(Blog notes: Thank you Jill for the link to this powerful video! )
The churches are full of “professing Christians,” but WHAT IF? What if some of them, some of you, are pretending?
I would highly encourage you to take the time to listen to this hour long, well-worth-it message. Consider the gravity of this message, have your older children listen to it, pass it on to others. This is so very important!
I was one of those people who “thought” I was saved b/c I prayed a prayer. I was one of those who when I questioned my salvation was told, “If you were sincere when you prayed that prayer, then you were saved all those years ago,” even though there was NO fruit in my life. No one said EXAMINE YOURSELF against Scripture, everyone just assumed I was saved because I could talk the talk, and when compared with others in the church, I looked and acted the part. I was even asked to write articles in a Christian publication because I “appeared” to be a good Christian.
But, deep down, I knew I wasn’t real. I “thought” I was saved in 1993. It was 7 years later before I truly turned my life over to God and started following Him with my whole heart, not just giving Him occasional lip service.
Even though, I can totally relate to this website and this message, I realize that I have not been giving Biblical answers to others (my children included) when it comes to true, Biblical Christianity. I have been guilty of patting people on the head and saying, well, “*I* think you are saved b/c of X,Y,Z.” Who am I? The only measurement of our faith we should have, ladies, is the BIBLE! Every question, every discussion, every argument should ALWAYS point to God’s Holy Word.
Examine yourself against Scripture, not against what the person sitting next to you in church is like. Are you truly saved? Does the Lord have your heart? Does the Lord have your children’s hearts? Do you point others to the Bible? Is there fruit ~ true Biblical fruit ~ in your life?
Take the time to watch this sermon, ponder the implications of this message, ask yourself and others the hard questions, and stop pretending!
Lori Dupre Jackson says
Thanks for spreading this word! I have been a pretender. It’s an unfortunate part of the wide-spread charismatic movement (that I grew up in) that convinces people that <>THOUGHTS<> alone “save us”. Lucifer himself believes in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ…he is not saved from eternal damnation. Sadly, I have misused Romans 10:9 over and over again. But, we have cheapened the meaning of belief. If I REALLY BELIEVE – with my WHOLE HEART (the core of my person) that Jesus died on the cross for my EVERY SIN…I will strive to not sin. We confuse whole heart belief with head knowledge.>>God is FAITHFUL to deliver us from our own ignorance. Praise Him for that!!!
Stacey says
I just wanted to point out, even though I didn’t listen to the sermon yet, that salvation is through faith ALONE! If you believe, you are saved. There is truly NOTHING we can do to be saved. Our works do not ‘keep us saved’ either. God holds us, and no matter what happens, He cannot let us go. Out of our gratitude for this MARVELOUS gift, comes our good works. Salvation is not a ‘feeling’ or an action, it is faith. An awesome place for resources is faithalone.org. Check it out. God’s gift is truly free, and if you believed so long ago, when you were a child, then you were saved THEN. Sometimes we don’t ‘feel’ saved, but that is all about relationship. Do you always feel like the best daughter to your mother? I think every relationship has its ups and downs. We can’t gauge our Salvation on feelings.>>Sorry, I didn’t mean to write a sermon, but this is something I believe in so firmly.
Tammy says
What a great post! I have been visiting your blog for a few months, ever since someone forwarded your “The Me Time Myth” post to me (actually, two people sent it who weren’t related in any way). I appreciate how your words are so full of truth that is hard to find in the feel-good American church. I know exactly the spirit of what you are saying about pretending. This kind of message has been preached in my church and another house church/torah group I sometimes attend, and both are small groups of people. In other words, this message isn’t popular. Yes, it is all about relationship, but if you have no Godly fruit, then do you really have a relationship? We’re too spoiled in America to really need God, and we taint our so-called relationships with Jesus with endless humanism. I’m speaking from experience of course! Thanks for sharing your life with all of us in cyperspace!
Ginger says
Stacey, I encourage you to listen to the sermon before jumping to conclusions. 🙂
Michele says
I can’t thank you enough for this; it’s truly been a blessing to me, & something I’ve been searching for. There’s so much watered down Christianity that it’s easy to get complacent & feel that’s okay. What I’m learning is if one truly has a heart for Him there will be obedience, no matter how difficult that can be out amongst others. The only judgement we have to fear is from the Lord, not man. Many blessings to you! Michele
Anonymous says
Thank you for clearing that up. I haven’t heard the word used that way before. I know THIS message was not “new” but I have never heard of him before so I wasn’t sure how to take that part. I really enjoyed listening to him. I always look forward to reading your blog – we share alot of the same values. God bless you and your family.>>Esther
Amy @ Raising Arrows says
Esther,>In many Christian circles, the “gift of prophecy” is considered to be held by Christians who are blessed with the ability to speak hard truths from the Bible. I do not believe he was suggesting he was revealing NEW truths, but that he was simply expounding upon those truths which already exist. These are truths that few really want to hear because they step on toes and ask you to dig deeper.
Anonymous says
That was a very powerful sermon. The message really makes you evaluate things in your life. >I am curious – did I understand him right? Is he claiming to be a prophet. Esther
ScribblinScribe says
What a good message to be sharing! I know many, many who believe themselves saved yet don’t know Yahweh! I’ve marked that message to listen to soon! Hope you and your family are doing well…can’t wait to hear of the arrival of another of your little ones! 🙂>>Blessings!>>Abigail Joy
MamaArcher says
you have been awarded as a Blog of Distinction….>< HREF="http://www.mamaarcher.com/2008/06/blogs-of-disctinction.html" REL="nofollow">CLICK HERE FOR YOUR AWARD<>>I love your blog!
Alysa says
I too have been reading your site for a while. I’m still a single girl, but enjoy reading (and hoping!) about big families.>>Thanks for posting that link! I actually watched that sermon some time back, and was thouroughly convicted. It didn’t make me question my salvation, but what am I DOING about it?>>I’m now somewhat addicted to Brother Paul Washer’s preaching. (SermonAudio.com is a great source for this… Check his “Top Recommended” sermons)>>I too was a pretender. I thought I was saved, but my faith wasn’t in Christ… it was in what I believed (doctrinally). We’re saved by faith… but our faith can’t be in anything less than the finished work of Calvary.>>God bless you. Keep the great posts coming, for this hopeful & waiting young girl to draw inspiration from!
Berean Wife says
Thank you for this article and the link. I’ll be sure to share the information with others. This is one of the biggest problems in our country and churches today.
Dawn says
Wow–I linked to your site from another blogger’s site while researching a completely different topic. This message is close to my heart and I saw that the resources on the What if I’m Pretending website includes the sermon “Ten Shekels and a Shirt – Paris Reidhead”. My husband stumbled across a written transcript of this sermon two nights ago. We read it with the children, then my husband asked me to forward it to everyone we knew. Thank you for encouraging others to look deeper.