{Disclosure: I knew from the moment I listened to the preview tracks of “Hidden in My Heart” Volume I & II that I wanted to review and giveaway a set of these Scripture Lullabies here on Raising Arrows. I received a free set of CDs and was compensated for my time to write this post. The opinions are most definitely my own.}
I had been looking for Scipture-based music to play at night for my little ones. Unfortunately, many of the Bible lullabies I have run across lean toward the corny side, with tinny voices and digitized music that sounds digitized. I wanted music that offered Scripture in a beautiful and soothing way. I wanted something peaceful that could be played all day long. I wanted something that wasn’t just for children, but for the entire family. {Little did I know just how important “Hidden in my Heart” Scripture Lullabies would become to me as a mom read on…}
Soothing Scripture Lullabies for Baby
I love to turn on these lullabies as I rock my babies. I cannot help but think how the music is washing over them with the Word of God as they close their little eyes and relax from a hard day of play.
At that time Jesus declared, “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children.”
Matthew 11:25
Peaceful Scripture Music for Mommy
Sometimes my mind wanders at night. I tend to struggle with fear as evening approaches. Losing a child has made me acutely aware of death and sickness and sometimes these thoughts nearly consume me.
One night recently, I felt these fears begin to creep back in. I remembered I had downloaded the bonus tracks from the Scripture Lullabies website, so I laid down in bed and opened my laptop and turned the music on beside me.
If you lie down, you will not be afraid;
when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.
Proverbs 3:24
The fears subsided and sweet rest overtook me. Oh, how grateful I was to have this music. Now, these Scripture Lullabies are the first thing I go to at night when I start to feel fearful. I fall asleep listening to God’s Word.
Beautiful Scripture Music for the Entire Family
I want God’s Word to be a part of my every day life. I want it to be the thread that holds my day together. I want my family to be steeped in Scripture every waking moment. Sometimes I’ll start our day with a Scripture Lullabies CD. Sometimes I’ll put one on in the afternoon for Rest Time. Sometimes we’ll end our day with it.
I have stored up your word in my heart,
that I might not sin against you.
Psalm 119:11
In my book Creating a Peaceful Home, I talk about our Family Worship Time every night. We love to have music be a part of our evenings and the Hidden in My Heart CDs and MP3s are perfect for bringing the day to a close.
Bless a new mom, a family of new believers, or your own family this Christmas season with the peace of God’s Word! They will cherish this gift!
You can purchase these Scripture Lullabies through their website.
The money from every 10th CD sold is donated to a pregnancy resource center!
Take a moment to listen to some of the tracks HERE or watch the video below for a taste of just how beautiful this music is.
And be sure and watch for the release of Volume III – Hidden in My Heart: A Lullaby Journey Through the Life of Jesus!
Fressia Artola says
I’m glad I found your site! I have been looking for some lullabies that incorporate bible passages and have yet to find any that are soothing and calm as this. We mostly did classical music with my first son but I’ve been needing God’s word more presently in our lifes as the secular world/music tries to creep in. Thanks for the review!
Verna says
I would love to win this, just so we have more chances to learn scripture! Great giveaway!
Kelly Ballard says
I have a little one who is fearful of the dark and scary dreams. These would be an awesome addition to her bedtime routine and provide comfort after prayers.
Holly C. says
These are beautiful! I am totally hoping I win these, and if not, I will definitely be ordering them for Christmas!
Stephanie says
These sound wonderful. I have one child who has really bad nightmares and bad thoughts when going to sleep. We’ve discussed getting him hymn cds to listen to while falling asleep but hadn’t seen anything that wouldn’t keep him awake. These might work.
Becky Honey says
I want to play them while I’m homeschooling my girls. They enjoy music in the background we usually have praise music going. Let their mind be focused upon God!
Tammie Howell says
I love this! My oldest daughter and her husband are expecting our first grandchild next summer. These will be beautiful in their home.
Cheri says
This music is beautiful!
Cindy says
I would love it to have the music to play as we homeschool and as we work around the home. We love having godly music playing.
Melissa N. says
The music is beautiful! Love it and would love to win it. But either way I think this will me in my daughters stocking this year! Thanks for sharing.
Katie says
I’d love to win a copy!
Andrea R. says
I have volume 1 & absolutely love it! My children fall asleep listening to it every night. I listened to the cd while I was in labor & found it to be incredibly comforting.
Emily M says
I am due with our next baby this Spring. This not only seems like great music for bedtime for all the kids, but beautiful, relaxing music for me as well! I like to play music when my babies fall asleep as well, this would be perfect.
sarah says
sweet friend i
I know what you are going through . I too struggle with fear especially at night. This cd will definitely help.
aimee m says
I would love to win these for my toddler!
Charis says
I would love these CD’s!!! Lately my little ones have had a rough time sleeping. They have been waking up with bad dreams. I have been looking for something to play at night and this would be perfect.
arilea says
these are beautiful! I would love to have these at home for us to listen to!
Teresa says
This would be so great for the kiddos and this pregnant mama. Thank you for the chance to win.
Chelsea Wipf says
I would love to win these for my kids and myself, because songs stick in our heads so much better than just reading…helpful for memorization!
Renee Mays says
I would love to win one of these for my family. It sounds beautiful.
emily says
I love CDs like this. What a blessing they would be to our home. 🙂
SarahKay says
I would love to win these as a way of calming down my children ready for bed. They are often excitable when Daddy comes home and then stay like this until bed time. Even though they are 8 and 10, I think they, and we, would benefit from them.
Natasha says
I love scripture music! I find it’s a great way to incorporate scripture and help memorize it. I would love to win!
Susanne says
These are beautiful!
Cassandra says
I was just telling my friend about something similar to this the other day! I will have to tell her about these!
Ashley Osborn says
Both my girls (7 years and 2 years) love listening to stories and music while they fall asleep. They would love something like this!
Kristy says
I would love to have this for my little ones! 🙂
Amy says
I would love to win to play in iur nursery
Theresa says
Beautiful, perfect for meditation.
Deanna says
I would love these to play on those stressful days and to have my kids listen to as they fall asleep each night. That they last things they hear are words from the Bible.
Melody says
These are beautiful – I would love to win one. Soothing music is always a blessing around here!
Sarah Ter Maat says
These sound beautiful and I would like them as I think they would help us unwind at the end of the day.
Stacia says
My sweet grand babies would LOVE these! Or I would for them!
Cathy R says
This is beautiful! I would love to have this playing in the background as we homeschool. Thank you for the chance to win.
Tammy says
I think one of these CDs would be great for our family. Life has been hectic and stressful for us since we recently packed up our entire family and moved to South Korea (military move). Reading the Word puts things into perspective; helps me remember that God has placed our family here and the idea of it with calming music is great!
Gabby says
I would love to win these CD’s because I’ve been wanting to incorporate more calming music and scripture into my two year olds day. We’ve been struggling with behavior problems and I believe this would help her so much! 🙂
Heidi Wilson says
Hi Amy,
Is this give away open to people around the world or just US residents?
Amy says
Yes, this is open to non-US residents! 🙂
Betsy says
My three littlest boys share a room and this would be great for them to listen to. Thank you for the great give away and the recommendation of these CD’s!
Emily says
LOVE the combination of Scriptures and lullabies! Thanks for having this giveaway….if we don’t when, we’ll be purchasing, as we just found out we have our first little one on the way!
Emily says
ha, nice typo! *win*
Lisa says
What a great giveaway! Thank you for the chance to win this I know my babies would LOVE it!
Maria G. says
We play music for the little ones while they sleep and scripture would be awesome!
Stephanie says
We have a new baby, 3 days old as well as 4 older children, ages 5-16 months, and they would love new music of their own!!!
Amber says
This is beautiful restful music. Would love to have this set!
MomofTwinGirls says
With three under three in my house, we could use some peaceful music!
Anna says
Hope to win these for our family 🙂
Sarah says
This sounds beautiful.
Andrea rake says
I’d love to win these. I’m always looking for worship music for my 5 year old who wants music on constantly!
Brittany Brines says
I love this music and I love the fact that it is Scripture. It makes it easy to memorize and it is really peaceful. I have two little ones both under two and I love listening to soft, soothing music to help us through the day!
Jeanette says
It is so comforting to know that I am not the only one whose mind wanders over to irrational fears at night. Unfortunately, this has led to many sleepless nights. Perhaps scripture music is what I need to fight my fears.
S says
I love to fill my home with soothing music and this seems perfect for those calming moments!
Alicia Stelling says
I love the samples that you sent!
Jodi says
Would love to win these for my sister. She would love them for the little ones.
Megan says
I would love to win these for my children. My youngest is 20 months old and loves music, so this is an excellent opportunity for her to hear what she loves and learn scripture as well!
Alicia T says
I would love to have these beautiful songs in our home.
carriescreativekitchen says
I love scripture.
I love family.
I love music.
Sounds like a perfect match! 😉
Sarah says
This would be great! Always looking for more encouraging things for our day.
Dori says
I would love to have my first little grandbaby listening to scripture daily!
Elizabeth says
I would love to win these CD’s!
Marilyn K says
I have the first one, but would love to get the second one and give away the first for a Christmas gift. Wonderful music!
Dawn says
Beautiful music!
Shaye Strouse says
Thank you for sharing….. I greatly appreciate learning of quality scripture music for our family!
Shaye Strouse says
And would love to share them with whomever it is that the Lord directs me to. 🙂
Jenn says
I find that my family, myself included, memorizes scripture quickly when it is set to music. What a perfect way to end the day. I can imagine it would make bedtime a little easier.
nancy says
its sounds very beautiful and peaceful. My kids would love this CD.
Amy D. says
Sounds lovely!
Jennifer says
i love this!!! if i dont win the give away im going to buy it anyway
Hannah says
I love teaching and training my little boys (toddler and infant), and I know these cds would be a great benefit to use in their training!
Carrie says
Love to have this!
Deana says
My kids learn so many Bible passages when they are set to music. I would love to add this to our collection. Thanks.
Katelyn Morris says
I would love these for my little boys and for using them in children’s ministry! For more good albums, check out Yancy’s album Roots for the Journey, Rain for Roots folk songs for kids, and Seeds Family Worship. Phil Joel’s two Deliberate Kids albums are good too. 🙂
Michelle says
My daughter gets panic attacks and is only 9…she loves music and often I sing her to sleep to calm her. I think she would love to have something like this playing as she falls asleep.
Erica says
I had these and my kid’s tore them up. I loved them. Especially after the birth of my 6th child last year. I played them all night while I was up with him. Listening to them helped ease the feelings of depression that seemed to creep in when the sun went down
Kirstie says
Putting scripture to music is powerful and effective thanks for introducing me to these cd’s
Lynn says
After listening to scripture in music through Classical Conversations, I am hooked. What a great way to help the whole family with memory scriptures.
Hayley says
Would love to win!
Laureen E. says
I’d like to have them for a gift
Christa Pate says
Beautiful music! I would love to have this CD in my home!
Kelly McClure says
I would love to have something like this to play not only for my 5 children but myself as well. =)
Katie@SimpleFoody says
Love these cd’s. They are a must for a baby shower gift.
Ronica case says
My girls love songs so any songs that teach them scripture are wonderful!
Cathi Updike says
I struggle with fear and anxiety, and I have felt the power that music has to calm my fears. These are beautiful! I don’t have little ones anymore, but feel the songs would help me!
Lisey says
I have always loved playing soft soothing music for my girls, but adding scripture is GREAT. These will definitely be in their stockings this year!
Missy says
I bought these for a baby shower present and they loved it. Wishes I had one for myself
Andrea Padgett says
It is always great to find scriptures put with music. It seems children remember things better if the information is turned into a song.
Olivia C says
I am a mom to six precious girls. Our family loves music and this would be great to play throughout our day.
Cristy T. says
Thank you for posting this! I would love to win this CD set: )
Tennille says
Very beautiful song! This would be wonderful to listen to daily.
Kari says
I have always wanted to get these for my house but have never been able to buy them. To win them would be fantastic!
Sarah small says
I would love to have these wonderful CD’s in our home. Especially
With a lil one coming right around the corner. I love to make Gods word the standard for our lives.
Megan P says
Finally! I have been searching, as you did, for scripture to music that is not teeny voices or off key music. Thanks for this blessing! Would be GREATLY appreciated if we win! 🙂
Katie Smeltzer says
Wow! I love these! I can’t wait to get a set and give sets as gifts! I need these at night especially to retrain my thoughts.
Katheryn @ The Healthy and Fit Homeschool Mom says
I have been wanting to try these, especially during our quiet times and school times. Thank you for hosting!
tiffany says
My kids love music! This would be nice.
Amanda Montgomery says
I could really use this! I have three little ones at home that would thoroughly enjoy this!
Laura H says
Can’t imagine anything better to fall asleep to! Thank you for the giveaway.
meg says
I would LOVE to get this!!!! I listened to the song, and it’s beautiful!!! 🙂
Cyndi says
We have always played music at night when we put our kids to bed. I would love to add something new for them.
Claudia says
I would LOVE this!
Venessa Palmer says
This is a great idea.
Cindy says
I totally agree that it’s tough to find non-corny scripture songs. I want to find something beautiful and calm for the house.
Vicki Skaggs says
I love listening to scripture music with my munchkin! When we moved recently, a lot of our CDs were ruined and some were our bedtime lullaby CDs. Would love to use this cd to help my munchkin fall into peaceful slumber! 🙂 thank you for this giveaway! 🙂
Breanna says
Love these CDs
Megan says
We have several CD’s of Bible verses set to music, but most are upbeat. This would be great for before or during bedtime! Thanks!
Pam says
I’ve had these on my wishlist for a while now! I have some scripture/music CDs that I love, but they are all upbeat and energetic songs. I would love something to play in the evenings when we are winding down.
rebecca says
I have both of these and am eagerly waiting for the third one to come out. My absolute favorite go-to for when we need an atmosphere of peace and rest in our home. I often listen to them at night while I get ready for the next day. I have two expecting mamas on my list to give these to if I win!
Heather Brandt says
I think they would help to create calm in my home (maybe for quiet time?)
Amanda says
My boys love CDs at night and I am always looking for more Bible verses.
Tracy says
Would love to win these for a friend with new twin boys!
Tammy says
I love scripture to music! It helps to remember scriptures and this is so soothing and beautiful!
Jennifer White says
I would love these for our little one due in May 2014.
Hope Archibald says
Sounds wonderful.. I would love it on cd..
Leah says
This is an ongoing struggle for me to find good music to listen to with my little one. Thank you for your giveaway. I’d love to receive the giveaway.
Veronica Wright says
I would love to have these CD’s for my family to listen to. Thank you for the opportunity to win!
HEIDI says
This would be a wonderful baby shower gift for my friend who was told she’d never have children of her own. She adopted a little girl who is now 8 and found out she WILL be having her own baby boy in February. She’d be blessed to have this music!
Erin says
I received the 1st one for Christmas last year and we love it! I’m the mom to 5 and a daycare mom to more. These beautiful songs play throughout our home.
Courtney says
I love any resource that helps my family and I hear and learn the word of God.
Dani M. says
I’m due with number three early next summer and these would be wonderful to add to our regular music rotation!
Jana Brown says
I am always looking for ways to keep calm during my seemingly always hectic days. This looks like something my whole family would enjoy!
mindy says
I just previewed these songs and they are all so beautiful! I can’t wait to learn them all to sing to my new baby on the way and the children that the Lord has already blessed us with! 🙂 I’m actually purchasing these no matter what, but if I win the cds I will give them to a friend as a gift! 🙂 Thank you for doing this giveaway!
Mirna Mendoza says
Beautiful! A must for my children.
Shannon Fisher says
I would love these for my daughter. She struggles to go to sleep at night and I think these would help her plus a wonderful inspiration.
Julie J says
What a beautiful idea! As a child I fell asleep listening to scripture stories, and I would love to carry on a similar tradition for my young children with these CDs.
Cynthia Hutchinson says
Thank you. i have lost many family members at this time of the year and this will help soothe my mind.
Christine LaValle says
Songs I sang for my babies included hymns, so having these CD’s to enhance the songs I sing to my grandbabies would be wonderful!
Karen says
Awesome songs! I did love it! Thanks so much for sharing! God bless you!
Ashley says
Ive had my eye on these for awhile.. thanks for the opportunity!
Melisha says
I love things like this. We are Seeds Family Worship fans!
Tera Burdick says
I am so happy to have seen this. My little guy has been having trouble going to bed at night. I want try music with him to see if that would make bedtime easier. Hope I win.
Melisha says
We would make GREAT use of this!
Charisma says
This has been in my amazon wish list for a long time 🙂
April Zimmerman says
Very peaceful!!!!!………l would love to have this playing in my home all day!!!!
Penny says
This sounds beautiful. Thanks for sharing with us.
Jan Marie says
Thanks so much for the giveaway! Someone will be so blessed. The Lord, in His wisdom, has not given us children, but through our church we have many opportunities to encourage and come alongside parents as they strive to raise their “arrows” in the fear and admonition of the Lord. I would love a CD to give as a gift, either for encouragement or to welcome a new precious one. Thanks again and Lord bless! Jan Marie
Christina Y says
I am pregnant with #4 (due in June <3)& have always been looking for something like this to play in the background as I put my babies to sleep. I would be soo blessed to be chosen! 🙂
rmb says
So pretty! I would love to win this! 🙂 Thanks.
Dawn Schneider says
My girls would LOVE these!
Britney Trone says
to share with my daughter
Amylynn H says
I would like to win these for my youngest son. He has just discovered Scripture music and he has fallen in love with it. I like to leave music on during the day instead of the TV. We prefer calm, pretty and uplifting music during our school day, so these sound perfect!
Amber says
This sounds wonderful.. We just bought our first CD from another group that is scripture for children via song, and I would love to try out this one as well. I listened to a bit of it, and am in love already with what I have heard. What a great review you did!
Katrina C. says
What a great idea to listen to lullabies with scripture……..my 4 boys would benefit from this as would me and my husband. I would L?ve to win this for my family!
Thank you…..Katrina & Family
Kelly says
This is exactly what I’ve been looking for!!! We play music every night in the babies rooms as they go to sleep and I’ve been wanting scripture music that is more soothing to use for this time. Also, I play music throughout some of our homeschool day so this would work for that time too! I love that you said it wasn’t just for the kiddos and boy can I elate to that 🙂
Thank you for posting!!
Katrina C. says
This is a great idea…….I would love to win the scripture lullabies for my family!
Kaitlin snyder says
I love this! I have been looking for something to play in my boys’ room at night-have-been we have lots of bedtime drama- this would be perfect!
nancy says
I would LOVE to win, because peaceful encouraging music is my favorite genre 🙂 and it really helps get thru the long winter months up here in Wisconsin.
Kaitlyn Regts says
Sounds Beautiful!! thanks for posting!
Tammy Carpenter says
I would love to have these to help my kids unwind and rest in His presence at bedtime.
Lisa says
What a great idea, love incorporating scripture into everything in our lives. Great giveaway. 😉
Meagan Schober says
There is nothing more soothing in the evenings than playing children’s scripture music to calm down restless children. We listen to this on spotify. It would be great to own it.
Georgina says
I would love to have these for my grandbabies so that they will grow into mighty men and women of God! We must know the Word of God to be effective in our prayer life.
Christina says
Always lookingfor some beautiful, peaceful music. Thank you for sharing these today. They are on my wish list! 🙂
Caroline Vrazel says
This would be amazing for my kids (and for me)!
Marijo says
I have several children. Scripture lullabies would bring a blessed peace into our home.
Jaime says
I would love to give these as a baby gift.
Rebecca says
What beautiful music! I would love to have this to listen to with my kids.
Jenna M says
The songs on this CD are beautiful! Would love to have this for my children 🙂
Elizabeth O. says
I so agree on the problem with many children’s CDs. I just can’t bring myself to buy them because I’ll have to listen to them too! I’m glad you found a good option.
Mindy says
I would love this for my family!! 🙂 Love your page! 🙂
Joann Noll says
I would love to win these So my family will hear God’s word by lullabies.
Shelley quiroz says
I have a cd that I love that is similar. I listened to it in late pregnancy and my baby seemed to recognize it after he was born would love to add to the collection. Thanks!
Michelle Newlon says
I would love to have one of these for my kids. I’m always looking for great ways to promote scripture in my children’s lives!!
Felicia says
I would love to win these for our family.
Heather says
Beautiful! would love to have a set in my home!
Pam Altemose says
What a nerful gift this would be! I had this for my oldest on tapes (funny, huh?!) and after many years of use they were worn out. Would love to share this scripture gift with my other kids ( oldest is twenty-one, then thirteen, nine, eight, five and four). Thank you for the opportunity!
Pam Altemose says
What a wonderful gift this would be! I had this for my oldest on tapes (funny, huh?!) and after many years of use they were worn out. Would love to share this scripture gift with my other kids ( oldest is twenty-one, then thirteen, nine, eight, five and four). Thank you for the opportunity!
Melinda Elam says
I love finding out about new products like this for personal and church use! Even though my daughter is 12, we have lots of cousins that would be blessed by the CDS.
zekesmom10 says
While reading your post, the toddler had a “moment.” I invited him to come sit with me and started the video above. He immediately quieted and signed “more”and “please” when it was done. <3
Dawn says
I would love these! It is really important to me for my family to be saturated in God’s word and in the gospel. What a wonderful way to do that!
Rachel Webb says
Love the idea of scripture washing over our children as they fall asleep. We don’t currently have music playing as they go to sleep, but we may just have to start!
Shannon says
A friend recommended these last year when she was ordering and I missed out on her order and have regretted it ever since~ we would love to have these CD’s in our home! Thanks for the chance to own them ? blessings to you
Krysten says
I would love to win this so we have more chances to learn scripture! We love learning through songs
Debra says
Thanks for sharing this looks like a great CD to order
Katalina P. says
A friend recommended these CD’s in her last baby shower. Thank you for the opportunity.
Kelly says
My kids love music & something mellow & scripture would be a great addition.
Kimberly Baggerly says
Happy to share this with friends.
Lynn J says
I would like to win these for a friend’s baby. She plays hymns for him at night and these will make a great addition! Thanks!
Rachael Schroeder says
I love both these albums! I would love to win, I would give it as a gift to a friend who is about to have a baby. They make the best Christmas gifts!
Rebecka says
I’d be thrilled to win these cd’s. It would be lovely to have scripture playing in our home as we go about our day. Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!
Megan says
I have had these CDs on my wish list for a very long time! And now that my husband and I are expecting our first, I would love to win one! Money is tight as we’re beginning a feeding center ministry in our neighborhood in Mexico, so this would be a blessing!
Holly says
Hoping to win this CD! My kids love to fall asleep listening to music, and this would be perfect for them. 🙂
Erica says
We would love these! I have kids a 4 year old, 3 year old, 2 year old and a baby anticipated in January. Something soothing like this would be perfect =D
Wende H says
This music is amazing! Thank you for introducing us to it.
Dalenna says
I got a free sample of these and love it!
Sarah says
We listen to guitar instrumentals in the evening to let our kids know it is time to settle down and get ready for bed. These would be awesome because they incorporate the word of God!
Becky says
My little ones love to learn through song. This would be such a blessing!
Emily says
I have the first cd and love it! In fact, I just played it for my kiddos before their naptime!
Mae says
We would love to have this in our home!
Monica says
My kids sleep with classical music on now so I would love to add some scripture to that! Thanks for the giveaway!
jodi says
We have also been looking for scripture songs that are soothing for naptime. Would love to win one of these!
Ilka W. J. says
We sure could do with calmer evenings (a calming evening routine) in our house…
The Pauper says
We have music playing all night for our treasures so we would love to win this to play scriptures for them.
Ann Hawbaker says
Thanks for blogging about this!
Terri says
LOVE keeping scripture throughout our home & putting it in our hearts! What a great way to do both!
Jessica Grimes says
Love the melody. So relaxing!
Teresa says
Sounds Wonderful!
lynne says
love having kids listen to scripture as they are falling asleep! this is great!
Diana Whitaker says
I have 2 nieces who are pregnant.I would love to win these for them. I used to sing scriptural songs to them while going to sleep.
Tammy Maddox says
How precious, it reminds me of the seeds of praise cds.
Rebecca says
I would like to win these lullabies as we are having to move to a temporary house for a couple of months and it would be lovely to have Scripture music to help get my children to relax and go to sleep in an unfamiliar home. 🙂
Ann R says
Those sound great! They would be very soothing at bedtime.
Lois says
I’d love to win one of these for my daughter (and myself) because we had Scriptural music when I was a kid and it was an amazing way to ingrain God’s words in our hearts. Those songs still come back to me, years later, when I need them!
Carly says
My daughter loves music, this is great!
Becky B says
I play worship music at night for all my kids. This is wonderful and would be great to play.
Brandy says
Would love to win these!
Laura W says
I would love to win these to play for our family, especially at night, before bedtime.
dee says
Just beautiful! Perfect to listen to before church, devotion, Sunday School,etc. A great way to prepare your heart and mind to be open to the Word of God.
EM says
I have been fighting fear/anxiety lately. Sometimes I download words to hymns and sing the ones I know, especially to scripture based ones. I also do this while rocking my babies. I could use these CDs to help me and the kids remember scripture; it is the best tool to fight fear/anxiety and temptations.
Jane M. says
Thanks for offering this! Would love to have them!
Natalie says
Ooh I like the sound of this! Reminds me of Sara Groves (not lullabyes, but mellow scripture inspired music). Can you tell me how much of these lyrics are direct quotations?
Angie L. says
Great Giveaway! I’ve always wanted these but never gotten around to purchasing them. Winning them would be a great blessing!
Rachael says
My little ones and I would be spiritually benefited by these!
Susan young says
This looks like a great cd to help with our scripture memorization!
Natalie L. says
We have a copy of the first album and I absolutely love it! I’ve been wanted to get the second one for a long time now. I’ve started turning on the Ipod at night for my little toddlers when they can’t settle down, and the music really seems to help.
Shelia says
Thanks for writing about this! Will be buying even if I don’t win 🙂 Neither my toddler nor 6 month old sleep well. What could give them more peace than the Word of God peacefully playing in the background?!
Sydney says
I would love to win this cd. I have the free bonus track and it has ministered healing and Jesus’ love to my life. Being able to hear the rest of the cd would be amazing!!!
elizabeth says
These sound great! Would love to win these!
kristin dejesus says
I would LOVE to win these to listen to with my daughter. I need all the help and encouragement I can get when it comes to filling my daughter (and my husband and myself) up with the Word.
Deanna F says
These CDs would’ve such s great way to be dwelling on Gods word and relaxing at the same time!
Leigh says
I would like to win these lullabies because I think it would help my youngest fall asleep. He has night terrors and I think it would soothe him.
Melody M says
Thanks for the opportunity! I’m always on the lookout for good Christian music. 🙂
Pamela Ward says
So beautiful and peaceful…considering buying it if I can’t win it!
Nathanael says
I’d love to be able to give some of these away to family for CHRISTmas!
ktmom12 says
I used to have these when my older children were little, and I was just thinking I wanted to order them for my little ones. I think they bring a sense of comfort to them.
Heather says
I love your CD’s. I have the first one!
becca says
we have the first cd and love it! if I won this set, I would gift the first and enjoy the second with my family!
Megan says
I would love to win this, my kids love to listen to music as they fall asleep and this music is beautiful.
Tommie says
These sound wonderful! We would certainly be blessed with these CDs.
Megan says
I would love to win this. My kids love listening to music as they fall asleep so this would be perfect. Beautiful music too.
Katie Lachman says
I would love to win this set! We have Vols 1 & 2 already and they were the background music I chose to play during the birth of our child. 🙂 I absolutely love listening to them and would love to have Vol 3 to add to our collection – and then I could give Vol 1 & 2 away to bless someone else!
Barbara Keding says
I’m always looking for more songs that are scriptural based & good music!
Jen Stinson says
I love the idea of my boys and daughter listening to Scripture as they slumber and dream. What better way to “meditate on my Word day and night”!!
Also we can hear what is playing in our boys room from our room and I love listening to Scripture, but also love when my un-believing husband *gets* to listen too!
Becky says
My DD, 6, still loves for me to sing her lullabies. We would love to learn some new ,God-honoring songs!
K. Osborn says
My children are older, but the three of us sat and listened to the samples of the CDs…and were AMAZED! 🙂 Absolutely beautiful, soothing…perfect to have on while we homeschool! Thanks for the opportunity to own a couple of them!
Gina Stewart says
I love this idea! Putting the little ones to bed with scripture floating through their minds….how beautiful!
Kari says
These would be great for bed time!
Lori Chyko says
I Love this music. I already have ordered multiple copies and given them all away. I have one copy of Volume II, but accidentally gave away all of Volume I, including my own copy. I give them to new Mom’s or this last time, to a woman who just lost her mother. I use them as a ministry outreach. God works through these CD’S and blesses those who listen. Thanks for the opportunity to participate in this drawing. GOD Bless you!
Ashley Jackson says
I had heard of these CDs before and would love to win them! I now have a 2 year old and a one month old. It would be perfect for our family!
Virginia Graves says
I love these CD’s and give them to families who are expecting or have had a baby.
Shannon Cooper says
I absolutely listening to Scripture Lullabies especially when I’m going through some deep valleys because they direct my focus to God’s Word and His promises. I would love to win this and gift it to my pastor’s family who have been such a gift to me.
Britta Kreps says
These CD’s are just lovely. I would love to have one in our collection.
Becky R says
Would live to have these 🙂
Veronica says
Uplifting and lovely–thank you for sharing with us! Out of curiosity, do you know which version of the scriptures are used for the lyrics?
Amy says
No, I do not.
Meredith S. says
These sound great! I would love to win these to give to my Mom for Christmas. I think they would be perfect for her.
Constance says
I would sooo looove to have this music, to fill my house and my little ones hearts with the Word of God, especially when there are sleepless nights.
Katie Nohl says
I would love to listening his cd with my kids as I put them to bed at night! What a wonderful way to fall asleep!!!
NeKisha Rowe says
I would like to win because we have always loved these CDs. We play the samples for the children to fall asleep to often.
Kelly Burgess says
I own the first album, and it brings me so much peace. My daughter has heard it so much that she sings along. What a beautiful way to hide the Word of God in your heart! It’s very comforting and reassuring music. Thank you! I’d love to win the second album.
Jeniffer Smith says
I actually asked family for Scripture set to music for Christmas for my girls, so these would be the perfect addition to our new collection! I’ve been burdened lately to work at getting the Word into their hearts in any way possible. I have a feeling that they would love these. 🙂
Julie says
I love these CDs and have given them as gifts to parents with new babies. Now my own “baby” has a baby of her own, and I’d love to win these for her and our granddaughter.
amy s says
I’ve been looking for something just like this – biblical and peaceful – what a way to fall asleep at night!
Jenell says
I have volume one and absolutely love it! I have been wanting to get the second one and also plan to give one to my best friend who is about to have another baby. Would love to win to keep one and pass one along. 🙂
Keri says
I have a little one who is in the process of changing her sleeping patterns and think this would be perfect for her.
Kayla Hackelberg says
I would love to put these in my 18 month olds stocking for Christmas! Ive listened to their demos a few times but have never purchased them.
Jennifer G says
I would love to win these CD’s because I want some positive music to play for my children.
Laurie says
For my boys.
Christa Goodrich says
Hi, Amy, I would love to play these CDs in my home and give them to my friends and family. I think I will go ahead and purchase about 6 of them. Hopefully, I will win the drawing for more. Thank you! Love reading your blog, Christa
Becky says
Love these! I would love to win.
Becky says
The download or cd I would be happy with either!!
Jenny Kurtz says
I would love to win this for my girls. I think it would help them to relax & sleep peacefully.
Diana Z says
I would love to win this for one of my new granddaughters.
Carrie says
Love scripture put to music… what a great addition to our home in time for the arrival of #12!
Nichole May says
How sweet! I would love this for my family 🙂
Kari says
I have no children, but started buying these CD’s as baby gifts. I eventually bought one for myself and absolutely love it! I would love to win a copy.
Fawn Corbin says
I am a Christian counselor in Loveland and I love recommending these to folks who are anxious or have difficulty sleeping. They are beautiful, peaceful, bathe your mind in the word of God and His love.
Delighted to find your website!
Laura H says
These are on our Christmas list!! I have wanted to buy these for a while. Hope to have the funds for a Christmas gift for my son.
Laura H says
These are on our Christmas list!
Oooooh, these look wonderful!! Thanks for sharing!
Becky says
WOW ~ these sound great! Thanks for offering a giveaway 🙂
Stacy says
I would love to win these!
Nicole Raulston says
I’m so glad I found this also. Most of the ones I have found have been really cheesy. I think this would be good for even adults as well.
Tina Boldman says
absolutely beautiful! Christmas presents for sure!
T. Gates says
This would be great to win!
Cynthia says
Would definitely love to have. Any chance to pour scripture into the souls of my children is a good thing 🙂
Kala says
I have been wanting this for so long! This would be so wonderful to win!
Rachel S. says
I would love to give these a a gift to a new mommy 🙂 Or even use for my youngest, who is 2 🙂
Lianna says
My nephew recently passed away and he requested that CD 1 be playing when he went to Jesus. His request was honored and the music made his passing a very peaceful and comforting time. I gave the cd to his sister and would love to have a copy once again for my kiddos.
Stacy says
Would love to add this to our collection of nighttime cds!!!
Sherri S says
My children love to listen to audio books or music when they go to sleep and I would love to add this as a scripture based resource that would fill their minds and hearts with God’s word as they go to sleep. Thanks for the giveaway!
Michelle says
My boys enjoy the Hermie and Wormie scripture memory CDs during room time. These would be wonderful to help them relax before bed and continue to put scripture in their hearts.
Thank you for the sweet giveaway,
Beth says
I Had Just Discovered Scripture Lullabies. How Awesome Would A Free CD Be. 🙂
Alia says
I would love these for my little ones! The fact that they’re Scripture based is awesome!
Marlea Foster says
I would love these for my grand babies and grand nieces!
Charis says
I love the idea to quietly end the day for all the kids! My mind also tends to wander while I’m nursing my baby and would love this for both me and him during nursing times!
Jennifer says
Would love to add these to my collection!
Kristy says
Would love for my babies o fall asleep to God’s Word washing over them!
Coleen Austin says
My younger boys love their lullaby music. Ones that incorporate scripture would be wonderful for them to learn.
Carolyn Schatte says
I have heard these and they are wonderful – the best.
Becki says
This was supposed to be my labor music but we never even made it to the Birthing Center. Instead it’s my baby rocking music and I am always amazed at how it calms my newborn.
S.T. says
I have six children 10 years and under. While I enjoy music, often it adds more clamor than peace. I would love to have something soothing that would add peacefulness to our home.
Cristi says
I’d like to play more peaceful music in our home to build a more relaxing, less-stressful atmosphere.
TE Lawrence says
This would be awesome for my son. He’d be able to remember the verses easier because they are set to music and I think the combination of the Word & soothing music would help with his nightmares.
Joni Owada says
This would be so wonderful to have this playing in the background in our home
Sheri Masters says
Our family has treasured these CD’s for a long time. We have a new little one and I can’t wait to share Volume III with her!
Rhoda says
We listen to godly music while falling to sleep each night. What a wonderful addition this would make. Thank you for the beautiful give away.
Jessica "Cis" Kirdyashev says
I and all of my children are able to memorize things well to music. I would love to have these for my family, as I and a couple of my children struggle with anxiety, especially at night. I also can see them as a wonderful gift for a close friend of mine whose child struggles with severe, intense anxiety at night and whose family has battled, spiritual warfare-wise, tremendously. It would be so perfect for them… Comfort for their family and a fool-proof offensive against and defeat for the Enemy.
Andrea says
I have one and love it. I’d love the second one and I’d give the first CD to a new mother.
Renee McArdle says
I have been looking fo this style cd for a very long time! Hoping to add this to our night night routine!
M. Stone says
I’d love to have some scripture set to soothing music for my son who’s afraid to sleep in his own room away from us. It would be nice have him surrounded by the word as he sleeps to speak to his spirit and give him some peace.
Stephanie Z says
to have some lovely, relaxing music to play for our little ones!
Vickie says
So excited about this!!! What a beautiful way to allow scripture to go DEEP into our spirits!
Joy says
Love this kind of music. It is so hard to find music like this for children.
Nikki R says
Sounds perfect for little ones and mamas too.
Marissa W. says
I would love to win these lullabies because the samples that I listened to were beautiful! My girls enjoy humming and singing scripture and hymns and these would be beautiful to add to our listening and memory.
Amie says
I love to play peaceful music around the house during the school day. I think this would be perfect.
Monica says
Beautiful songs….quiets my soul.
Trish says
I have been looking for ways to get more scripture into our day.
Juanita says
My entire family has been extremely blessed by these CD’s. So excited for the new one!
April says
I LOVE to have scripture cds in the house. We have a few and these sound like they would be wonderful to add!
Becky says
This music has helped me through the worst nights of my life. The songs based on God’s Word helped me sleep and get through the vice of emotional pain that left me wishing that I could truly die and end it all. I would love to win these so I could pass them along to friends in need.
Mary L. says
Lovely! I would be happy to win this.
Amber V. says
I’d love to win because it would be incredible to have beautiful, Scripture music to sing my 3 little kiddos to sleep!
jen says
this music is so beautiful! I have vol. 1 and would LOVE vol 2 for my littlest, #4, and share the other Cd with church nursery. It’s calm, gentle and soothing with God’s Word being spoken over them. doesn’t get any better than that!
noel says
Peace for the body, mind, and soul! What a beautiful way to soothe and feed the whole family.
Jodi says
I love your blog and would love another way to memorize scripture. Thank you for the opportunity.
Amy says
Such beautiful music!
Melissa M. says
I listened to the sample. So, beautiful and so peaceful. The hymn CDs we sometimes listen to at night are good, but not always super calming. This would be lovely.
Polly says
Mine love listening to audios at night. These are great and would be a nice addition to our rotation.
Becky says
The link for the song above was beautiful! I’ve been studying in the Bible the past couple of weeks the importance of music in our relationship to God-how it relates to Thanksgiving, specifically. Anyway, this would be a great asset, I’ll have to check out the links. Thanks for sharing!
Andrea says
I would love to win these because we are always trying to find ways to get scripture into our kids’ minds and to their hearts.
Jennifer Baker says
I would be excited to add these to our nightly routine. We need a way to wind down from our busy day. And, staying our mind upon the Lord will give us perfect peace. I need that, especially while my husband is deployed.
Sheree Griffin says
I am raising my two children alone. One just became a teenager and one is a male child, to say I feel overwhelmed on most days would be an understatement. Any way I can put Jesus into their ears so that He sink more and more into their hearts is what I desire.
Ansley Barnes says
I would love these CDs for my baby girls!
Lynn Renander says
My kids love listening to music at bedtime. We would enjoy these cd’s.
Erin says
This would be so nice to have playing during different parts of our day.
Laura says
My life is a bit chaotic right now, and I’d love to win this peaceful music!
Marie says
Have two little ones with another on the way. They love music and this would be a great addition to our collection.
Sarah says
This would be perfect for my three little kiddos. 🙂
Megan H says
We always have music going in the kids’ rooms, and I would love something like this that is peaceful and calming. Thanks!
Lara says
These would be great for my one year at bedtime!
Jill says
I have two little ones I’d like to share this music with! 🙂
Cheryl Petersen says
This would be great for my whole family to listen to. My kids love hearing songs about Jesus and this will help them to learn more about Him too!
Angie r says
Lovely and Beautiful calming scripture
Brittany says
Would love to win this or buy it! Thanks!
Shannon Crapia says
I could not imagine a better way to put our 4 beauties to sleep 🙂
Kelly Pieschek says
I would love to win Vol. II because we have been enjoying Vol. I for awhile now and would love to enjoy the second volume as it has been on our wish list. I’m not sure who enjoys the music more – myself or the kids. Amazing music!!!
Terry Claxton says
Music is a great tool to use to get scripture into the heart of your child.
Lorna says
Just listened to the “Be Still” track. It was *so* beautiful and peaceful! My kids aren’t babies anymore, but sometimes get scared at night. These songs would be wonderful to have them listen to. Would love to have them!
Kimberly says
I love how soothing and calm these sound. I think they would be relaxing, not just for my boys, but for me as well!
Darlene @ {In Pursuit} says
My daughter loves her lullaby before bed. Would love to try out some new ones. 🙂
Rachael says
This is my first time hearing of it, but it sounds beautiful! Having the scripture in the music is wonderful. Thanks for giving us all a chance to win.
Jean says
I have a 3 day old grandson, my first grandbaby, who I would love to share these lullabies with. 🙂
Pamela Dillinger says
We love to incorporate the scriptures through music…it’s a great way for the children (and adults) in our family to learn.
Tamara says
I think that scripture is so important. It brings life. With music it makes it easy to learn.
carol p. says
i would love to have these for my daughter-in-law. she is from argentina and still learning english. these would be beautiful for her to put on while she is nursing her firstborn, our grandson ( 😀 ), and to memorize Scripture in english… something serene to listen to when she is feeling homesick too. happy thanksgiving to you!
Mary says
These look great!
Deborah says
Love it! Thank u