two of any good workbook, a hands on activity or two with mom, lots of reading, and lots of play (especially outside) and you have created the best environment of learning any child could ask for. Learning at this age is more about feeling loved and enjoying the idea of learning than any thing else!
Audrey says
Thank you for writing this. I have a child who will be starting kindergarten this fall. Since deciding to homeschooling, kindergarten and 1st grade are the two grades I have been the most terrified of teaching. Or, more pprecisely, terrified of teaching reading. I love you review of Phonics Museum, and think we’ll be trying it this fall.
Selena says
I will be homeschooling my 5 year old starting with kindergarten this year and reading this makes me feel so good about my choice. What you do is wonderful. Thank you for sharing.
Curt and Marie says
Thank you so much for sharing your experience. We are raising our Granddaughter Taylor, she is 5 and We are lost in a sea of curriculum offers and on line programs that are little more than games. I (curt) am retired from the military and have taught high school for the past 6 years. Seeing what a disaster today’s education system is, my wife and I decided Taylor needed a spiritual based home school that focuses on this country’s history and a respect for family and work. I would like to mention to facilitate diversity and the history of this nation we are living and traveling full time in an RV. We are teaching her sight words so she can continue to read simple books, she is doing simple math and we insist on a expanding vocabulary. We are just having a hard time committing to one particular curriculum. As a former teacher I know that’s a must for a classroom but thats what we are getting her away from, We would love to hear what you think? Oh yea, since we are in a RV space is at a premium, We like your crates and can make room for one of those with the Velcro progress minders. .
Amy says
Hello Curt & Marie! Honestly, you are providing one of the best educations out there – travel! This nation is replete with museums and points of interest. Be sure to stop and dig deep into those things! You can look up more info online if she seems particularly interested in a certain topic or time period. You can help her sound out words on placards and in brochures. She can work on her math skills with maps and mile markers. Her vocabulary will naturally expand. A set curriculum is not all that important. In your situation, it would be more to fill in the “gaps” where your travels aren’t quite reaching (world history, etc).
Lacie says
Thank you for this post! It feels very daunting to think of homeschooling my preschooler (while pregnant with #2). I appreciate you laying out how you organize your homeschooling routine while still making quality time with your children a priority. Thank you!
Kelly says
Hey Amy!! I know this is an old post, and I”m not sure if you will see this comment, but I was curious about knowing what material to use? My babes (5 and 3) are currently in a daycare pre-k/pre-school program, since I am still working full time. I plan to be home with them starting next year. My oldest is starting to learn sight words, knows his letters, struggles with numbers… but it’s just the beginning of the pre-k year (second round for him). I’m trying to get a feel for what curriculum I should be using next year with him… Kindergarten, since we decided to hold him back this year (so we could homeschool)? Or 1st grade since he will be 6. I feel stuck and I’m not sure how to move forward… I’m a planner by nature, so I would rather not put off buying my materials, but I may have to. What do you think?
Amy says
I start with Rod & Staff ABC series, and then to teach phonics I use Phonics Museum. You can see what we used this past school year on my Homeschooling page. 🙂
Allison B says
Thank you for a peak into what I working for your family. I was home schooled and so was my brother. We are going to home school our son (he is two now). I appreciate all the great tips. It is so nice to see a kindred spirit with like minded goals for their kids!
Cynthia says
Thank you! I have a 5 and 3 1/2 year old and we started homeschooling in October. I keep feeling like “am I doing enough for them” and it is scary. My 5 year old is very receptive and likes school time. My little one on the other hand has NO interest! LOL! I will make it a point to read more to them. they BOTH enjoy it. Thank you for making me feel like we are doing just fine!
Bb says
I let my preschooler cut and glue too! She also paints on cereal boxes. She’s my artist. This is first year ho eschooling.
Jen Holm says
So glad I found this post today. My oldest is almost 4 and she has a real love for learning. And catches on fast. I have always just tought her in the day to day things we do, but have wondered lately if I should get her on more of a “school schedule” and purchase a preschool curriculum. But your post has helped me to not beat myself up about having a schedule and feeling like I have to buy a curriculum. Looks like there are some fun ones out there, but they contain nothing that I can’t just do on our own with free printables and inexpensive workbooks or craft sipplies. And by the way…I LOVE LOVE reading Leading Little Ones to God to my 4 and 2 year old. I get sort of animated as I read the lesson to grab their attention.
TIffany says
Thanks so much for this post. My daughter is 3, going on 8, and is a sponge that “knows it already”. As I see most of my friends/family with their young ones in preschool or head start already , I constantly feel that I should be doing more formal work than every day home learning. We’re going to home school our children (2 currently) . It’s nice to see how others do it and that it really doesn’t have to be daunting .
Reena Lewis says
Thank you for this post. My son just turned three, and I now realize that I have a one-year countdown before I send him off to kindergarten, a choice that doesn’t sit well with me right now. I’ve been seriously contemplating homeschooling,, but feel like the task is a huge daunting responsibility that I may not be able to do justice. A lot of your words have put me more at ease with what I know to be the right choice for my family. So, thank you for putting your thoughts into words that I can relate to.
Tahira s. says
At these young ages it is not complected. Doing a page or two of any good workbook, a hands on activity or two with mom, lots of reading, and lots of play (especially outside) and you have created the best environment of learning any child could ask for. Learning at this age is more about feeling loved and enjoying the idea of learning than any thing else! Even when children are older if you have instilled a love of learning from a younger age then teaching older children isn’t nearly the hard task we think it will be! 😉
There are two “curriculum” I like for very young children (if you can call them that). The first one is Brain Quest Workbooks. ? https://www.workman.com/brands/brain-quest
Secondly I like “busy preschool book”! Check it out here: https://www.amazon.com/Preschoolers-Busy-Book-Creative-Activities/dp/0671316338/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1487955449&sr=8-5&keywords=365+preschool