Resources to help the homeschool mom manage all aspects of her homeschool from schedules to organization, from babies to burnout.
Homeschooling doesn’t have to be overwhelming and stressful. Often, our own expectations and the perceived expectations of others keep us from homeschooling in a way that fits our unique personalities and those of our family.
The resources found on this page are here to guide you toward a gentle way of homeschooling that allows you the time to relax and your children the space to become lifelong learners!

As a 20+ year veteran of homeschooling, I know how important it is to have a community of homeschooling moms to learn from. It is my prayer that the information you find here is helpful without being overwhelming.
Please remember, what you read here are the results of much prayer and guidance from God and my husband. They are unique to our family, and are not meant to be a set of homeschooling rules you must employ to be successful. As with everything, seek the Lord as to what His vision is for YOUR family.
Table of contents
- How to Make a Homeschool Schedule
- How to Homeschool Multiple Ages
- Homeschooling Year Round
- Getting Started Homeschooling
- What Does a Typical Homeschool Day Look Like?
- How to Organize Your Homeschool
- How to Homeschool with Babies & Toddlers in the House
- Homeschooling Preschool & Kindergarten
- How to Homeschool High School
- Homeschool Mom Burnout
- Our Current Homeschool Curriculum
- Homeschool Conventions
- Homeschool Books Worth Reading
How to Make a Homeschool Schedule
I think making a homeschool schedule is one of the most difficult things for a homeschool mom to do. Some moms create rigid ones they cannot keep up with. Some moms are constantly changing the plan. And some moms just throw in the towel and homeschool willy-nilly – always feeling as if they are living in chaos and crazy.
There is a better way! That is why I made an entire eCourse on this topic just for you – the homeschool mom who knows there is a better way to make a homeschool schedule, but doesn’t know where to begin.
Buy my eCourse:
Creating a Homeschool Schedule You Love!
Other Homeschool Scheduling Posts You Might Like:
- Simple Homeschool Routines for Moms Who Don’t Like Schedules
- Year Round Homeschooling Schedules
- Homeschooling When Your Schedule Keeps Changing
How to Homeschool Multiple Ages
I don’t want to be presumptuous, but you probably landed on this site because you have several kids you are trying to homeschool. This presents unique challenges, and is precisely what my blog is all about!
I have a FREE eBooklet that contains one of the chapters from my book – Large Family Homeschooling – that will help you homeschool ALL of your children all together. I think you will find this a very helpful place to start!

I’d also encourage you to go ahead and invest in my book Large Family Homeschooling. This mega-sized book will be your companion for your mega-sized family all throughout your homeschooling years.
170 pages + Resources
Buy it Here!
Also available in paperback & on Kindle here!
Other Large Family Homeschooling Posts You Might Like:
- Morning Time with Multiple Ages
- Homeschooling Multiple Ages Podcast (Part 1)
- Homeschooling Multiple Ages Podcast (Part 2)
- Homeschooling Multiple Ages Podcast (Part 3)
Homeschooling Year Round
We started homeschooling year round when our oldest was 10 to allow for greater flexibility in our homeschool year. I could take off whenever I needed to and not feel guilty about it!
Learn more about Homeschooling Year Round!
Getting Started Homeschooling
Here are a few of my favorite posts for getting started homeschooling in a way that is calm, confident, and Christ-centered!
- 7 Things a New Homeschool Mom Needs to Know
- What I Wish Someone Had Told Me About Homeschooling
- How to Name Your Homeschool
- The 3 Year Learning Curve for Homeschool Moms
- Children Aren’t Buckets to Be Filled
- Is Your Homeschool Curriculum Biblical?
- Settling the Socialization Question
What Does a Typical Homeschool Day Look Like?
No two homeschools are alike, but these posts will give you a taste of what your homeschool day could look like and also provide a jumping off point for creating your own wonderful homeschool experience! Always remember to honor your unique family dynamic!
- How Many Hours a Day Does it Take to Homeschool? (includes free checklist!)
- Simple Homeschool Routines for Moms Who Don’t Like Schedules
- Homeschool Schedules for Moms Who Love Structure
- Year Round Homeschooling Schedules
- Homeschooling When Your Schedule Keeps Changing
- Does That Count As School?
- Delight-Directed Homeschooling (4 part series)
How to Organize Your Homeschool
From crates to folders to backpacks and bookshelves, I have done it all and I will be totally honest – simple is the way to go! Do whatever makes sense with your brain and will actually get done!
You should definitely check out all the ideas on my Organizing the Large Family Homeschool page! (even if you don’t have a large family!). Something there is bound to work for you!
This page is full of ideas to keep you (and all your homeschool stuff) organized!
How to Homeschool with Babies & Toddlers in the House
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, GET MY BOOK! I share exactly how we managed to homeschool with babies and toddlers in tow for most of our homeschooling years. It’s all in there!
More homeschooling with babies and toddlers posts
- Homeschooling with Morning Sickness
- Managing Your Home with Morning Sickness (podcast)
- How I Occupy My Busy Preschooler
- Homeschooling When Everyone Needs You
- Teaching Older Kids to Help Younger Siblings
How to Make a Toddler Box
If you have toddlers, make sure you have some special “school” toys that are just for them to keep them busy while you are homeschooling!
Get your FREE Toddler Box Idea Page!
Also watch How I Occupy My Busy Preschooler for even more ideas!
Homeschooling Preschool & Kindergarten
There are many philosophies when it comes to homeschooling the early grades. I believe school at this age should be all fun! Below are a couple of my favorite curricula for play-based homeschooling during the early years…
A Year of Playing Skillfully
This curriculum is not only beautiful, but it has been a beautiful addition to our homeschool – spanning many ages and bringing our family closer as we do the projects together!
We have also thoroughly enjoyed the curricula produced by The Peaceful Press. We started with The Peaceful Preschool.
See more of The Peaceful Press The Wonderment Curriculum.
For more resources and ideas for homeschooling Kindergarten, read my super popular post:
How We Homeschool Preschool & Kindergarten
And if you have older kids and are having trouble fitting the little ones into your school day, see how I learned to Homeschool the Little Ones First >>
How to Homeschool High School
As of 2023, I have graduated 3 children from our homeschool who have been homeschooled from the very beginning of their educational careers. My oldest graduated college in 2020 with a Business Communications degree from a 4 year private university, and his sister is in her junior year of college to become an American Sign Language Interpreter. Our most recent graduate is building her own cleaning business and working on a flower and honey farm.
Homeschooling the high school years can feel daunting, but it isn’t impossible! These years are so special with our young adults – don’t miss out on them! These posts will help you put together a plan that works for your family:
- Homeschool Graduation Requirements – A Simple Plan
- Homeschooling High School in a Large Family
- True Education Isn’t About Making a Living
- Homeschool to College: Transitioning Your Teen (podcast)
What About Homeschool Coops?
Are you feeling the pull toward homeschool groups and classes?
Read this first >>
Are Homeschool Groups, Coops, and Classes a Waste of Time?
Homeschool Mom Burnout
Homeschooling is a hard job, and sometimes it all feels like too much. With 20+ years under my belt, let me share some important truths about burnout and what you can do about it.
First of all, watch this video on What to Do When Mama is Burned Out:
Also read:
- A Mom Who Never Burns Out – The Secret of Mother Culture
- The Growing Pains of First Generation Homeschool Moms
- Unrealistic Homeschool Moms
- How to Take Homeschool Mom Sabbatical
- Why Homeschool Gaps Aren’t Mistakes
Listen to this podcast:
I’d also encourage you to get a copy of my book:
Home Management for the Homeschool Mom
Home Management for the Homeschool Mom will help you learn how to fit everything into your day. Homeschool moms have the unique challenge of being both stay-at-home-mom and stay-at-home-teacher. It’s not an easy job and this book will help you figure out a plan that works for you and your family!
Our Current Homeschool Curriculum
I’m sure you are curious about what we personally use in our homeschool, and while I am happy to share, I would caution you that this is what is working for us RIGHT NOW. Both of the posts below are updated to reflect our CURRENT choices:
To see some of our favorite homeschooling supplies and books GO HERE!
Homeschool Conventions
I truly believe homeschool conventions are a must for encouraging homeschool families to stay the course, so please consider going to at least one a year! Our favorite is Teach Them Diligently!
Homeschool Convention Worksheets & Resources
- How to Make a Homeschool Convention Notebook
- Surviving Homeschool Conventions
- Using the Evernote app at Homeschool Conventions
Homeschool Convention Survival Guide!
Homeschool Books Worth Reading
Of course, I think you ought to own ALL of my homeschooling books, so that’s what I’m going to share here. For more homeschooling favorites, GO HERE to my Amazon list.
My homeschooling books
Do you have more questions? Leave them in the comments section or email me at AMY at RAISINGARROWS.NET