Perhaps you’ve had a week like Tanya at Kentucky Sketches. She had a chaotic homeschool week complete with chicken pox!
Or maybe it’s been like my toddler tornado day back when my now 8 and 9 year olds were only 1 and 2 – THING 1 & 2, that is. (this is a golden-oldie post from my archives! What a hoot!)
You might want to plan a Cheap Family Night In with the ideas from Marriage, Motherhood, & Missions.
You might want to head to a Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Convention like Ty and I did last weekend…
Or you might want to enter this giveaway, hosted by Covenant Ranch Trucking!
Joe & Jeanette Wood of Covenant Ranch Trucking are speaking at the Family Covenant Ministries Conference & Curriculum Fair in St. Charles, MO. The Woods deliver for Azure Standard and have such amazing stories to tell of God’s provision! This giveaway features a family admission to the conference, a 4 night hotel stay, a basket of Azure Standard goodies, and breakfast with Mrs. Joseph Wood herself!
The post with the most clicks last week was from Yes, They’re All Ours on being a Joyful Wife.
Now, it’s your turn! Link up as many as 3 posts from your blog and enjoy the other links left here! {If reading via email, please click over to see the links and leave yours!}

<div align="center"><a href="" title="Welcome Home Wednesdays"><img src="" alt="Welcome Home Wednesdays" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
Elizabeth Ours says
Wow! So very honored to have had the most cllicked on post from last week! Thank you Amy for hosting! 🙂
Tanya @ Kentucky Sketches says
Thank you for the feature! Hope you’re recovering from your little getaway to TDD, though after all the pressure of having to speak, you may feel like you need a getaway to help you recover from your getaway! 😉 Again, so glad I got to hear and meet you. You had the same sweet spirit in person that I think emanates from your blog. Thank you for what you do to encourage homeschooling families!
Amy says
Thank you, Tanya! This year I was much more relaxed than last year. Ty and I also slipped away quite often just to walk along the paths and sit and talk. It was a very refreshing time. I hope you had a wonderful time as well!
Wendy @ says
Thanks for hosting 🙂 Have a great day!
Becky says
Love your blog! Please feel free to participate in my link-up “Wifey Wednesday”! I’d love to see some of your posts there!
Tonia says
How was the conference? Our local one is coming up in a few weeks. It’s small but I always love attending. It’s so great to see so many homeschoolers gathered in one place.
Amy says
We had a wonderful time!
Michelle @ Moms Are Frugal says
Thanks for hosting. Your blog is very helpful to me when I have a question. I have four children and struggled with organizing our day!
Rach D says
One of my fav link ups Amy! Always find treasures here…thanks again for hosting 🙂
Rachael @ Diamonds in the Rough