{Have a post that will encourage others in their quest to be joyful keepers of the home? Link it up below in this week’s Welcome Home Link Up!}
Something I struggled with terribly in my early parenting years was the notion that I had to be perfect in order to teach my children whatever it was I wanted to teach them.
Especially anything pertaining to God’s Word.
But you know what? My children are perfectly fine with my mess ups. We learn together and they are actually excited when they find something Mommy didn’t know that they can share with me.
So, teach mama! Take your kids and make a whole bunch of mess-ups in the kitchen and then learn how to fix them! Teach them to learn, to grow, to be accountable. Teach them that perfection is a myth and you are living proof!
Read the Scriptures and learn right alongside them. Tell them when there is something in God’s Word you didn’t know or hadn’t remembered. Lay those stones so that when they are older they will remember.
I want to share with you a couple of Bible resources that I have mentioned before, but I feel deserve another mention in this post because they stand out to me as the two devotionals our family has used over the years that brought out things from the Bible that ministered to me as they ministered to my children.
Hurlbut’s Story of the Bible
This book goes through the Bible story by story, weaves them together chronologically, brings out historical issues and reminds children of how one part of the Bible links with another. I was fascinated and my children were too! The one above is the one I own; however, I did run across a newer edition a while back at a book sale and quickly realized it had been dumbed down considerably and had completely lost the wonderfulness of the original edition. So, be sure to purchase an Original Edition!
You can also hear the audiobook version of the original at LibriVox for free! This is especially helpful when you are laid up with morning sickness; however, I have noticed my children do not listen as well to the audio recording as they do to my voice.
Mighty Acts of God
This is the book that finally put the Bible together for me. I was raised in a church that taught the Bible in sections of life application and never as a complete story of Christ from beginning to end. Reading this devotional to my children made the Scripture absolutely come alive to me. It finally all made sense!
I have a few homemaking resources up my sleeve too, but one of them has yet to be released, so I’ll wait to let you know about those until a later date. That said, start Googling what you want to know! Jump in where you are interested and take your children along for the ride!
Don’t forget, if you are looking for frugal resources, particularly for homeschooling, check out FreeHomeschoolDeals.com
Diana says
Just ordered both of these on amazon! Thanks for the suggestion! Praying you have a healthy pregnancy and baby! I also lost a baby to miscarriage this winter, and am now 15 wks pregnant with our 5th baby. 🙂
Amy says
Thank you, Diana! And you will love them! 🙂
Josi says
Looking forward to looking into your resources. I love the chronological aspect. It helps me to understand the big picture better. I’m catching up on several of your posts. It’s so exciting to see the baby… I only saw one so I’m guessing no twins this time around! I’m sorry about your Grandpa. I’m so thankful that you had him for so long. However, I know from when my Grandma died at age 86 you can’t help but wish you would have had more time. I never stop desiring to call her. I’ve decided that I will always wish I had grandparents, even when I will be a grandma some day myself!
mary says
God reminder Amy, Great resources
mary says
Good 🙂
Jamie @ Love Bakes Good Cakes says
Thank you for hosting, Amy! I’m sorry about your Grandpa.
Miranda says
I needed so much to hear that today. Thank you, Amy.
kelli- AdventurezInChildRearing says
Oh I so wish that all young women and young mothers could grab hold of this- wish I had gotten hold of it earlier.
Amy says
I wish I had too, but I am so glad to have had mentors who told me to jump in and learn alongside them!