For many years, I lived in the season of toddlers and babies. How do you navigate the end of the season when it’s all you’ve ever known?

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Resources mentioned:
- It’s Not a Season I’m In (post)
- Podcast 128 – Holier Than Thou Homeschoolers
- Peaceful Preschool (curriculum)
- A Year of Learning (curriculum)

Kelly says
I can relate to this in SO many ways. My oldest son is 24 and my youngest daughter is 5, with 7 kids in between. My older kids complain/tease sometimes that my husband and I are easier on the younger kids. I’m going to borrow what you said… I was growing up, too… next time they bring that up. It’s so true, but I never thought of it that way!
Amy says
I figure some day they will have more perspective and realize we were just doing the best we could. 😉
Lauren T says
Hey Amy – I’ve been listening and reading from afar starting when I was expecting our first. We are now blessed with seven, ages 15-3, and am working to accept the end of the amazing years growing life and nursing. Watching the youngest do something cute and wondering if it will be the last time we get to see it. We found stage III cancer when I miscarried out last baby, and while cancer-free now, I have a significant risk of reoccurrence. It isn’t recommended that we have any more children, and I am still grieving the end of our baby days more than the cancer. Thank you for this podcast.
Amy says
((HUGS)) It is so difficult to make the transition, but God heals broken hearts and shows you beautiful things on the other side.
Diana says
We’re not at the complete-change-of-seasons point yet, and won’t be for some time, but the shift is definitely in-process. I loved hearing your thoughts on this. Ditto the comments about being easier on the younger kids than the older! In some ways it’s good; in some ways it’s bad – the good being that I have matured and relaxed; the bad being that sometimes I am lazy in disciplining because I am pulled in so many directions and am also so tired. 🙂
Loved hearing your thoughts.
Amy says
Lazy and tired…ha! I hate to say it, but I can relate!