In our 10 years of homeschooling, I have attended many different conferences in many different states. However, as a brand new homeschooler, I didn’t know what to expect from these conferences and was blown away when I got there.
To help spare you a bit of the shock I received, I’ve compiled some thoughts on what you can expect at a typical homeschool conference.
1. A vendor’s hall – This is a large open room with lots of booths full of curriculum. It can be absolutely overwhelming! Read my post on Surviving The Vendor’s Hall for more help on navigating the vendor’s hall. Also, be aware that many homeschool conventions will let you go to just the vendor’s hall and not the speaker sessions for a discounted rate.
2. A children’s program – Many homeschool conventions have their own on-site children’s program. Typically, for children ages 12 and under, this program often includes Bible memory and stories and songs. At Teach Them Diligently, Ken Ham is making a guest appearance to talk to the children about dinosaurs! Two things to keep in mind about these programs…rarely are they for children under 5 and the parent is usually responsible for meals. Most conferences I’ve been to allow children over 12 to come to the sessions with their parents. This is also helpful if you need a Mother’s Helper for a nursing infant.
3. Something for new homeschoolers – Sometimes there is a one-day workshop prior to the convention, sometimes you will find a New Homeschoolers track during the convention itself filled with great sessions on getting started. The Midwest Parent Educators Homeschool Conference in Kansas City gives free admission to parents of preschoolers considering homeschooling!
4. A packed schedule – Because there is something for every homeschooler at a conference, the schedule has to be chock full, often to the point where time must be carved out to eat and shop the vendor’s hall. In the past several years, we have found it to be beneficial to choose a time slot to shop and then buy the CD of the session we missed during that time slot. If you do not do this, you simply will not have enough time to shop or eat! (Most conventions have a recording company record all the sessions and you can buy them for around $6 each. You can also buy an entire set of convention CD’s!)
5. Dynamic speakers – The homeschool world is full of encouraging speakers who share their many gifts during conventions in order to challenge us and bring us closer to the Lord. Which brings me to the number one thing you should expect from a homeschool convention…
6. Refreshment and renewal – Although you may feel as though you are drinking from a fire hydrant during a homeschool convention, you will end up soaking it all up and feeling refreshed and renewed for the upcoming homeschool year!
I have said this many, many times, but I truly believe attending a homeschool convention should be a top priority for any homeschooling family. Where will you go this year?
Jenn says
Ok, so here is a question I have had but haven’t known who to ask. We would love to start attending homeschool conventions but as you mentioned it seems the kids programs are usually for those 5yrs and older. What are parents supposed to do with the younger kids during sessions then!? We have 5 kids -only one of which is eligible to attend the kids session -our 5yr old -and he is pretty shy so I doubt he would go into the kids program alone anyway. Our kids are used to sitting in church with us but that is not the same as whole days of sessions. I just don’t see how going to a homeschool convention is worth it for us since either my husband or I or both of us will have to be in and out of sessions caring for 4 small children -but we would love to go. Thoughts? Are we just supposed to wait until our kids are older? Thanks 🙂
Amy says
The main reason homeschool conventions ask you not to bring your younger children is because of space for other attendees. They are concerned about children being disruptive, but they are more concerned about there not being enough seats for everyone. If you don’t have someone who is able to watch your children (mine often spend time with Grandma during conventions), then you might consider bringing a teenage girl with you as a Mommy’s helper. She can watch the children out in the hallway. If this doesn’t work for you, then yes, I would probably wait until you have children who are a little older and instead, attend some of the online homeschool conferences.
Jenn says
Thanks! 🙂
Jessica Moore says
Jenn, I know what you mean. Our oldest of three is also just 5. We are leaving all three kids with grandparents for two nights. As a family that has chosen homeschooling, we value being together and rarely leave our children. I do wish that HS conventions expected this to be the case with lots of their attending families. If I had a nursing infant, I would wear him and he would go where I go, but my nursing 19 mo old would be pretty disruptive if forced to sit quietly all day long!
Rebecca says
I am going to my very first homeschool convention next weekend!! I am so excited! We have been homeschooling our 4 children for 2 years now and this is our first time going. It will just be my hubby and I going…which will also be nice!
rebecca says
We are attending our very first homeschool convention next weekend and we are so excited! We have been homeschooling our 4 children for 2 years now. It will be just my hubby and I going and we are staying overnight at the hotel where it is being held. So, its going to be a great get-away for the 2 of us!
Jessica Moore says
We are going to the CHEF of Louisiana conference in a few weeks. I can’t wait to go to Teach Them Diligently some day!! 🙂
Holly says
Teach Them Diligently was my first HS convention and I’ve been homeschooling for nine years! I loved it and am hoping to attend next year-I should add-so are my dc! They had a great time shopping with me today. Great to meet you last night, Amy, hope I wasn’t too excited-ha ha!
Amy says
It was so nice to meet you! Hasn’t this been fabulous!?!
Mindy at Grateful for Grace says
I loveLOVElove going to the THSC Conference every year, but hubby doesn’t get to go. It’s one of the down sides to running a summer camp. The conferences that are worth going to near us are during the summer.
I get soooo refreshed.
Amy says
I agree…it is just so refreshing! And even though we’ve been homeschooling this long, I still come away with food for thought. 🙂
Laura says
Super helpful, thank you!
Preslaysa says
I’m new to homeschooling. I plan to attend the Home Educator’s of Virginia convention in June. I went to their Intro sessions last year and walked around the exhibit hall a bit. So overwhelming!!
Amy says
It is super overwhelming, but so incredible at the same time. You’ll do fine. Just take it slow. 🙂 (and had a wonderful time!)