This is my 8th child, and still I find myself racking my brain for what I need to bring to the hospital. I finally decided to just put it all in a document and keep it on my computer and share it with you as well!
First of all, let me say that I am a procrastinator when it comes to packing for the hospital. Typically, you will find me doing it while in full fledged labor, sitting down for contractions and getting back up to throw more stuff in.
While this time there will still be things I throw in last minute, I did use the oversized fabric bag shown above to pack quite a bit of the things on my list ahead of time (the reason I have this bag is because I won a prize package a few weeks back from BellyButtonBoutique! I never win anything, so this was a HUGE thrill!) Since today is my 40 week OB appointment, I will be hauling it with me to the appointment. (I drive quite a distance to go the doctor because many doctors and hospitals in my area do not allow VBACs.)
Please keep in mind, this list is MY list and is not all inclusive. There are things I have found I don’t need and there are things I need that you may not need. You will also notice a note next to the Going Home Outfit for baby. Our family has a tradition started when our first was born at 8 pounds, 15 ounces and the outfit I thought I was going to bring him home in didn’t even fit over his head! Ever since then, Daddy has had the honor of going out after baby is born and choosing the outfit baby will come home in!
So, without further ado, here’s my list in a .pdf file: CLICK HERE
Amie says
Thanks for the helpful list! This is our third baby (I’m almost 35 weeks), but we have 6 years in between the last one and this one. I have been thinking and wondering what to pack. Our hospital has a list, but a list from a mom just seems more helpful 🙂 Praying that things go well for you and your little one! It’s so exciting when you get close to bringing them home!
Stacie says
Great list, Amy! Like you, I am also a last-minute packer for the hospital 🙂 My next birth will, Lord willing, be at home…but I am going to keep this list in mind “just in case!” I can’t wait to read all about the birth! Good Luck 🙂
Andrea says
This is so EXCITING! This is the first time that I am with you during a delivery. I started reading your blog after your last son was born. I know that I don’t KNOW you, but it seems as though my friend is getting ready to have a baby.
As I read your list I long for that day for myself yet again. Our youngest is 15 months. It is so fun and thrilling, each morning to think “this could be the day! By the end of the day, I could be holding our new child in my arms!”
Praying for you, your family, your health care providers. My Charles Spurgeon devotion this morning was on the portion of Isaiah 41:14 (b) which says: “I am the one who helps you,” declares the Lord.” His peace, His strength and His promises be yours.
Ashley says
Our family will be praying for you and yours!
Your list is great! That is a sweet idea to have the Daddy pick out the coming home outfit! I’ll God willing be having home births from now on, but if not this is great idea!
Lisa W. says
Thanks for the jumping off point, I haven’t packed a hospital bag in over 9 years and was wondering where to begin. Praying that arrival time is near for your sweet one.
Stacy says
My husband likes to take a pillow and blanket from home for him. We’ve found hospitals less than helpful with dad. Plus, I’m always burning up after I give birth, so he freezes at night!
Teresa Schilling says
Thanks this helped me to make a check list for my mom who is going in for her first surgery next week. Not a baby bag, but still most things will work for her hospital bag. Don”t forget the drugs for DAD:) My husband always seemed to get a headache. Maybe the stress or just how dry the rooms always are.
Anita says
I just had to say- you SIT DOWN for contractions?!?! LOL Never mind, just my silliness… I can’t bear to sit down in contractions unless I’m in the bath! I’ve just got to move my legs and hips!
I take a huge overnight bag just to the birth centre (home birth but in a rented house effectively) only to lug it back home the next day! 🙂 I can’t wait to hear your news when it does happen… bless you Amy and may your birth be amazing and special and smooth! xxx
Susan says
Our hospital must be GREAT:-) I usually get a new mommy gift of shampoo, conditioner and body lotion. They provide TONS of diapers and you get to take home any that are in your bassinet, so I’m sure to ask for more close to check out time if we are close to the end of a bag:-) I leave baby wrapped in the hospital blanket and onesie/tee–shirt except for newborn pictures and to go home. They have slipper socks and are willing to get me fresh ones if mine get soaked during labor:-) If I let them know that hubby is hypoglycemic (needs to eat regularly), they are sure to ask him occasionally how he is doing (though we haven’t been there long enough the last few times for that!) I bring my own music and a Bible, but they have dvd players in the rooms that will play a CD too. And we have free wi-fi in the OB ward too!
Elizabeth Ours says
oh how sweet! We have (had) the same tradition! My husband also went out after each baby’s birth and bought their going home outfit! The only times he didn’t do that were for our two home births! Such a sweet and precious memory! Thanks for reminding me! 🙂 May your birth be a blessed event and this be a joyful time for your family !!!! ~Elizabeth
Lindsey Whitney says
That’s funny! 8th child and still don’t have the list mastered! 🙂 Even though I’m not currently pregnant, I love all things birth related — so I’ll take a look at the list! 🙂
Amber says
Don’t forget the baby nail clippers! My 8th will be born soon too, and I always tell first time moms to pack the baby clippers. I already have an extra set in my purse in case I forget. 🙂 Oh yes, also don’t forget a cheap pair of flip flops for the shower. I buy a pair big enough to fit my husband as well then leave them behind, yuck!
Karla T. from says
Hey Doll!
Just checking in on you and hoping that you are well. Great to see that you are putting the bag to good use. How are you making out with your diastasis recti?
Amy says
Hey there! Doing great! And I loved using the black nursing cover in the hospital! I’ve got my DR down to 8 now. I just keep working. 😉