This giveaway has ended.
Winners: Pam & Holly
My friend, Renee, from MadeOn Hard Lotion just had a baby, and one of her emails sent me shopping her store. She was talking about her research into not bathing baby right away (which I was already researching), and how when she did decide to bathe baby, she was going to use THIS GOAT MILK SOAP. (see photo above)
I knew this was what I wanted to do! I also knew I wanted to use her BeeSilk for my dry skin during pregnancy, so I took a look at my stash, only to realize this…
My poor BeeSilk tin has been a lot of places with me and it is starting to look super shabby. We use it for everything, and I just buy refills as needed. But, it was time to get a new tin too. I also needed some new BeeSilk sticks because these are a favorite with my children. They are so easy for little ones to use! This little guy keeps his by his bed.
I am super excited to share that MadeOn Hard Lotion is offering my readers a
FREE BeeSilk Stick!
(You will have to pay shipping, BUT, if you order $45 in products, your shipping is FREE on everything!
And that brings me to the giveaway, because this is one COLOSSAL GIVEAWAY!
Now is the time to stock up for your babies! Not only do you get the free BeeSilk Stick…not only do you get free shipping on orders over $45 (which helps tremendously when ordering something heavy like the soap!)…BUT, if you win the giveaway, you will get the $25 gift certificate AND your ENTIRE order will be PAID IN FULL!!!
There are two of these prizes! So, don’t delay! Grab your FREE BeeSilk Stick, stock up, enter the giveaway, and get your entire order paid for! {told you this was colossal!}
And we’re going to make this giveaway super simple this time!
All you have to do is leave a comment here on the blog
telling me which Hard Lotion product you want to try the most!
Here’s the website, so you can take a look around –> MadeOn Hard Lotion
(email readers, click here to leave a comment!)
There will be 2 winners!
giveaway ends 3/18/16 – no purchase necessary
Julianne says
Wow that is a big give away! I think the bug block certainly looks like a good thing but I would also like to try the second life hair repair. Thanks for the chance & congratulations on your new little one!!:)
Jessica says
The BeeSilk stick! Congrats on # 10!!
Lily says
I would love to try the goat’s milk soap and the hair butter. These products look amazing!
Caitlin G. says
What a generous giveaway! Looking over their site, there are so many things I’d love to try but at the top of the list is the Beesilk stick and the Bug Block Bar. Thanks for the chance to win! 🙂
Kelli says
I have used the bug block and love it. I would like to try some of the soaps next.
Andrea says
Love their lotion bar. THE HOSPITAL STAFF, of all people, were the ones to tell me last birth that research was indicating postponing babies bath was good! I had no idea, that was February 2015, and I just did not know. Thankfully, my natural birth loving nurse did 🙂 The staff was required to wear gloves every time they touched the baby, if we did not bathe him, but I did not care. It was the best thing for his skin and really made a difference compared to the six before him.
Darcy says
I absolutely love the rash cream! I haven’t ordered in a while due to finances, but would love to get more.
Misty Hull says
I would love to try the bee silk lotion! And since I’m due on Labor Day, I am very interested in the baby product.
molli glowacki says
I would like to try the original BeeSilk bar; and the Bug Block for summer! Thanks for the chance!
Robin says
I like the Hair butter and Chocolate soap.
Hannah says
I would love to try the lotion bar! It would be great to try on my dry skin and two of my kids with skin issues.
Rachel says
Oh, the second life hair repair is so tempting….it’s all beautiful.
Misty says
I’d like to try the /second life Hair rairrely and the diaper rash cream!
C. Webb says
I would like to try a Bee Silk Stick. Thanks for a chance to win.
Sarah says
Oooo how exciting! I would like to try the tinted lip balm.
Christina says
Great giveaway!! I would love to try the bug block! I am a bug bite magnet!
Christina says
Congratulations on the news of your littlest one! These products sound fascinating! I would like to try the Au Chocolat bar. I’ve never used hard lotion before. 🙂
LyneTte says
Congratulations on number 10!!! I would really love to try the lip, hair and face products. Thank you so much for this opportunity! Blessings to you!
Susan M. says
Not sure which I would pick–it is a toss up between the sticks for the feet and the sticks for keeping bugs away. I have trouble with both areas! First time ai ever heard of this company, and I sure am drooling ver everything n the site!
Clarissa West says
Lip balm! I already have their hard lotion bar in the tin and use it often (it lasts forever!)! I also got lip balm from them, loved it, used it, and it’s gone… Need more! 🙂
Melissa says
I would really LOVE to try the bug bar and family lotion bar!
Lauren says
My sweet little ones have terrible eczema and extremely sensitive skin. I’m talking weeping-red-rashes-and-cracked-bleeding-feet type eczema. We’ve recently given up highly processed foods which has helped considerably, but it takes a combination of diet and natural products to control their skin. I’ve yet to really find a skin care regimen that truly works. I’d really like to try either the rash cream to soothe their skin, (I’d love to get them off of steroid creams) or the tea tree goat’s milk soap to see if that could help reduce environmental flare ups in the first place.
Sara says
Thanks for the giveaway opportunity. I have consistently dry hands so I am interested in trying the Bee Silk Hard Lotion.
Savannah says
I haven’t gotten a chance to look at the giveaway website, but I just wanted to comment on delaying baby’s first bath. Both of our girls were home births, as is the plan for our third, due in June. We’ve never given a bath before the cord stump fell out, at around one week old. Granted, second daughter was a water birth, but there wasn’t any baby wash or anything besides a gentle pat dry involved with that. If baby needs to get cleaned off as a newborn, a little olive oil on a cotton ball, with a drop of frankincense and myrrh essential oils works great, and is good for baby’s skin and immune system. Congratulations and praying for a wonderful pregnancy and birth for you and your baby!
Julie B says
The Bee Silk sounds soothing! Thank you!
Courtney Lemon says
Hard decision, but top pick is probably the facial emollient followed by Bug block.
Valerie Nitz says
Wow! This is a great giveaway and a awesome blessing to the one who wins. I would like to try the goat milk soap and the lotion bar. Thank you for a chance to win these amazing products by MadeOn.
MIchelle says
I’d like to try the sticks for the feet. Congratulations on your new little one on the way!
Amy says
I love the hard lotion! This brand is the first I tried and it us amazing! I’ve tried making my own but it is just not the same!
Rachelle says
I love the look of the bug block and rash cream. Lovely products and I’m excited to try them with all of my little ones!
Karin owens says
This giveaway is so nice and generous! Thanks to both you and MadeOn Hard Lotion. There are so many great sounding products I’d love to try, but I think the first one is the Tea Tree Goat Soap. I have a son who is very prone to staph infections on his skin so we have to use antibacterial soap for him. Consequently I’m sure, his skin is quite dry plus he has burn scars on his legs and feet that are prone to extreme dryness. I’ve heard tea tree oil was good at staph prevention so I thought this soap would be great to try with him…tea tree oil for the staph prevention and goat milk for the dry skin. Thanks again for doing this giveaway!
Jeanette harden says
I absolutely loved browsing the site and seeing all the different options for skincare. As someone who has super sensitive skin and having children with eczema also….I would love to try some of the products. I think my first pick would be the lotion bar and the bug block. Thank you for sharing!
Ellen Martin says
I want to try it all but especially the bug bar right now.
Jamie waters says
I’d love to try the beesilk Jr. And the rash creams. I have a 3 month old with dry skin. I’m trying to find some good alternatives rather than buying something commercial from the store with ingredients I can’t pronounce!
Thank you for having the giveaway. And congratulations on your new little one.
Courtney says
I would like to try the Milk and Honey soap for my son. For me, I would love to try second life hair butter.
Amber BR says
I’d really just like to try it ALL! ha! I’d start with the Au Chocolat or Jr.
Georgia says
Congratulations!! I am so excited for you. Little ones are such a blessing!
I would really like to try the bug block, as we recently relocated to South Carolina and I need something that my kids won’t fight to put on before going outdoors to play.
Rachel says
Hi Amy,
All the products at Made On look amazing, and while I’d like to try them all, the one that piques my interest most is the Bug Block. We just moved to southeast Houston, Texas, and the mosquitoes here are as big as birds! My family and I all suffer from a variety of skin conditions from rosacea to eczema, as well as a few serious allergies that prevent us from using a lot of products on the market. Thanks for sharing Made On with us!
Rachel Harris
Pam says
Wow!! So many great products on the site. It’s hard to choose one to try – the soap, the hard lotion, the lip balm, the hair butter and the bug lotion are all in my cart! They all look wonderful!
Jade says
I’m excited to try the Beesilk stick! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
TheResa says
Oh I’m so happy for you, Congratulations on the newest arrow! I checked on the website. I was glad to see they have a free sample option… Now to choose 1 item for the free sample:) I think I’d like to check into the bug bar and the chocolate lip balm. We live in Deep South lots of bugs! Also does the hard lotion hold up to travel in your purse? Like I said we live in Deep South….
Stacy says
I love Renee’s lotion, so I’d like to try the soap.
Rachele says
This is one product I wish I had known about when I was having my babies. they all had terrible skin, eczema, baby acne. I’ve tried it and it is wonderful stuff! I love the lip balm!
Kimberly D says
We suffer with eczema in our home. Also, my face has been super dry throughout this pregnancy. The Bee Silk family lotion bar and the stick would be what I would buy. Thanks for the giveaway and introducing MadeOn products to us!
Christine Hill says
BeeSilk Stick.
Rose says
Congrats on #10! I hope you have a radiant healthy pregnancy. 🙂 I would like to try the diaper rash stick and goat milk soap.
Jenn @ Treasuring Life's Blessings says
The beesilk family block!
I just had baby #8 yesterday! Congrats on #10! 🙂
Amber silva says
I would love to try the Au Chocolate one! Who wouldn’t want to smell like chocolate! I just hope my kids don’t try to bite me.
Chandra says
I like the goat milk soap!
Maddie says
The product that I would LOVE to try/win the most would most certainly be the hard lotion, not only for me, but for other members of my family. This all-natural product would be PERFECT for recovering from hard-working days in my garden with my mother as well as my father. Shoveling & raking gets so tiring on our hands that they get so dry & cracked. We’ve been searching for an all-natural product to fix our hands & this looks like it will definitely do the trick!
Kristie Cappelletti says
I would love to try the beesilk as I am currently pregnant too, as well as getting some soap for baby’s arrival. I also hope that the stick will benefit my 2 year old who suffers eczema.
Tara H says
I’d love to try her lotion bar.
Marina says
I would love to try the milk & honey goat ll soap for my little guys!
Holly says
Beesilk and bug block ! Congratulations !!!!!! How very exciting Lord bless you sweet mama !
Susie T says
I would love to try the bug bar or the beesilk. 🙂
Lynn says
I’d like to try the Au Chocolat Bug Block. Thank you!
Nancynancy says
I’d like to try all! Bug, bee silk, and chocolate. In that order!
Christine says
I would actually like to try the BeeSilk stick as I’m holding my sick toddler who has the most raw nose from wiping that poor little nose for days. I know I can’t put regular lotion on as it will burn her skin. Man, do I wish I had that stick right now!
DJ says
I’ve used a few of her products before but would love to try the Calendula Goat Milk Soap as I have one boy with very sensitive skin. 🙂
Katie says
Goats milk soap. Thanks for the giveaway.
Mary says
I plan to try the Bee Silk Stick, and I would love to try the goat’s milk soap as well. Thank you for hosting this giveaway!
Leah says
Great giveaway! I would like to try the Bug Block.
Joy says
Bug Block for sure with this warm weather approaching fast and a few bug bites already on my children.
Congratulations on # 10.
Sherry says
The Au Chocolat is intriguing to me! Have you tried it or the Bug one? I HATE bug sprays with a passion, but we need some bug protection…
also, Do we need a code for the free beestick? Thanks for this product intro and great promotion!
Mindy says
I would love to try some of the goat milk soap! 🙂
Teresa says
I would definitely choose the bug block for my kiddos. We love to be outside, but the mosquitoes and ticks are terrible. This would be such a blessing!
Amanda Wu says
There are so many great products on their site. I’ve used their hard lotions before, so I’d be interested in trying the Milk & Honey Goat Milk Soap with my next little as I’m pregnant. But I also would love to try her lip balms too.
Diana Campbell says
I would love to try the peppermint lip balm or one of the goat milk soap products. If by chance I win, my email is in all lowercase letters. For some reason, the box is only allowing caps. Always hopeful
Sande says
I don’t know what I would like to try first. The Simply Shea Facial Emollient sounds great but so does the Bug Block and the Au Chocolat Bar. Too much to choose from! Thanks for the giveaway and congratulations on your new little one!!
Elizabeth says
I’ve been wanting to try the bug block bar forever and just haven’t went through with ordering it. On a related note, I work at a free-standing birth center and we never bathe the babies– we like vernix 🙂
amy Marshall says
Id like to try the soaps. I am due to have a baby in the next 6 weeks so Id like to get something for the little one. Also, I want to try the Bug Block Stick.
Amy Marshall says
I would like to try any of the soaps for our new baby coming. Also, I want to try the Bug Block Stick.
Amy says
I’d love to try the rash stick. No mess!
Sarah H says
I have tried the BeeSilk and love it, I want to try the baby one for my daughter’s itchy dry skin. The BeeSilk is just a bit too much for her delicate skin. I would also like to try the bug block for my little guy. Thanks!
Cheryl says
I’d love to try the oatmeal honey goat milk soap.
Anneka says
I would love to try the BeeSilk bar for my skin issues.
Sharon says
I want to try the SIMPLY SHEA Facial Emollient!
Martha says
I’d love to try the goat’s milk soap and lotion bar! They all sound like great products!
Jenny says
I would love to use the bug block stick. We live on a farm & the bugs are always a problem. I think having a natural way to repel the bugs is awesome! The stick form would make it so much easier for the kids to apply themselves. Thanks for the chance to win!
Kim says
With heels that want to crack till bleeding I find the AU CHOCOLAT BAR a rather intriguing product. Thanks for introducing your readers to this company, I like it.
Connie says
Bug Block….2 little girls with special needs who love for me to stroll them around in the stroller but they don’t know when they are getting bit…..thanks:)
Miss Hannah rudolph says
My feet get cracked and peel in the summer so I think that the bee silk lotion would help.The hair butter looks interesting too.
Blair says
The bug bar sounds cool!….. congratulations on #10 too!
Vanessa Coleman says
Definitely the hair butter, in all honesty this homeschool mama has seen better hair days. It’s been a rough 6 months health wise…
Casey norris says
I would love to try the bug block stick!
rachel r. says
I’d love to try the Simply Shea Facial Emollient or maybe one of the bug block products. 🙂
Judith Martinez says
We live in CO and it is DRY here! These products look wonderful.
Sarah Demarest says
I Would love to try the bee silk for my son!! He has had severe eczema to the point of full body staff infections at times we have tried so many products that don’t really work!
Carissa Bohley says
I too am pregnant and need to find something natural to use with our new baby. With the last baby we used Burt’s Bees but it smelled pretty bad and turns out not to be all natural. I think the first thing I would order would be the Super Soothing Diaper Rash Cream.
Megan says
I would love to try the Bee Silk Junior to see how it compares to the regular. I have very dry and itchy skin, so maybe it’d be a better choice for me?
Brittant Kearns says
I definitely want to try the bee silk lotion bar.
Melody says
I would love to try the Au Chocolat bar!! 🙂
Nikki says
I am thinking that many of those things sound useful. I think I would most like to order a Bee Silk Stick for my little ones. We have so much dry skin going on here right now. thanks for the chance to win.
leigh lester says
I just placed an order and I can’t wait to try the Second Life Hair Butter on my thick, curly hair!
Nikki says
I can’t decide between the Au chocolat and the BeeBalm!
Brittni says
Pick me!
JulIe says
Congrats on number 10, I would love to try the bee silk. Thank you for such a great give away!
Katherine says
The hard lotion I would try would be the purse size/pocket size Beesilk.
Julie says
Congratulations on your new little one!! I have never tried these products but they sound wonderful. I think my top choices would be the Shea Facial Emollient and the Bug Bar family size. I have never found a face cream that doesn’t cause me to breakout so maybe this is the one. Bugs are already causing problems this year, the mosquito’s seem to love us. Both of these items would hopefully help to solve a big problem for us. Thank you for the opportunity to win!!
Katie says
We are swimmers, and I would love to try the hair repair to combat the drying effect the chlorine has on our daughter’s hair. Lots of great products!
Stacy says
I have tried just about everything except for the beesilk Jr. I think that I would try that product if I won the certificate.Thanks for the chance!
Ginna says
I would love to try the bug block and rash cream! Thanks for the chance to win!
Deanna F says
I’d like to try the BeeSilk stick and Bug Block stick! Thanks for sharing such a great company and hosting the giveaway!
Melisha Meredith says
Would love to try these products!
Courtney W says
I most would like to try the Bees ilk hard lotion bars!
abbe says
I would love to try the lip balm. Also, I love natural products for my kiddos and hope to try some of these products on our new baby coming this June!
Sarah Matthews says
I started using madeon after you recommended it on your blog. I love it! It has really cleared up my little’s excema too! I would like to try the beesilk jr, since we always use the adult one!
Angela saver says
I want to try the AU CHOCOLAT BAR Pocket Size (.71 oz) most of all! All the ingredients sound wonderful for your skin!
Leela says
SIMPLY SHEA Facial Emollient .
Laura says
I want to try a beard shaving kit for my hubby! The chemicals in Barbasol worry me.
On another note…with a baby on the way…where did you read about not bathing baby right away? I’m all ears! 🙂 (I scanned the MadeOn blog but couldn’t see the post.)
Amy says
This is the article Renee from MadeOn sited:
Laura says
Thank you! Going to share with hubby.
Deborah says
What I want to try the most is the Bee Silk bar. I hadn’t heard of this company before. Thank you for making me aware of it…always looking for safe products!
Helen says
We could sure use the bug block stick
Rebecca says
My daughter would want the hair butter. I like the the BeeSilk sticks for my littlest one. And I would LOVE the soap!! Thanks for a great giveaway!!
Marissa S. says
I’d love to try the Natural Lip Balm!
Anne perry says
I would like to have the
BEESILK BAR Pocket Size (.71 oz).
debbie says
I would love to try the bee silk. I’d really like my daughter to get to try it because she has miserable dry skin.
Meghan B says
Would love to try to lotion bar!
Amy Owen says
So many items – it would be hard to choose!
Shakeia Rieux says
I would love to try the Simply Shea Facial Emollient
Jenny Scheldberg says
The Vanilla Dust lip balm looks great!
Richelle says
Would love to win and try the Bee silk. Congratulations on baby #10, so exciting for you:))))
chickie brewer says
The Bee Silk sounds very interesting… I wonder what it would be like??
Kimberly Bauer says
I want to try the BEESILK Stick.
KRista says
I already love the lotion bars. (I’ve given away every other liquid lotion, since they just can’t compete.) I would really like to try her bug bar.
Fiona N says
I really would love to try the SIMPLY SOOTHING Rash Stick for my son
Thank You for the chance
Kelly says
I have already tried the Bee Silk and the bug stick so next I would like to try the Goat Milk Soap!! Thank you!!
Lisa Jagodzinski says
I would love to use the hard lotion bar
Alyson noto says
How Awesome!! I would love to use the Bug Block, we are Southerners and my children get eat up in the Summertime. This would be great!!
Angie says
What a giveaway! I just placed my order. I’m most looking forward to the au-chocolate hard lotion. Thanks & congratulations on the pregnancy!
Sarah Hayes says
I think the AU CHOCOLAT BAR looks amazing. I love how natural it is
K R says
Love the diaper rash cream with a 12 month old cutting teeth.
Corinne T says
I think I most want to try the lip balm and the chocolate lotion bar!
Amy says
2nd life hair butter
Meghan B says
The BeeSilk stick looks great!