HALFWAY UP A MOUNTAIN BESIDE A WATERFALL (here’s the pic to prove it!)
IN A CAVE (my favorite because it was Emily)
LEANING OVER THE CAR SEAT (not my favorite!)
ON A THRONE IN A MUSEUM (see picture above!)
So, there you have a less-than-exhaustive list of the places I’ve nursed (cuz frankly, I will nurse them anywhere, but I won’t always remember it!)
How about you? Any “interesting” places you’ve nursed???
Charissa @ MiMi's Babies says
Love this post!!! I have nursed almost everywhere as well. It has been 2 years since I nursed my last, but I can remember nursing at ball games, at my in laws, during dinner, while cooking dinner.
Sally, Greg and Hannah says
The most interesting place I have nursed my baby is in a Cheesecake Factory Restauraunt (a rather ritzy place to eat). The space was so tight between the table and the seat…it definitely was a creative session! You should have seen the looks I got!!! Haa haa! It was so worth it though.
~Amy~ says
Good for you! I always tried to be nice and discreet about it, but it’s how that baby eats. And what wonderful memories. Especially the cave.
Raven says
Love this post! Power to the nursing mother! 😉 I have nursed in many a public restroom stall–nursing standing up is always a bit tricky. When dh and I took an anniversary trip to DisneyLand, I toted my pump around and pumped in their bathrooms. I always wondered if people in the stalls wondered what that rhythmic squeaking sound was (thanks to my hand pump)…lol
Sandpiper says
I nurse my babies everywhere too! Park benches, the beach, restuarants etc. Once I sat down in the stroller display of Wal-Mart & nursed because ‘he was hungry now’!
Jenn @ A Country Girl's Ramblings says
UMMMM! At a Tuff Truck contest at a county fair! 🙂 And like you leaned over the car seat! Pretty much anywhere was game in my book! I just kept it modest!
Jennifer says
I also love that you still call it “nursing”, I do too and wish more people did!
Jennifer says
I too am a joyful member of the nurse anywhere club! In fact I was nursing while I read your post. Most of my computer time is spent nursing these days. That over the car seat is the worst! I certainly don’t enjoy it, but sometimes it is necessary! (It used to be legal in my state of MI to take baby out of their car seat to nurse while traveling but not anymore) I do usually cover-up though when nursing in public or mixed company. I don’t think nursing is something to be ashamed of but neither do I want to make someone uncomfortable.
VanderbiltWife says
When my baby was 2 months old we drove from Nashville to Philadelphia for Christmas. I nursed in the car in a lot of parking lots! And in a lot of restaurants. In front of almost all of my relatives. At Dollywood!
I miss nursing. 🙁
Amy Matthews says
I too nurse them anywhere! In the past five years I have nursed four different babies in all kinds of places.
church business meeting
church bathroom
fitting room
realtors office
many friend’s homes
all of my family’s homes!
right now!
The list goes on and on. After all when a babys for to eat a babys go to eat 🙂
bearthangel says
DoulaJo, I <3 <3 <3 your story about the old gentleman!! So great, thanks for sharing!
doulamuse says
Sam I am,
do not tell me,
to cover my nursing baby.
If you do not want to see,
over your own head
put the blankie.
We’ve nursed in/at….
~farmers market [vendor here!]
~church meetings
~leaning over car seats
~shopping, w/a sling
~friends and family gatherings
~in front of uncomfortable people
~mostly anywhere that we are! Most people do not even know what we are doing.
DoulaJo says
Amy –
What a GREAT post! I love it!
I have nursed in very many of the places also listed and would add:
in the movie theaters!
while shopping in the grocery store-even had a man probably 80+yrs old come up to me while I was nursing to comment on the sling that I had her in, he said that he’d not seen very mommas carry their babies like that since he was in the war over in Germany. He was glad to see me carrying her and wanted to know if she was sleeping or could he see her as he moved the tail of the sling aside he realized she’d been nursing! But I don’t think either one of us were too embarrassed….he just said, “Ah that’s great! Nurse away!” and went on his way.
and in the Same Day Surgery Center right after my admission and right before I went into the op room for a surgery on my hand!
Ktietje85 says
Oh yes…everywhere. In restaurants (despite the company), while shopping at the mall (walking around), in various other stores, church, the car, many meetings…. I don’t care who doesn’t like it! I usually try to be discreet but I don’t use a cover. Now, if I end up nursing my 2-year-old in public (and yes, I still do sometimes), it’s a little less discreet…hahaha. But mostly because of her. Oh well!
Lil' Momma says
Almost all the places that have been mentioned prior.
Walking through Walmart
Leaning over car seat
While sitting on the toilet
In bathtub
In shower
In front yard
In retirement home visiting GreatGrandmother
Homeschool Meetings
Homeschool Conferences
Grocery Store
The list goes on and on and on…
Vicki says
Hmm lets see…
In a hospital waiting room..
At work (worked at a daycare)
During housechurch
During regular church
Once I was called on from the music minister to show off “that baby” and I just stood with baby latched (nursing cover on)
At parks and restaurants
Walking through a Target.
At the Dixie Stampede in Branson
At Silver Dollar City in Branson
In the Veggie tAles show at SDC
At the Billy Graham School of Envangelism
At several homeschool conferences
NAK.. nursing at keyboard..
But never while baby was in a carseat. LOL… I do wish my Lily was still a nurser now.. I miss those days
rural momma says
Once I got the hang of it, I never had a problem nursing any where. I remember the very first time I nursed in public, it was in a restaurant. At first I went into the bathroom, and ended up sitting on the “throne” with the baby. I thought to myself that this was ridiculous and gross. So, I walked out of there and sat back down with my husband, mother, and grandmother and nursed away. I don’t recall getting any strange looks and honestly it wouldn’t of mattered. Nursing is so natural and mommas should be able to nurse wherever they want.
Amy @ Raising Arrows says
Crissyanna! Yours sparked a memory of a few more of mine! Definitely in the bathtub! That is one of my favorite places to nurse my newborns! I’m going to go back and add a couple!
Paula says
I have to say the “leaning over the carseat” nursing is my least favorite–I always wish someone would invent a safe way to travel in the car with the child strapped to me not a seat! My funniest nursing experience was the day I thought “I don’t hear the toddler, I’d better go check on her”…and didn’t realize until I tried to stand up that she was on my lap nursing!
MapleCottage says
What a fun post, Amy.. loving reading the replies! I have nursed in many places, lets try to remember thm all!
walking through the zoo
walking through walmart
walking through grocery stores (once we were followed by security who decided my covered baby was a cover for shoplifting.. he got an earful from dh)
yes, leaning over the carseat.. Shall I add how I attempted to tandem nurse my twins that way.. wouldnt advise it LOL
waiting for dr appt
sitting in church service
while digging for diamonds at the diamond mine in Arkansas
I miss it 🙂
Crissyanna says
I too nursed when the child needed it. The list is pretty long…
Grocery Shopping at Wal-Mart
Lambert’s in Ozark Missouri
Cracker Barrel
In the car seat (must agree, that was hard and painful on the back, nor did the eldest like it too much)
Church potlucks
In the car at Sonic
A funeral
Wedding and the following reception
Plenty of rest stops on the interstate and parking lots on the way to both my family and Hubb’s.
Friends houses
Waiting rooms of Dr.’s offices, and while waiting to be seen.
And the ER when we had to take the eldest and the youngest needed to nurse.
Farmer’s market while shopping and having lunch
In the food court at the mall, walking through the mall
And yes, even on television (before the eldest was born, I went to the nursing class at the hospital and a reporter was there asking if anyone would nurse in public for her sweeps week story. She wanted public reaction. Well, hardly anyone noticed…It was fun).
Amanda Sikes says
I loved reading this post and the comments. I am a nurse on demand and on the spot nurser as well. I have nursed –
at the mall/resturant playplace
in the movies
in a meeting
in a church service
in a park
while eating dinner out
on a bench at the zoo
and many more! I love me a nursing baby!
Michelle says
As a youth counselor, I have played games with a child attached, and 95% of the teenagers just thought she was sleeping in the sling!! 🙂 teehee!
Betty says
Picking up hay bales. Probably the most challenging–driving the pickup while guys stacked the bales on the back.
At a horse show, right before taking the horse in the ring.
In the garden picking beans, tomatoes and whatever else.
At the state fair on the train.
While driving a parade float down main street. lol (baby was in a carrier–less then 5 mph)
While decorating the above float–only woman there–6 other guys besides hubby.
During a massage at the chiropractor.
plus many more common places.
Me says
One of the places I nursed was seated at a patio furniture display at my local food store.
Keith and Crystal says
I nurse everywhere, too. 🙂 Like Grace said, I don’t feel so “strange” now. 🙂
I won’t make a list, because it looks like a lot of the others, but one time I was walking through a mall and there were no benches and it was pouring rain, so I couldn’t sit on the curb. So I walked into a clothing store and they asked if they could help me. I said, “Could I borrow one of your dressing rooms to nurse my baby?” 🙂 The nice lady said, “Ummmm, y-y-yeah, I-I-I guess.” 🙂 It was fun piling the older kids and baby and me in that dressing room. 🙂
I enjoy your blog!
Grace Wheeler says
It’s so fun to read these! Makes me feel a little bit better about my obsessive nursing “habit”…no matter the time or place 🙂
And I must say, I’m pretty impressed with “walking through Wal*Mart”!
Amy @ Raising Arrows says
Hey, I’ve done that one too Georgiann! Gotta go add it!
(and I am insanely jealous of The Accidental Pharmacist!)
Fruitful Harvest says
Oh I forgot….I have nursed a small baby under the cape while getting a hair cut!
Amy @ Raising Arrows says
Oooo! I LOVE the nursing a dinosaur! (and the gum!) ROFLOL
And yes, the morning sickness is getting better. I still have my moments, but I’m alive. 🙂
Fruitful Harvest says
I’m like Leah in the comment a few above~
Anytime Anywhere!
In the check out line while writing the check,front row at church,leaning over the carseat! I have nursed in a resturants,the zoo and in a city park.
Last week I nursed a dinosaur! {Olivia 2.5yrs in costume}
Its funny when my tot asks me to hold her gum so she can nurse!
Great Post~ Very Fun~ Thanks Amy!
It sounds like your feeling better!
The Accidental Pharmacist says
While looking at the Olympic flame burning in downtown Vancouver today!
MollyinMinn says
How about standing in ALDI, in the middle of my grocery trip? Not once but twice.
Leah says
I too have nursed my three anywhere anytime. I have a ring sling and am confidant that I could nurse at any moment.
I have nursed;
in the check out line, using coupons.
in front of my pastor while eating lunch at a buffet. =)
I have nursed while shooting hoops. lol
While on the toilet, and doing taxes.
I have nursed at Ikea on a busy weekend while sitting on a display!
So many fun places!
Truefemininity says
Leaning over a car seat? While in labor!? Wow!
I’m not married and I don’t have any children, but I look forward to nursing my babies everywhere I go!
Michelle says
the zoo!
Lynnette Kraft says
Abigail on Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland and Jonas on the Peter Pan ride at Disneyworld. Yes, riding while nursing is actually quite fun. 🙂 (And many of the other places that you and your readers mentioned- the most uncomfortable being leaning over the infant car seat, ESPECIALLY when you have small hm hmmms. They just don’t quite get there, HA!)
Heidi says
Early Childhood Conference
Michelle says
You know that giant “golfball” thing at Epcot/Disneyworld? That is THE best place in all of Disneyworld to nurse! LOL
It’s dark, air-conditioned, private (only you and one other person fit in a car,) plus you get to sit and rest your feet (uninterrupted) for 15-20 minutes,there is soothing music, and nobody cares what you are doing because they’re all involved in the ride …
mama4x says
Right after Sept 11th we were in NYC and I nursed my baby for 3 blocks as we walked around- ordered a street hot dog and no one ever knew. I am small-chested so I didn’t usually use a cover blanket- just my shirt- but the ONE TIME I did, at a restaurant, a waiter broke a plate and shards flew over and landed on the blanket where my daughter’s cheek would have been. Oh the grace of God!
Anonymous says
I agree with nursing, but something should be draped over the baby and the breast. It wouldn’t be modest to show a breast in public while not nursing, so it’s not appropriate to do while nursing either.
Angela says
I agree with Lynnette–leaning over the carseat is a little difficult because I can hardly reach. 🙂
Other places I’ve nursed include:
–while taking a shower
–at the movie theater
–in the (parked) car
–at the Iowa State Fair (All the women in the nursing station stared at me and said, “I didn’t even know it’s possible to nurse two at once!”)
–while blogging
–while eating
–while making toast
–in church
–in the dressing room
–on a McDonald’s toilet (gross!)
–at the doctor’s office
I’m sure going to miss nursing when I’m done.
Fun post!
laura says
I nursed while my dental hygienist polished my teeth, basically upside down.
Also in the front pew of the church, quite frequently.
Jessica says
I nursed my first son while I was in the emergency room for a kidney stone.
Lyndsay says
Lol..I am NAK my 4 month old while reading this.
My most interesting place would have to be at Disney on Ice! the seating was very tight.the messiest place would be in my garden…today I did it while planting roses.ouch..;o)
My favorite place to nurse is on my front porch swing! My fav way to nurse is with my moby wrap :o)
This is my third nursling and I still don’t think I am all that great at it. Haha I am just now ok with it in public. Not like I have a choice when I am the only parent at soccer practice with the kids. ‘Pull up a piece of grass and join the party’ lol my sons poor soccer coach..I am descreet. However this poor boy can’t be more than 18 and I think he is afraid of this baby wearing breastfeeding mama! Hehe
I love nursing and can’t imagine the day when there won’t be a nursling in my house. I am hoping to add the word tandem to my nursing experience sometime in the next few years. Lord willing!
Rebecca says
I too was nursing my 6 month old while reading this. I guess my most interesting so far was when she was around 2 months old and nursed while I made chocolate cake. (Except for putting it in the oven!)
amanda says
I know this post was a while ago, but I just ran across it…I love it that I saw “leaning over the car seat” so many times…I hate doing it, but it is easier than pulling over 🙂
Summer says
I breastfeed my first, standing in line at the US consulate in the Dominican Republic, while we waited in an insanely long line, all day, to get her “birth abroad” Birth Certificate. They wanted to be sure she was mine so I had to take pictures of before, during and after labor, to certify that she was mine. We were 3 1/2 hours away from home and she was 3 weeks old. I was still trying to figure it all out. I am SO thankful for my husband who stood by my side, and literally held me up. and even ‘pushed’ me to continue trying. It was a beautiful experience. I have 4 kids now. Hoping for more in God’s timing.