I have always been fascinated by the moon. The different names each full moon has, the craters we can see from here on Earth, and the way it lights the sky without being its own light.

Sometimes, I will take my children on a drive to the country simply to see the moonrise or wonder at a Harvest or Wolf moon. I will often strain my eyes at a waxing Gibbous trying to guess how many more nights until it is full. And I love sitting out on my deck in the moonlight, chatting with a friend or simply enjoying the night noises around me.
But, it wasn’t until I read a section in the book Theology of Home that I began to contemplate and correlate motherhood and the moon.

I want to offer a deeper dive into how we can use the moon as a natural reminder and visual illustration and inspiration for us as Christian mothers. I was tempted to leave the best part of this analogy for last, but I feel it needs to be said first because it is how everything else falls into place…
A Christian mother reflects the Son.
The moon has no light of its own, but is a reflection of the sun, making it the greatest light in the darkness. The mother may feel as if she has very little to offer, but if she lives to reflect the SON, she becomes a great light in the darkness.

As mothers, it is easy to feel as if we don’t matter. We spend so much of our time caring for others and doing the same tasks day in and day out, we often fall prey to believing we aren’t doing enough or making a big enough impact. Next thing we know, we are looking outside our roll as mother to find our worth and find some way to feel like we are doing something important. All the time missing the TRUTH.
As Christian mothers, we are reflections of the SON. We aren’t mothering without motive – we are raising, nourishing and cultivating the next generation and pointing them toward the Good News – faith, not works – Jesus, not to-do lists full of rules – make you worthy in the Lord’s eyes. We show mercy, grace, kindness, generosity, and more often than we like – humanity.
Mothers, we MUST be dependent on the SON. We must keep ourselves turned toward Jesus. We must lean into the fact that we reflect Jesus. It’s not perfect and sometimes it waxes and wanes, but the Son is always there and our children will see that.
A Christian mother affects the tides…of her home, that is.
The moon affects the tides. The mother affects the tides and tone of her home.
The ocean has a regular rise and fall, a rhythm, if you will. The tides advance and recede because of the gravitational pull between the moon and sun (see why I needed to start with mothers being a reflection of the SON?!). And while there may be an ocean of chaos behind the scenes, the tides that come to shore gently lap the sand (excepting the occasional hurricane).
As Christian mothers, we are always looking to set our homes in order. We create rhythms and routines you can set your clock by – much like the tides. We want the order that comes from calm waters and smooth sailing. We don’t always get it, but we certainly try.
If we spend our days reflecting the Son, the tides and tones of our homes will be much calmer (most of the time…remember that hurricane/humanity part!). We will be much gentler on ourselves because of the Gospel, and that will spill over onto those living in our homes.
A Christian mother marks the ebb and flow of the seasons.
The moon marks the months (Psalm 104:19). The mother marks the ebb and flow of her family’s days, weeks, months, and years.
The moon has been used to mark the months for thousands of years. God created it to do so. And while mothers are not moons, we do tend to be the ones who are the driving forces behind celebrations and seasons.
We mark birthdays, holidays, new school years. We take photos, scrapbook, tell stories, and notice subtle changes in our children. We look after the food in the pantry, the sizes and wear of the clothing, the blankets, the snow clothes, the swimsuits, the water bottles. We endlessly and diligently gather and give.
The ebb and flow of our daily lives as a family belong to us as mothers. You can see it as a burden you must bear or as a blessed bestowment.
The Christian mother is steady and reliable.
The moon guides the sailor at sea. The mother guides her children at home.
Sailors of old would use the moon to determine their position at sea. The moon was steady and reliable. They could set their course by it.
As Christian mothers, we offer our children a place to turn to that is that same steady and reliable. Certainly, there are times when we feel cloudy and small, but those times should not be the norm. Our children should be able to set their course by us and use us to guide them along their way.
While they are in our homes, they will look to us often, depending on us to guide their every step. Eventually, they will embark on their own adventures, and yet, they will continue to look back on our mothering as a point of reference.
The Christian mother softens the darkness with her light.
The moon softens the darkness with its light. The mother softens the darkness with her light.
Sometimes in the night, I hear a little one cry out for me. I gather my wits about me and go to them. Rarely do I have a light on me. Yet, no matter how dark it is, just my being there is a comfort to them. I soften the dark edges of the nightmares. I light up their little hearts. To them, I am the moon lighting their path through the night.
Even in the daylight hours, we mothers are a light, softening the edges of a dark and sometimes dangerous world. We offer advice, comfort, and a safe place to land.
Our light can be artificial – gathered from worldly ideals and notions, or it can be from the never-ending Source – the originator of LIGHT. It is a choice we must make, a life lived with our faces turned toward Christ or a life relying on our own devices and strength.
May the light we bring to our families always be a reflection of the SON!

Ava Z says
This is so wonderful! I looking out our eastern windows at night and seeing the moon. Now I have even greater to reason treasure it– and a reminder when I enjoy those moments to fulfill my calling as mother as best as I can.
Amy says
Janine says
Such a beautiful picture of motherhood. Thank you!
Amy says
You are so welcome!