When you have a lot of little ones, it often feels as if there isn’t enough of you to go around. You meet yourself coming and going most days, and you desperately wish you had more hours in the day…or a maid…or both.
This book is your guide to navigating a busy household full of little ones! It won’t magically give you more hours…or a maid…but it will give you practical ideas to find more margin in your day, more energy in your parenting, and more joy in the journey of raising these precious little ones.
Here are just a few of the topics covered in this book:
- How to create systems that make things run smoother during your day.
- Morning and Evening routines that work.
- How to make meal time less stressful.
- How to build Bible time, read aloud time, play time, and learning time into your day in a meaningful way.
- What to do with little ones on rainy days.
- How to spend quality time with each of your children.
- PLUS – Bonus Content on introducing a new baby into the household, and how to cherish your children in every day ways with Scripture.
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