That was my prayer.
And I was serious.
I knew my way was right. I knew my husband’s way wasn’t going to work. If his way did work, it would only be by some fluke, which would really be
Thankfully, it only took me a matter of seconds to hear how selfish my own prayer truly was, but that hasn’t stopped me from finding myself in this situation many more times since.
Human beings just wanna be right. Even when faced with the Holy Word of an Almighty God, they wanna be right. They want to twist what God says by removing words and changing meanings all so they can be right. Now, that is
God is the same:
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow. His Word didn’t change to become more
It is what it is…which is Right. Read it. Live it. Whether or not YOU are right really has very little to do with it.
So, what do we do when faced with situations where we want to be right?
God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.
1 Peter 5:5d
Grace and humility…couldn’t we all use a dose of those two?
And what about when we think we know better than God?
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the LORD.
Isaiah 55:8
Our view is distorted. That’s why we have to be in the Word because when we do things on our own, well…
There is a way that seems right to a man,
but in the end it leads to death.
Proverbs 14:12
Enough said?
Stephanie says
I’m thinking you must have wanted to be right pretty badly, because you posted this at 6 A.M.! I too have struggled with this lately. A great reminder that we are not the ones in control!
Valerie says
ahhhhhhhh I too have been there. There were times I camped there! 🙂
Fortunately God has His ways of humbling the proud. IT is amazing and sometimes painful to be His daughter. OF course it is the good kind of pain. The kind that brings a fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.
Fruitful Harvest says
Hi Amy~
I too sometimes forget~
Most of the time though, I just pray God will change his(hubbys) heart on the matter~then I rest in God’s PEACE and LOVE knowing He(God) will guide the plan!
Michaela Dunn Leeper says
Thank you for this post.
Stacie, A Firefighter's Wife says
Ouch, enough said! LOL!
Sandra says
Ouch! Resiseth the proud??? I don’t want God to resist me, I want him to draw nigh unto me! That is a good verse. I went to print it up and I always check the reference. It is I Peter 5:5, instead of I Peter 1:5. I”m not being proud though, I just know I put things wrong too on my blog! That is a great scripture and I’m giving it to my kids for their memory verse this week.
SayRah says
OMGoodness! Love this post, because it is SO true! Reading & Living the Word has a lot to do with our christian walk! It’s so easy for our own thoughts & wants to misconstrue God’s Word and His wants for us!
Thanks for this post! :))
((hugs & blessings))
Valerie says
ahhhhhhhh I too have been there. There were times I camped there! 🙂
Fortunately God has His ways of humbling the proud. IT is amazing and sometimes painful to be His daughter. OF course it is the good kind of pain. The kind that brings a fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.
Kathy says
I have prayed that prayer!! Wait, I’m not proud of that:(
Dying to self and living for Christ is a daily struggle. Combining your life and your walk with someone else is soo hard. Thank you for your honesty and great reminders 🙂