I’m going to tell you a story. It’s my story about eating protein and lessening my morning sickness. The only evidence I have is my story and the stories I heard from other women that confirmed my story. Take the meat and leave the bones (pun intended).
When I became pregnant with our first child, we were in college. We didn’t have a lot of money to eat on. My morning sickness was bad and lasted until 17 weeks.
When I became pregnant with our second child, my husband was a cowboy on a cattle ranch. We could barely pay our bills. My morning sickness was hypermesis gravidarum which for those of you who don’t know what that is, it’s bad…really, really bad. It lasted until 18 weeks.
When I became pregnant with our third child, my husband was a police officer. We could pay our bills, but we were on a strict budget when it came to groceries. Plus, I was just learning how to cook in healthier ways. It was the first pregnancy I did not lose weight in the 1st trimester. Still sick, though…until 16 weeks.
When I became pregnant with our 4th child, my husband was an executive for a corporation (entry-level management). Still on a tight grocery budget, but we could finally afford our own side of beef and I was getting better at cooking from scratch. And something changed…
My morning sickness.
For the first time I felt like I was going to live through the morning sickness.
It still lasted until 16 weeks, but it was not the nightmare I was used to.
When I became pregnant with our 5th child, things were similar to number 4 and it gave me hope that perhaps I wasn’t doomed to hyperemsis.
When I became pregnant with our 6th child, my husband was in middle-management with the same corporation. We no longer had to worry a lot about groceries and we continued to buy a side of beef and eat a much higher protein diet. And morning sickness changed again.
It was over by 14 weeks and I rarely threw up more than once a day.
And then came Baby #7 – morning sickness over by 13 weeks and again, rarely threw up more than once a day. We were eating organic buffalo meat and I was purposely eating a lot of protein.
And now, Baby #8? 13 weeks again and this time I even had days where I did not throw up at all (felt terrible, but didn’t throw up). Note: I did take Zofran this time for 2 weeks, but it has never been known to actually stop my morning sickness. I do not recommend taking Zofran as it has been proven to have some very serious side effects.
And while I have never had a successful pregnancy that has not included throwing up, I have not suffered nearly as much as I did those first 3 pregnancies.
You probably noticed a direct correlation between our financial ability to pay for groceries, my ability to cook healthier foods, and my lessening morning sickness. There is another factor that came into play as well.
My geography.
The first 3 pregnancies we lived in rural areas. The worst 2 pregnancies (#2 and #3) we lived 30 miles from a grocery store with the closest town having a population of 300. I couldn’t just run out and grab something to stave off my sickness.
With the last 3 pregnancies, we have lived in or near cities. Food is always a moment away. (Which irritates the homesteader in me, but the pregnant me is grateful!)
So, what types of protein do I eat?
- Meat – avoid certain kinds of fish and lunch meat
- Cheese – avoid soft cheese in pregnancy – I like to have cheese sticks on hand
- Nuts – my favorites are almonds, sunflower seeds, cashews, & peanuts
- Cottage cheese
- Eggs – In the thick of morning sickness, I eat a couple of eggs a day
I also avoid sugar as much as possible – including processed carbs.
How much protein am I eating?
It’s almost all I eat. The second I eat something carb-laden, I feel sick. I can mix carbs with something high protein (think pizza), but I cannot eat just carbs by themselves (think the pizza crust – has to be left on the plate).
Now that I am nearing 17 weeks, I am no longer nauseous and I haven’t thrown up in 3½ weeks. So, while I can eat just about anything I want and be okay, I don’t want to. I would much rather keep my higher protein diet than depend on carbs to fill me up.
Oh, and one quick item of note…
I don’t eat beans. That protein is out for me because I can’t stand the texture. I can eat chili if I load it with frito chips to mask the mushy beans, but it is not a favorite by any means. Why yes, I do have Sensory Processing Disorder. 😉
So, I’m curious – do YOU have a story? Did you you do something different and see remarkable results with your morning sickness? Share it here!
Kyndra says
Oh protein does seem to be the ticket- for me it’s eggs, for my sister a shake that she drinks right before bed and as soon as she wakes up.
On beans- we eat a lot of them as my husband prefers them to meat and they are cheap. We cook them until cooked but still firm then add a bit of vinegar to the pot. Not much maybe 2 tsp in a 3 quart pot of beans and water. This stops the cooking process so they can later be added to a dish without becoming mushy….K
Amy says
I can handle black beans and garbanzo beans in moderation, but that whole gritty texture really gets me!
Tiana Krenz says
For me it ended up being more of a sugar thing than protein. I was actually told about the protein connection by our Bradley instructor during my first pregnancy, so I paid close attention to that.
The hypermesis was bad during my 4th pregnancy. I ended up in the ER for dehydrating at one point. My midwife and I finally made the sugar connection, in about month 8 of that long, sick pregnancy. I cut out all sugar with the exception of what naturally occurred in fruit, and the small amounts in things like bread. No juice, no milk…and absolutely no desserts. It sounds hard, but I was desperate. Well, it worked–almost overnight. I couldn’t believe how much better I felt.
When I learned we were expecting #5, I cut out all sugar immediately. I never had the awful sickness, but I also lost that baby at 12 weeks, so I’m not totally convinced that the absence of nausea didn’t have another explanation.
One way or the other, reducing or eliminating sugar could be a solution for some mothers who are dealing with severe nausea during pregnancy.
Amy says
Wow! That’s incredible it helped so fast!
Lauren says
Yes, I definitely noticed a huge difference the mornings I ran out to McDonald’s for that hated egg mcmuffin – I can’t stand them now at 23 weeks, but they saved my bacon many a day! And I figured it was the protein. So glad you’re doing so well and figured out the more protein! I probably would have done better, but I just couldn’t think of eating protein, it was mostly white breads (gasp! horrid) but when I could eat protein I always felt better. Thanks for sharing what you learned!
Teresa says
I was totally opposite you. I could not even smell a egg frying and meat mad me sick. Cheese, yogurt, and lots of pasta was about all I could keep down. That and Taco Bell (bless my husband for stopping on his way home from work several times a week). Not sure how I made it on so little, but I was normally only sick from week 4-12. And the strange thing for me was I was worse with each pregnancy I had. The first child I had almost nothing, but I think I was making myself ignore it as I was still working full time and had to be there no matter how I really felt. Our last child was the worst, but I was still able to manage with help from my older children.
Amy says
I’ve heard a lot of people say theirs got worse the older they got. 🙁
Jana says
When did your morning sickness start? Do you remember how many weeks you were? I found out I am pregnant with baby #7 last week and so far I don’t really have morning sickness {yet}. I have it with all my pregnancies, so I am waiting for it to arrive with this one. I am thinking probably by next week. I don’t throw up, just feel terrible and sick to my stomach.
Amy says
My sickness kicks in pretty early…by 6 weeks I am pretty sick. Congratulations!!!
Kate @ Modern Alternative Mama says
We haven’t announced this officially on my blog yet (all our friends and family know), but we are expecting #4.
Before I got pregnant this time, I started taking fermented cod liver oil and an herbal multivitamin, and began drinking kombucha (for probiotics) again. It seemed to help me (I was trying to build myself up from my last pregnancy — baby was 9 or 10 months old), and during this one week when I felt very tired and sort of nauseous and weird, it really helped…. But surprise, I was pregnant. lol.
I kept up with the liquid vitamin, and it made a big difference. Like, if I forgot to take it, I NOTICED. I felt like I just wanted to lie around and couldn’t eat much for a couple of days after I remembered to take it again. I also took magnesium foot baths or tub baths, and those helped too. During the worst couple weeks I had to take one every couple days. Eating lots of fresh foods and balanced protein/carb/fat meals helped. This time, for some reason, I could not stand too much protein. I once ate 6 eggs for lunch because I had very little in the house and I felt pretty awful after. Real, whole wheat sourdough makes me feel really good (white bread, not so much).
I’m 9.5 weeks now and have been feeling mostly better since around 9. Like, normal. Typically I don’t really feel better until at least 10 weeks and with baby #3 I felt kind of sick throughout my entire pregnancy! I only had a couple rough weeks this time, never threw up, had only a couple of food aversions (rice was a big one). It was very, very manageable. I also had been avoiding sugar for the most part for several weeks before I got pregnant.
I really am convinced that in addition to protein, B vitamins and magnesium (which can often be found with protein sources) are very key to staving off morning sickness. I have tried various things with each pregnancy and this is the best I have ever felt.
Amy says
Tell me more about the magnesium foot baths! I have never heard of that!
Kate @ Modern Alternative Mama says
Magnesium (and, well, anything) absorbs really well through our feet. You can use a little foot bath with enough water to cover your feet plus about 1/2 c. magnesium chloride flakes (ideally) or epsom salts (which are magnesium sulfate, and cheaper). This does seem to really help me. I use closer to 2 c. if I do a full bath.
Amy says
Thanks! I’m going to email this to a friend.
Heidi says
I can attest to this!!
First of all, I am one who will always be sick during pregnancy–with my 5th, I was still vomitting the day I had her (from morning sickness!). I was sicker with girls, and never sick with the babies I miscarried. To mention that my mother would always say, “I never felt better than when I was pregnant!” brings back bitter feelings–LOL!
With my first and fifth, both girls–I was in the hospital frequently for dehydration. I had the hyperemesis, and prescriptions didn’t help. After my 4th toxemic pregnancy, I read a book that was probably self-published, by a doctor who studied toxemia in many countries. I actually called him (he was in NJ and retired by then) and we spoke about it for two hours. He also feels women and their doctors put way too much emphasis on weight-gain during pregnancy. Toxemia is the disease of malnourished, so it makes no sense why developed nations would have it, right? WRONG!! Not only do we eat junk and processed stuff, we have been told repeatedly how bad meat is for us, and how we need more fiber than anything. We have been told to not gain too much weight. In one of my worse moments, my doctor said “Eat ANYthing–even junk food–because you are starving your baby!” (I didn’t do as he suggested). However, vegetarians and vegans are NOT getting the proper kind of protein without meat. Beans are laden with protein we are told–and they truly are! But we STILL need meat protein (please do not take a personal affront by me saying this if you are vegetarian or vegan–I am not speaking your name here. Please don’t attack me–you can attack meat-eaters in general to get back at me, ‘kay? LOL!). Anyway, so the healths of our children are really being affected by hyperemesis, toxemia, processed foods, etc. from the moment of conception.
I, too, lost weight with my worst pregnancies. Oh, and to clarify–even with that fifth one, after knowing about the toxemia/protein/morning sickness connection, the days I missed animal protein (we were out, too far from stores, and too sick to haul my suffering body into a car and vomit for 32 miles to get groceries) I was FAR sicker and would end up hospitalized for the dehydration from vomitting so profusely. On the days I ate meat, I still threw up, but not nearly as much.
Oh, and I did have one doctor temporarily through one pregnancy that was pushing me to take aspirin everyday to stave off the toxemia. I had reluctantly followed his advice for awhile, but then gave up on the aspirin and broke up with the doctor when I remembered the “toxemia doctor” telling me that is falsely prescribed for that reason. That child ended up being my one and only with “failure to thrive”, and later diagnosed with an “anomalous coronary artery”–and I have wondered all along how much that aspirin contributed? Sigh–don’t we as moms always blame ourselves?
Anyway, great article–thanks for sharing because many people haven’t made the connection.
Amy says
I agree about needing the animal proteins. 😉 thanks for the added information!
Stephanie says
Oh my goodness. I cannot even imagine being THAT sick while pregnant! I don’t know how you made it! I throw up exactly 1 time per pregnancy, and that is always from gagging myself while brushing my teeth (still don’t know why pregnancy makes my gag reflect hyperactive). BUT, I do always feel nauseous almost constantly for the first 13-14 weeks, and I’ll wish I could throw up so I might feel better. But I remembered you mentioning the protein thing maybe a couple weeks ago, and stored that away in my memory. Then last week when I realized that I was probably pregnant with baby #5 (and the test confirmed it a few days ago), I started making a conscious effort to eat some protein when I started to feel nauseous. And I think it definitely is helping. For me, it’s been Greek yogurt first thing in the morning. That, and I’m trying to eat a little something every 2-3 hrs. BEFORE I start to feel hungry, because that’s typically when the nausea gets worse. My husband keeps asking me how I’m feeling, and I keep telling him that surprisingly I feel fine. What a blessing. Now, it’s early enough that the nausea may get worse before it’s done with, but for now I’m just so thankful that I can actually eat without feeling sick.
Amy says
Michele says
No story, just glad you are feeling better! 😉
Amy says
Thank you. 🙂
Heather says
I remember when I discovered that if I ate protein first thing I didn’t get so sick. Let’s just say I was seen sneaking salami out of my purse at church. It wasn’t to much longer before I discovered nuts worked better for on the go and salami was not and ideal “meat.”
Amy says
LOL about the salami!
Shannon says
Yes! Definitely a correlation. With my first pregnancy, I knew nothing about protein, and was eating a “normal healthy U.S. diet”. I was sick all the time. With this pregnancy, things were much better. MUCH! Hard boiled egg as a midnight snack? Oh yeah! Omelet for breakfast? You bet! Good fish and meats have been high on my list of priorities this time around. I had been eating a mostly primal diet before conceiving, too. I think my health and nutrition helped to get me through some of the worst morning sickness weeks. Of course, I can only chuckle at the term “morning sickness”. For me, it has always been “all day sickness”. No matter though, this time, MUCH better, more bearable, and shorter. Whew!
Amy says
Yeah, the term morning sickness makes no sense in my world. I’m actually much worse at night, but no time is real great. 😉
Tiana Krenz says
Me too. My morning sickness has always been all-day-every-day sickness.
Diana says
Yep, that’s why I try to use the term “NVP” instead of “morning sickness” (NVP = nausea and vomiting of pregnancy), because the term MORNING sickness is so horribly inaccurate!
Amanda says
My first four pregnancies were horrible and I’d lose 10-15 pounds each time and it would last until 20 weeks and I’d be down the entire time with what I like to describe as food poisoning, while extremely motion sick, with low blood pressure. None of the “normal tricks” worked. This time I heavily concentrated on a high-protien diet…it wasn’t cutting it for me. (I wasn’t into beef at the time due to aversions…so lots of dairy, eggs, chicken when I could stomach it.) This time the sickness started 2 weeks earlier than normal!! I was so put out! Not fair! lol After about 2 weeks of it- I started taking Hematinics formula , a whole foods supplement of iron (not the stuff in your over the counter or prescription iron- it’s TOTALLY difference, the “fake” stuff may just make you sicker) and other vitamins (included in the formula). The next day my nausea was cut in half… .and it’s never returned as bad as it was the first two weeks. Since I’ve started taking it, I haven’t skipped a meal yet- which is a big improvement, considering I’d skip meals perhaps for days living off popcorn due to the nausea in other pregnancies. I’m 13 weeks and I see the light at the end of the tunnel. I stilll have a few food adversions- but I can TOTALLY eat. I focus on meat, too- but specifically now for the naturally occuring iron in say, beef. I wasn’t convinced early on that the hematinics formula (iron supplement) was it…since I’ve NEVER been anemic in any of my pregnancies! But…since that day, my nausea is totally good- still there but I’m thriving.
Amy says
Very interesting! I’m always thankful for even the littlest bit of relief.
Marie says
Has anyone tried GAPS as treatment for HG? I have only read of one person who tried it and she was just as sick as ever she said. (GAPS is a no sugar, high protein, whole meats and probiotic type of diet that heals the gut and it works in curing autism and other neurological disease.) I have researched GAPS intensively and we have changed our diet to be more GAPS like but we are not on the full, heal your gut diet. I am willing to try ANYTHING, and will keep everyone’s comments in mind about protein.
This blog has been an enormous blessing to us in encouraging us. I have printed out several posts, including the guest post about HG and how God refined her through it.
Amy says
I have not tried GAPS for HG (had a friend use it to try to keep from going on bed rest and it did help her). Would be worth a try, though. 😉
Karla says
My sister-in-law says she tries to have protein before bed to ease the intense morning sickness upon waking up. I find that protein helps… but for some reason the smell of chicken and eating too much of that particular meat makes me feel queasy. Sometimes I want simple carbs – rice, cereal – or fresh fruit to feel better. But lately I’ve been snacking on cheese and pepperoni! I haven’t felt as queasy but I still get hungry REALLY often and if I don’t snack I start to feel sick.
Kate says
I am the same way when it comes to chicken, and actually eggs too during pregnancy! So weird…
Karla says
PS – We already limit processed/refined foods and I’m sure that helps.
Diana says
Thank you, Amy! 🙂
My experience, gained through three pregnancies, is that carbs = BAD and protein = GOOD. Rather than reinvent the wheel, here is my experience with using very-low-carb and high-protein to prevent hyperemesis:
I’m so glad to read your article and see all of the other comments!
Amy says
thanks for sharing!
Melinda says
Thank you for sharing! I will have to keep this in mind for my next pregnancy. I would love to ease the morning sickness next time around.
Katie says
I think it’s funny that you put corned beef and cabbage on a post about morning sickness:) It’s always made me want to gag even when I’m not pregnant. When I had morning sickness, I always had to have protein and carbs for breakfast. I would eat an egg-in-the-hole or toast with peanut butter. I tried to drink Naked brand smoothies but they didn’t cut it. I also ate string cheese with crackers or pretzels for a snack nearly every day. During my first trimester I stopped craving sweets and coffee- I think it was a protection thing.
Amy says
I worried that photo might make some people sick, but I’ll tell you what I actually wanted corned beef this go round because I have had quite a salt craving! 😉
Connie Robertson says
Now when I read you said “egg in the hole an eggs WITH “Peanut Butter ” that all most made me sick ,,,,, yuck…I’m 6 week’s an no reall morning sickness but I did get nausea at a fried egg last Sunday
Kelly says
Similar story here. I try to eat a lot of protein during pregnancy, especially the first trimester. Eggs seem to be the ticket for me as well. They are full of protein and always seem to settle well.
This pregnancy, I got creative and learned new ways to cook eggs….I was getting sick of hard-boiled and scrambled. Poached eggs anyone? I can now make a mean one 🙂 Getting ready to make sloppy joes here for dinner. I’ll fill up on the ground venison and beans in those while my kids enjoy the homemade mac and cheese…. carbs don’t love me as much as protein right now either.
Best wishes to you! I’m 2 weeks behind you (15 weeks today!) and enjoy following your journey with this little blessing. My last pregnancy ended in miscarriage as well. I got to hear the heartbeat today for this little one. 160 and strong, yay!
Amy says
Yay! Congratulations!!!
nancy says
I have long followed your blog and find it very encouraging- thanks! I have a question that is pregnancy related, although not about morning sickness. I hope I can take the liberty to ask, since you have been open about your diastasis recti issues 🙂
Here goes: have you used the DR brace (it looked like a long ace bandage) during this pregnancy or do you suggest wearing anything in particular? We are on baby #5 (PTL) and I also have a VERY bad DR. We had twins a few pregnancies ago, and since then, I pop out almost immediately and towards the end, the belly starts to “head south”, if you know what I mean 🙂 Kind-of personal- sorry! Anyhow, this prohibits the baby from facing in exactly the right position, which tends to mean that I now go past due, since the babies head is down, but not quite pressing on the cervix. I just wondered if you had any suggestions to keep the baby/belly up?
Amy says
I’m using the brace in this post for that exact reason! https://raisingarrows.net/2012/07/week-15-never-tire-of-hearing-babys-heart-beat/ Hope that helps! 🙂
nancy says
Thanks for the quick response! How did I miss this? Sorry!
abba12 says
Protein helps but only if I can get it down. I do try to keep a lot of protein in my diet though.
I know this time around just being aware has helped immensly. I’m lucky that a particular medication actually helps me, but I have nausea right up until labour, I began the medication right from 4 weeks this time, and it really did reduce both the severity and the length of time. Now at 29 weeks I’m on a half dose and managing well (I need to be off it by 34 weeks due to slight concerns of breathing issues if in the system at term)
I crave sugar and such badly when pregnant, mostly because I am energy deprived. So I just can’t cut it out altogether, at least not yet, but I know it adds to the nausea.
I did find that the snacking every 2 hours thing was actually very helpful, though I was skeptical at first. I no longer need to, but in those first few months it was so very helpful.
Oh, one other thing I noticed and changed was hydration. I discovered my nausea is FAR worse if I haven’t had enough water that day!
Amy says
Yes, I have to be sure to catch my hunger before it happens which would make eating every 2 hrs totally reasonable. Glad the medication actually helps you!
Rachel says
I am 32 weeks pregnant and for about the first 20 weeks I couldn’t crack an egg without vomiting…I thankfully have moved past that.
Amy says
Funny how we can all be so different (and every pregnancy the cravings and aversions can be so different!) I had a friend who couldn’t drink her milk white, so she always had to put something in it to color it (flavoring) so it wouldn’t be white! lol
Stephanie says
I found that eating protein before bed keeps me from feeling so sick the next morning. For me, a cup of cottage cheese does the trick wonderfully. Also for those of you who gag while brushing your teeth, I found that cinnamon toothpaste really helps with that!
Rebecca says
I just found out we are expecting #2. 😀 Praise the Lord!
Last pregnancy I didn’t get any morning sickness , I’m hoping it’ll be the same this time. Will be a 2.5 year gap between the two – still breastfeeding my toddler and my cycles never returned in between 🙂
Amy says
Amy says
I took Unisom nightly during the first trimester of my 5th pregnancy, and it seemed to really help with morning sickness. Not getting a good night sleep always makes the morning sickness worse, and Unisom helps me to get a very good night sleep. My morning sickness was considerably worse when I didn’t take it. Exercise and fresh air helps, too.
Sarah says
For me changing my vitamins made a HUGE difference in the entire pregnancy and nursing. With my first pregnancy I ended up in the hospital 2x for fluid because I was so dehydrated. I slept 20+ hours a day and lost 30+ lbs in 2 weeks. I was devastated that I was so sick because I longed for a large family. I tried a new vitamin with the second pregnancy and while I was still sick it wasn’t as bad and I never had to go to the hospital. Between my 2 and 3 pregnancies I found Super Mom vitamins and it changed everything. With the last 3 pregnancies I’ve taken Super Mom’s and I’ve only thrown up 2x in all 3 pregnancies combined! My energy level has been much stronger throughout the entire pregnancy. It has also helped me produce more milk for my baby!
I am so grateful to the Lord for bringing to me a vitamin that helps me so much! Oh, how I LOVE babies! With 5 on earth (ages 6 – 6 weeks) and many in Heaven, they are all so precious!
Diana says
Sarah, may I ask if you took the Super Mom vitamins between pregnancies too, or just when you got pregnant? I’m always interested in anything that reduces NVP!!!! 🙂
Christina says
I KNOW THIS MIGHT SOUND SILLY???? but I would like to know how do I start reading the bible to my kids? Ages 10,8,3&1 . I read to them here and there but never consistaly. How do I start where do I begin?
Amy says
We start our school day with Bible reading (using Proverbs People as our basis for this year) and at night Daddy reads to them before bed. We are in Psalms right now. If you give yourself a set time of day to do it (at breakfast, before school, right before nap time, right before bedtime…you get the idea), then you are more likely to remember it and do it. And Proverbs is always a good place or one of the Gospels. 🙂
Christina says
Andrea says
That is not silly, that is a most excellent question. I cannot THINK of a better question! What a lovely Mama you are.
Christina says
Colleen G says
One of the best ways to connect your children to God is to relax and just be a good person. Much of Jesus calls us to act like is basically loving, kind and being there. We are supposed to have a positive relationship with Christ.
Bible stories are a good starter place. When my kids were younger and not used to sitting for bible time I just used bible stories. I did look for a non cartoon-y book with well written stories but what ever you have on hand is good. One of the better ones we have right now is modeled after the comic book format. I have a few very visual kids plus it sparked reading it on their own.
It is ok to be wounded and healing after your past spiritual experience. You do not have to hid that you may not have all the answers or even know fully the whole truth right. Be open our struggles and growing helps our children because they see the reality of being flawed humans seeking the perfect God. My oldest (13y) has been quietly watching over the years my own spiritual battles(I got sucked into some bad doctrine years ago myself) and it has had a positive influence on her own walk.
Erica says
I will definitely be doing the protein with my next pregnancy. I had HG with my first two. My first pregnancy was horrible, I was in and out of the hospital and would be admitted for a few days each time. I know now my doctor was not helping me like she should have. With my second, I had a picc line which helped with the hydration. Both pregnancies I had nausea until I delivered. This time around I have been reading and reading whatever I can get my hands on, including this : ) I am trying to be as proactive as possible, and prepare my body for a pregnancy. I don’t plan on conceiving for probably another year but I want to be ready. I have been reading a lot about magnesium and B vitamins. Ive read that many people are deficient and don’t even know it. Magnesium deficiency wont show up in a blood test because of the way it is stored in the cells. Women especially that have been pregnant typically are depleted even more because of the pregnancy “using” our magnesium stores. It is best to restore magnesium before becoming pregnant because once pregnant the body will not take it in properly, its almost like its to late. The best way is topically. I have magnesium oil that I rub on and let it absorb. Ive read it takes 3-4 months to replenish. Its pretty amazing the health benefits magnesium has. I also will be taking some B complex injections. Hopefully this all works along with high protein and plenty of sunshine for that vitamin D. Best of luck to you mommies that are pregnant right now. Whenever I hear of a woman being sick with her pregnancy, my heart aches for them because I know how physically tough it is but most of all it is a test of the mind.
Erica says
Sorry its so long : )
Diana says
Erica, you and I are on the same path! I too am preparing for pregnancy with magnesium oil (and other magnesium sources) and B vitamins, and I plan to do Vitamin B/magnesium injections again like I did last time. I hope it helps both of us!!!!
Erica says
There is magnesium injections? Did this combo of things help you before? I also do baths with the magnesium. Its amazing what magnesium can do for the bodies overall health. Many use it for deodorant and once thier magnesium levels rise, people have said they have no body odor anymore. I have started to notice this, when I work out my sweat doesn’t smell the same and it’s a lot milder. Interesting : )
Diana says
Ha, ha! I can tell you and I have read the same article!
Vitamin injections can have multiple components – what I went off of is this article:
I’m getting epsom salts to do magnesium absorption that way too! 🙂
With my last pregnancy I did B/folate/magnesium injections, a very-low-carb/high-protein diet, and still some Zofran/Unisom, and it was my easiest so far. Working on getting better each time (I hope!!).
Erica says
This is too funny. How I found this link was from your blog! I had recently found your blog when I was looking into home birth, then I saw your whining puker blog. Thanks for the info. I have been trying to read anything I can get my hands on. I feel more prepared and a sense of empowerment that I can try to “beat” HG by educating myself the best I can. Thank you.
Amy says
This is absolutely fascinating! Thank you all so much for sharing!
Diana says
Ha! That is hilarious! We really have been chasing each other in circles, Erica! I’ll answer your post on my blog over there. I’m glad we all hooked up! Pregnancy sickies must stick together! 🙂
Natalie says
Yeah for Protein! My morning sickness (2 pregnancies) has never been as bad as some of my friends, but I still noticed the difference protein has made. My midwife told me to get at least 12g protein at breakfast when I was complaining of late morning headaches, which made me irritable with my toddler. I started using Carnation Instant Breakfast powder (added to milk). I also lived off of cheese. My husband loved an excuse to buy more nuts, and started eating healthier too (we switched from white bread to whole wheat grains, and tried to decrease sugary snacks). My first pregnancy I ate a lot of yogurt and peanut butter.
Michelle says
This is very interesting! I have been instinctively eating mostly protein and fat so far in my pregnancy(6 weeks). I was a little worried for a while because all I want to eat is meat and dairy. I used to love vegetables, now getting them down is a chore. I will pay attention to how my sickness correlates with what starches I eat now. It was particularly bad yesterday when I had 1/2 of a small sweet potato.
Mollie says
I, praise the Lord, never had an issue with morning sickness. I am pregnant with baby 5 and get mild nausea occasionally but nothing to make me vomit. I do, however, have a diet very high in protein. We eat protein practically all 3 meals per day. What a neat connection!
Keira says
I had hyperemesis with my first. I lost about 30lbs in the first trimester, averaged throwing up 5 times/day & would sometimes go 5 days without keeping anything down -food or drink. It was awful! A friend told me to eat a spoonful of peanut butter first thing in the morning, but most days, I couldn’t make it that far.
With my second, I had been teaching dance & pre-gymnastics for almost a year & was in much better shape. My morning sickness was SO much better. This time I only threw up about once a day. It was great!
Before my 3rd, I had done a round of P90X & a whole lot of Zumba! I was still doing Zumba every morning in the first part of my pregnancy, as well as focusing more on eating healthier. That pregnancy was a breeze! I only threw up about 3 times in the entire pregnancy!
This time, I’m only about 8 weeks in, my diet had changed to a lot less meat, more plant based proteins & whole grains. For the first time since my first pregnancy, I’m back down to pre-married weight! In pretty good physical condition.. The only time I really get nauseous is if I let myself get to the point of being hungry, which makes mornings difficult. But, I haven’t thrown up yet!
For me, morning sickness seems to be directly tied to my physical health over all. If I’m eating healthy & staying in shape, I do MUCH better!
Jillayne says
I am SO grateful for this post. I have always thought there was a connection.
Three days ago I started feeling horrible and nauseous so I drank some casein protein (slow releasing protein) shake everyday since.
Then one day before my period I realized I had to be pregnant. From frequent bathroom stops, two horrible runs, general crappy feeling, I am sad it took me so long…it is only my 8th pregnancy. LoL
But I can’t believe it started so early. I am barely 4 wks! Plus, that test turned a dark positive so fast. Did you notice this? I am actually thinking it moght be two because I feel crappy so soon.
I ate some beef brisket for a quick snack before bed and feel so much better.
Oana says
I’m not completely convinced what you’ve described here is hyperemesis gravidarum, to tell you the truth. One sentence in particular referring to your two worst pregnancies baffles me: [having moved] ‘ I couldn’t just run out and grab something to stave off my sickness’ [as you would have expected based on past experience, I assume]. By ‘something’ do you mean food or medicine? Either way, it’s not what a woman with HG would do. You don’t just go out and take something and make things better. I had HG up until the moment I gave birth to my first baby, and now with my second baby, just barely stopped throwing up in week 24 (5-day record and counting, that is). The difference in my diet? Stopped trying all the non-sense advice I received. Just stopped eating altogether, except the absolute bear minimum to keep me alive. Meat? Are you kidding me? If I so much as smelt cooked meet in my neighborhood, I’d instantly throw up. Whatever your health issue was, I’m glad you got over it, and especially so remarkably quick for an HG sufferer (?), but this is not a matter of diet so much as it’s a matter of hormones and genetics. It seems to me you were just lucky your body adapted quicker with each new pregnancy.
katie says
I felt a huge difference implementing THM this time but I plan on going much lower carb this next time if the Lord should bless us again.
Jane mcgee says
Hi , thank you for your comments . I’m week 8 at the moment and I’m finding magnesium oil has given me quite a bit if relief . I rub it on and leave it for @ 20 mins or as long as I can bear as it is a bit itchy and uncomfortable and then I have a bath in Epson salts. It definitely helps. I have read a few reviews from people who say the sane. I hope this helps someone out there .
Peta says
I have found the same with me too. My 4th and 5th pregnancies have been so much better and I have been eating so much protein. My husband would cook me scrambled eggs for breakfast and we had a whole butchered lamb in the freezer from my sisters farm. And I eat nuts like a crazy person. It’s really helped me. Peta
Diane p. says
I was wondering if anyone in your family has been diagnosed with Celiac disease or it’s masquerading cousin, IBS?
Amy says
No, no one has.
c600 says
I have found the opposite. I can’t stand meat, dairy or eggs during this pregnancy and I have become a defacto vegan. I have never liked red meat but I have always eaten chicken, fish, dairy and eggs. I was having horrendous nausea all day coupled with constipation and heartburn. I noticed a pattern, whenever I would eat anything containing an animal based food, I would have terrible digestive symptoms and I would need to be sick. I have been on medication for nausea and it was doing little. Some days it was so bad I needed to go into hospital and get an anti sickness injection. Then I cut out cheese. I don’t eat meat much, but I am a big cheese eater and I noticed cutting out cheese one day made my symptoms better. I eat chicken about once or twice a week, and I realized on days where I ate chicken I would throw up and be constipated and I would have acid reflux and I would have the same symptoms as I would with cheese. I am now eating a plant based diet and I feel almost normal. I am still on the medication but now it’s actually really doing something for me, when really all it did before was stop me from becoming hospitalized, I still felt terrible. I think we all have different body types and genetics and some people just cannot digest certain foods very well, especially in pregnancy.
Vianey says
My first pregnancy I had severe morning sickness…all day, all night. Lost a good 10 lbs. The only thing I could eat was chicken wraps from BK and pickles the 2nd trimester. 2nd pregnancy lost 20 lbs. Severely dehydrated, etc. 3rd was just as bad, couldn’t figure out what to eat. Every pregnancy has been so different. This is my 6th pregnancy, I’m hurting so much from severe migraines and vomiting/nauseous. I will definitely try the protein, thanks!
Reggie says
God has been very gracious to me in this regard. I had mild morning sickness with my first, but once I became consistent with my prenatals, it vanished. Fast forward to my current pregnancy, it is the only one I have had a constant mild nausea with (never actually threw up or really even felt I needed to) that neither prenatals nor diet change helped. It lasted about 8 weeks and while I know it was extremely mild compared to most, I am sooo glad it’s behind me. I also typically have low iron, not just in pregnancy, but year round. On a rather random note, the only two children who required a change in my diet due to mild nausea also ended up having my blood type, which is negative. Not sure if there’s a correlation there, but they are now also the only two who consistently test low for iron as well.
Erin says
Quit having kids woman! We have finite resources to support all of these people. It is just irresponsible to have so many children… think of how many kids each of them will have and each of their children will have. We are talking about hundreds of people here. Think of the future of humanity. We will have no future if people like you keep reproducing with no foresight into what that means for all of us.
Words says
Thanks Erin to say that…I was reading through all those budget limit on grocery times and then another child…I was not sure whom shall I feel sad for, that next child who is forced to come to live in such condition, the mother on morning sickness with so many pressure on her body (8 pregnancy!!), the earth population and resources…People why do you do this seriousely.
M says
Hi Amy,
That is so intersting. I have had varying degrees of morning sickness for each of my three girls, but carrying baby number four has been the worst by far. I have finally found that I just can’t have protein or fat. Only plain starches. Completely the opposite. Weird huh? Maybe it’s a baby girl thing. While trying to eat salty cheese and meat, I was throwing up all day long. Now with pasta, pasta, pasta, I am down to once a day. And I can’t even look at vegetables (which I usually love). Uhg, it’s all worth for that precious baby, but golly grief, it can be rough sledding at times.
Thanks for sharing your story,
Megan says
Beef jerky is my go to morning sickness weapon. As soon as I got a positive result with my third I ordered a bag of jerky and I keep it with me always in case I feel the nausea creep up…I’m only 6 weeks so my nausea is just starting and much more mild than yours but I went from weekly vomiting with 1 to no vomit with 2 when I ate leftover steak one morning for breakfast and never looked back. I make room in the budget for it now!
Amy says
How fascinating! I don’t know if I could have done beef jerky, but I’m a big advocate of eating whatever you’re craving! Thanks for sharing!
Bec says
OMG! This is my fourth pregnancy and I literally can not eat any carbs at all, aside from fresh fruit. I have vomitted only once. I am not bedridden like my other 3 pregnancies.
I am eating a high protein, healthy fat diet. The only time I feel extremely nausea or have vomited is when I have consumed carbs. I ate pizza last night and I am paying for it today! No more carbs for me.
Plus I am so much less bloated off of carbs.
Amy says
It is so important to pay attention to what our bodies are craving!
Alexandra says
I haven’t read through all the posts. Just wanted to share my observations. I have had one pregnancy and now I am on my second.
I am a pescetarian. I eat vegan plus fish products, no milk, no eggs. I have eaten like this for seven years before the first pregnancy. With the first one I have never felt anything. So not sure I required other meats than fish. I would never recommend for a pregnant woman to change her usual diet in pregnancy, except maybe make it more healthy (home cooked food).
With my second pregnancy I am feeling mildly nauseous to the point I have difficulty eating. That’s how I landed on this page looking for answers. I am assuming it’s insufficient protein, a need to take probiotics (I will start from next week, waiting for them to be delivered) and a lack of iron (need to test before taking supplement in order to avoid poisoning the baby).
But I would like to point that I think a low carb diet would be detrimental for the development of the baby. A high protein diet is probably very good, but there should be enough intake of carbs too. Otherwise this can cause a ketonic state in the body (where it burns a lot of body fat instead of little body fat) and creates a toxic body environment.
I am not sure this applies to any of your cases because I have never had it this bad in pregnancy so far.
Hope this helps someone!!! 🙂
Amy says
Thank you for sharing! Super helpful!