Read Raising Arrows for any length of time and you will probably run across the fact that I really like Autumn! You may also realize that as soon as September hits, I declare it Autumn which means I bring out the sights and sounds and smells of Fall. It almost always permeates our homeschool in some way, but this year I decided to be purposeful about infusing our homeschool with Autumn-esque lessons based on actual Themes for each month. This month is Apples!
Are you looking for a way to be intentional about your holiday homeschooling? Check out my Holiday Homeschool Planner Pack for Thanksgiving and Christmas planning! This is how I keep track of everything, plus have a wonderful keepsake to look at year after year!
The inspiration for having apples be our September theme came from two places. First, we just happened to be reading How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World for Five in a Row.
And secondly, ever since my oldest made a dried apple wreath for Grandparents Day when he was 5, I’ve associated apples with September. So, apples it is!
I am just giddy with excitement over this idea and can’t wait to see what my children think of it!
Here are some of the things I am planning for our September Apples Theme:
Caramel Apple Party
something our family enjoyed last year!
Apples & Cinnamon Unit Study
works for multiple ages!
Apple Unit Study (with emphasis on Orchard Field Trip)
from Heart of Wisdom
Apple Chalk Pastels Lesson
from Hodgepodge
Handprint, Footprint, Fingerprint Apple Tree Craft
from Motherhood on a Dime
Peanut Butter Apple Cookies
from The Work of Childhood
Slow Cooker Baked Apples
from Sidetracked Sarah
Apple Print Wreath
from Mama Jenn
Apples in a Blanket
from Make the Best of Everything
Apple Hand Pies
from Bubbly Nature Creations
Crock Pot Apple Butter
from Teacher by Day, Chef by Night
Johnny Appleseed Printables & Unit Study
from Mama’s Learning Corner
Another Johnny Appleseed Unit Study
from Homeschool Share
(See the graphic at the top? That’s my version of a lapbook! Easy peasy!)
Johnny Appleseed Documentary
(really great information!)
Apple Unit Study
from Dynamic 2 Moms
Ideas from this Uses For Apples post
from Harrington Harmonies
Krispy Apple Treats
from Gourmet Mom on the Go
Paper Plate Apple Craft
from Learn Create Love
Dutch Apple Pie
(my 13 year old made this for us because it’s her favorite!)
Apple Oatmeal Cookies
from Live Well Bake Often
Apple Cake
from My Blessed Life
Apple Tree Counting
from Mom Inspired Life
Apple Core Craft
(the link goes to my Pinterest pin because the site it linked to was difficult to navigate)
I’m using the same concept of planning as I used for our Medieval Feast. I am planning via Evernote and when I have the time to do a theme-based project, I’ll simply open my Evernote notebook and click on the links from there. I’m adding to my Autumn Pinterest board every day, so if I want to change something or add to it, I’ll do so in my Evernote notebook. (To see more of how we use Evernote in our homeschool, click here.) If I wasn’t using Evernote, I’d simply write down all the links I wanted to use or gather the bookmarks in an online folder or I’d make a Pinterest board specifically for this purpose. It’s really about whatever you are most comfortable with and will actually use!
So, here’s to apples! And yes, I do believe it is about time for our yearly overdose of apple cider! Anyone care to join us?
Rachel says
That sounds so fun! We’ll be doing a week of apples to go along w/ my little guy’s MFW lessons, but fall is our favorite time of year, so we’ll do lots of fall type things. Even though it’s been 90 degrees here, this just gets me in the fall mood. Have to admit, though, candy corn will be a big player in our autumn lessons too!
Jillian says
After enjoying 2 cool days in a row, yesterday was 87! That was a bummer. Hopefully, we’re going apple picking soon, so this will come in handy. Thanks!
Frances says
Thanks for this compilation! Love Autumn too! 🙂
May says
Now how is that for perfect timing? I was just commenting to a friend that I have a lot of apples and no idea what to do with them! Thank you so much 🙂 I look forward to hearing more!
Amy says
I purchased a few of the things I needed for the month today, so I am digging in tomorrow! Enjoy the apples! 🙂
Nikki says
Thanks for all the great ideas! Rosh Hashanah just passed (big apple theme – even as Christians, we like to celebrate Jewish holidays) and it’s Johnny Appleseed’s birthday this month.
This looks really yummy, too!
Amy says
Thanks for sharing that recipe!
Jessica says
Hi Amy, I was wondering how your family handles Halloween? I feel led to stop participating but I don’t want to come across as snooty or judgmental to people if they ask why I don’t ‘celebrate’. Any ideas? Do you just not do anything, or have an alternative? Or do you celebrate it? (Sorry, I’m fairly new to your blog so I don’t know if you do. I know a lot of other conservative Christians don’t do halloween).
Amy says
Hi Jessica! You can read our stance on Halloween here: – you will find the comments interesting as well if you care to wade through them. 😉