This coming week, Ty and I will be going to a homeschool conference and a wedding. Most of our “dates” are like this. We have something we need to do, some place we need to be, and THAT is our “date”. I’ve learned over the years to make the most out of these days out and about. I hope this post will encourage you to do the same!
Get dolled up.
One of my favorite parts of being able to go out somewhere with Ty is being able to do my hair and makeup and wear something nice.
(In the photo above, I’m wearing my scarf from Deborah & Co. – isn’t it pretty?!)
My best piece of advice is to save some favorite outfits for those days out. Experiment with hairstyles that compliment your face. Enjoy looking nice for your husband!
Enjoy the fresh air.
In the photo above, Ty, Aspen and I were sitting outside eating at Chipotle. I’ve always found that a day out with Ty is even nicer if we are able to get outside. Walking, eating, just breathing – it’s all wonderful!
Take photos.
Make the day special by taking a photo! Even a selfie (or rather, usie) on your phone is a great way to commemorate even the most mundane of events, making them something special. I like to post my photos to Instagram (amyraisingarrows is my username there if you’d like to follow me) or to my Facebook page.
(This photo was taken on Ty’s phone about a week after Aspen’s birth when he and I went out for coffee.)
Hold hands.
I remember being a kid and seeing my parents hold hands. It was sort of embarrassing, but at the same time, reassuring. There is just something lovely about holding hands with your spouse. Do it often!
Be grateful for the time you have.
So often, we are not grateful for the time we have with our husbands even when it is “just a doctor’s appointment” or “just a shopping trip.” Purposefully be thankful. Appreciate the time. Be sure to tell your husband you are enjoying your time together. Do your very best not to bring up troubling issues between you. This isn’t the time.
I’d love to hear how you make the most of your time with your husband!
Looking for some frugal date ideas? Check out my post Frugal Date Nights.
Jodie says
From 29 to 33 weeks pregnant with our number 9, we had to make twice weekly visits to the Maternal Fetal Medicine Unit which was about 40 minutes drive away. While it was all quite stressful at the time (I had polyhydramnios and placenta praevia), we did comment to each other that it was nice to have some time together alone. We even managed a takeaway dinner and a café visit after our appointments a couple of times. Everything turned out fine in the end and we have little Michael to thank for our “dates”.
Amy says
The photo of me in the scarf was after a stressful dr’s visit too – Aspen’s last cystic fibrosis test. It was nice to breathe some fresh air and try to relax with my husband afterward. 🙂
Jillian says
Most of my prenatal appts end up being dates. Even if it’s just doing a costco shopping and of course hitting the food court. 🙂 That’s about the only good thing about being pregnant. Well, not the only thing, but you get what I mean. 🙂
Amy says
Yes, that was one reason I love prenatal appts!
Jessica says
I miss those times in the car with hubby when not pregnant! Yep!! 🙂
Lacy says
Thank you for this! With my husband working in ministry and me homeschooling our “dates” are usually taking people out from church or going to adult only events. From time to time I need this reminder to enjoy this time even if others are joining us on our “date.”
Jessica says
Yes! Prenatal apts. are perfect dates! 🙂 I am hoping to be pregnant this month so we can begin those dates again! Trusting God either way. But it’s such a special time and we have long drives to get to the midwives.
Amy says
Our drive is long too – I love it!
Jennifer Dewing says
We don’t have “normal” dates either. While we do go out on our anniversary, we also often go to weddings alone (we’re the caterers, not wedding crashers!), yet sometimes we take our eldest to help. Yes, we’re working, but we’re still doing it together! It’s unconventional, that’s true, but it works! Especially since we do between 5-10 weddings per year. Not bad!
Joy says
We try to get out when we can but often we have a “date night in” Once the kids go to bed, we make a dinner we both really like, light candles etc. and then watch a favorite romantic movie:) or even just talk. After baby #5 we had to get creative!
It’s hard for us to find anyone that is willing to hang out with 5 kids under 7.
Our most recent date was outside the home, we went to a homeschoolers conference with some friends ..*almost* like a double date!
Josi says
When my kids were little, my husband and I did a lot of after-the-kids-go-to-bed dates. Often we would have popcorn and even soda to go with a movie. One time my daughter said the next morning, after seeing the popcorn bowl & glasses on the counter, “you guys always have so much fun after we go to bed!!” 🙂
Amy says
Ha! How cute!
Natalie says
We find it far easier (with husband’s flexible schedule) to steal a quick lunch date out instead of trying to plan an evening date (which messes with bedtime routines).
Amy says
We do this too! 🙂
Dawn says
My hubby does heating and air conditioning work. When he has a call in a nearby large city, I often ride along and he uses part of his pay for us to have a really nice dinner date!! It’s only once every few months, but it gives me quiet time while I wait for him, and we get a long ride in addition to the date.
Amy says
Awww, how sweet!
Josi says
We have been busy trying to put together an invitation for our son’s 18th birthday/graduation party. We are both tech challenged so it was going to come down to mostly being handmade. My husband jumped on board to help me and so our date nights have been to all the craft and office stores. When we went into Hobby Lobby, on a mission to get special paper, my husband was getting distracted by some of the cool signs they have. I had to quickly redirect him! We realized that when we aren’t in such a hurry our next leisurely date may just be a trip back to Hobby Lobby! Ha! We realized that even though we were on a mission with these errands, we were enjoying each other and just thankful to be together.
Lindsey says
I guess I’m a little jealous. My family lives nearby but they don’t offer to babysit….and def not for prenatal appointments. I take all my kids alone with me as my husband can’t afford to miss work. Do all you ladies have older kids that watch the younger ones or just amazing families with lots of free time/don’t work outside the home? My husband and I don’t even go on a date for our anniversary. Sad, I know.
Amy says
Lindsey – I do have older kids now, but we’ve also been blessed with grandparents who have often lived close enough to watch kids for us. You might try asking your family if you are comfortable with that. Some day you will have older kids, but until then, I’d encourage you to find small ways to make those trips as pleasant as they can be. Maybe even have a special treat you all can enjoy.
Alicia says
My hubby used to clean a small office in town 1 evening a week. Sometimes my mom watched our kids so that I could help him. We would drive through Taco Bell and eat in the car and talk before doing the cleaning. It was so simple, but a sweet “mini date”, as we liked to call it.
Reggie says
Don’t spend your time together running only household errands! HAHA! No seriously…don’t.