On the advice of a fellow MOMYS, I decided to make up an assignment sheet for my eldest child. I listed all the things he needed to accomplish this week and he did great with it! After whizzing through the spelling and reading assignments, he told me he was ready for the history internet links, which oh-so-organized-me had previously placed in a special internet folder just for him (did I mention I got a full night’s sleep last night?!)
One of the sites dealt with Aztec culture and had an assignment section near the bottom that gave him several choices of topics on which he could write a short essay. Guess what he chose…SACRIFICES!!!
The paper was really very good and I was pleased that he didn’t need any prompting from me to start and finish it, but SACRIFICES?!
So, then I began contemplating the psychological implications behind his choice–word to the wise…do not try to psychoanalyze a 7 year old boy…especially when you are not a boy! Boys go for the yuck factor every time. They are drawn to blood, guts, and gore. The more icky adjectives, the better.
So, should I be concerned? Nope. He knows they worshipped gods that were not real. He knows they turned their backs on the one true God and twisted his plan to suit their own humanistic ways. You see, everything we teach has to be saturated in our faith. I would be ignoring God’s commands if I didn’t weave scripture into every aspect of our daily life, including school, including the ancient Aztecs.
There is a lesson to be learned throughout all of history. Life is not a random series of events–if we believe that, then we are only one step away from believing in evolution.
Now these things happened unto them by way of example; and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages are come.
I Corinthians 10:11
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