Prefolds used to scare me. I had visions of pricked fingers and droopy drawers. I took one look at that flat piece of cloth and ran the other direction into the arms of nice and simple fitted and pocket diapers. I wanted nothing to do with a diapering system that required an engineering degree to use.
So, I ignored prefolds for 4 long years.
That is, until a friend made me some gorgeous embellished prefolds and I fell in love. I was determined to use them. I could not let such cute fluff go to waste.
However, finding decent step-by-step instructions on the internet seemed nearly impossible. I finally enlisted the help of an avid prefold-using friend of mine to show me exactly how to make this cloth diapering method work for me.
I’d like to share some of what was passed on to me that has made using prefolds a much friendlier venture.
1. Practice, Practice, Practice. The only way to get to know a prefold is to use a prefold. Find diagrams online and go over and over them with your baby.
Here’s a video of how I diaper with snappis and prefolds!
2. It’s okay to make the diaper snug. As I tried all the different folds, I found I never had a diaper that was tight enough to work. I was afraid to tug on the wings and get them plenty tight around baby’s waist and legs. Therefore, it seemed as if none of the folds were working and I was discouraged.
3. Tuck around the legs. It is perfectly acceptable to tuck the fabric snugly around baby’s legs to act as a gusset for holding in what diapers are meant to hold in. Needing to tuck a bit does not mean you’ve failed.
4. BUY A SNAPPI! I cannot even begin to tell you how much better this is than using diaper pins. I know there are die-hard diaper pin folks out there, but for a prefold newbie, you just can’t beat a snappi.
5. The snappi is supposed to stretch. You are not going to break it. Stretch it from baby’s side to baby’s other side and down the center. That stretch is what holds the diaper on. If you don’t stretch the snappi, you’ll lose the diaper.
6. Just laying the diaper in the cover really does work (on an older baby, that is). My friend showed me on her toddler how she could just lay a trifolded prefold in the diaper cover and then fasten the cover. I thought she was crazy. No way, no how would that ever work, right? Oh, but it does! That right there makes this the fastest diapering system in the west! Perfect for babies on the go!
Honestly, now that I’ve become familiar with prefolds, I’m quite smitten by them. They are incredibly absorbent and really very easy to use. So glad I gave prefolds a chance!
Jenifer Parris says
Oooohhhh, I LOVE my prefolds! That’s all I use and with no Snappi or pins! I did start off with pocket diapers because I thought there was NO WAY I could figure out prefolds but now that I have, I don’t think I’ll ever go back to pockets! They are so much cheaper!! Good for you Amy!
Erin says
It took me 3 babies in cloth diapers to figure out how much I love prefolds, but now that I have, I can’t imagine going back! Although, I will admit, folding and using a snappi still intimidate me – I just go with the quick and easy trifold method, even on newborns. I just make sure to have extra covers 😉
Garin is such a handsome little guy!!!
krisstel says
Hi Amy,
What covers do you use over your prefolds?
Amy says
I use either Bummis Super Whisper Wraps or Mother ease Airflows.
Debra Worth @ Happy To Be Home says
I’ve used prefolds for about a year now. I have liked them, but think I might switch to pocket diapers.
Jenn says
I started with pocket diapers too… but fell in love with prefolds!!! I especially love Green Mountain prefolds as they come in lots of sizes -to help avoid needless bulk on baby. Prefolds & snappi’s are the bestest!!! 🙂
Charity says
I used cloth diapers with our oldest and then briefly with our second. I cringe to think of the money we have “wasted” on disposables.
Renee says
Great post! I only use prefold and I love them! I got a few pocket diapers and all in one ect.. but rarely use them but prefold are my love and snappi too 🙂
I LOVE that they cost way less and most cloth diaper 🙂
Valerie says
I look at all the cute AIO and pocket diapers and think “awww!!!” 😀 but I promised my DH when we started down the cloth road some 6+ years ago, that using cloth was going to save us money and I couldn’t find anything cheaper than prefolds, so I am a prefold user through and through (when I’m not taking a break and using ‘posies due to morning sickness, or weekend trips or what have you) and I am ALL about my snappis! They’re what brought DH on board with changing the kids in cloth…I’ll do it if you find something besides pins to use, he told me. That is a DARLING picture!!! 😀 Love the cute diaper pattern! 😀
Kate @ Modern Alternative Mama says
I ended up using mine to stuff my pockets. 🙂 But I still love them for that! Since I sew my own pockets it’s still quite cheap. My husband loves them so much that I think he’d revolt if I said we were going to use just prefolds and covers. Regardless we do have some nice covers and some snappis, because we’ve done it before and I liked it for certain times. 🙂
heather says
I have cloth diapered 6 of my 8 children and mostly used prefolds. Something that I have tried recently and really like is from FLIP. They are one size fits all covers and a diaper much like a prefold without the folding ( although I put my prefolds in the flip cover as well). The thing I like about them is I don’t have to have 4 different sizes of wraps and prefolds.
Courtney says
All we use at our house is prefolds. I have never used pins or snappis- with great covers like Bummis or Thirsties I haven’t needed anything else.
I like how easy pre-folds are to clean and launder, I don’t do anything special and ours are getting ready for the 4th baby and still going strong.
I tried the pockets for awhile and I hated stuffing and un-stuffing them.
Thanks for sharing- I would love to see how your friend made the diaper so cute.
Deborah says
Yay! Glad to see them still in use. Great tips for starting out with prefolds, Amy.
Prefolds are easy to “pretty up”. I like to dye them using Dylon permenate dyes (sold at places like Hobby Lobby- just follow the easy package directions) and then sew a piece of fabric on the front panel. I’ve found that knit fabric holds up well, offers more stretch to the diaper, and is the easiest to snappi into.
I love seeing new photos of Gavin!
JustCorey says
I’m just no starting to cloth diaper and prefolds are not on my list of what i want…. if i would have started sooned i may have considered it, but with my squirmy worm im not even interested… maybe next baby, this one is good in pocket dipes!
Crissyanna says
I have only ever used prefolds! And I love the one in the photo, it is absolutely adorable!
Nicole R says
How did your friend make those diapers??? That is one cute diaper (and the model is VERY cute as well!)
How soon after the baby is born do you start using your cloth? I always find that I’m overwhelmed the first couple weeks to do diaper laundry!!!
Amy says
Garin was a month old before I felt I could go back to cloth. It’s been different for each child, but basically, as soon as I feel I can handle the extra laundry.
My friend took a plain prefold, dyed it, then added a strip of decorative cotton to the center with a zig-zag stitch. A very simple project!
Grateful for Grace says
Good for you!
I just couldn’t do them. I felt like such a dope. I wanted to like them and be successful, but wasn’t. Then my son proved to have super sensitive skin and couldn’t use cotton up close to his skin like that. Rumparooz and Fuzzi Bunz saved me from going back to disposable.
I know so many people that love prefolds, I’m glad they are working for you!
Plus, that baby looks adorable!
Jessica says
I love old-fashioned flats! You can fold them and stuff them in a Thirsties without pinning or using a Snappi, but I like to do the “origami” fold and Snappi it. Seems to hold the poop in the best on our little chunker. They wash easy and dry super fast – and we have the unbleached kind which conceals stains a little better since I don’t get them out in the sun as often as I’d like. Best part is that they are about a buck a diaper and they convert nicely to dish drying towels in the future. Just don’t tell your guests what the towel you used on their dinner plate was previously used for.
Anita says
Jessica I love my towelling squares too! I took one look at them while pregnant with number 1 and thought “I’m never going to be able to remember how to fold one of those!” and forked out over $400 setting myself up with flanelette shaped nappies and covers.
But after years of using those, I find my absolute favourites for fast drying, perfect, leak-free fit and price are definitely the flats!! Love them! All you need is those, snappis and some good covers 🙂
Jamerrill says
With baby number 4 (17 months), I’m happy to say we’re in our 4th month of cloth diapering! Baby #5 is due next month and I’m soooooo thankful to be using cloth diapers. (I WISH I started using clorh 10 years ago…so many more trips we could have taken, just w/ our diaper savings!!!) I started out w/ a stash of 20 AIO’s (Sunbaby) b/c prefolds scared me. Then last month I started looking into building up my stash for the next baby. At Wal-mart, of all places, I found packs of plastic pants, diaper pins and padded flats (BTW, is that the same as prefolds…they had prefolds that were thin, then ones with a thick pad down the center. I bought the one’s w/ the thick center.) I thought for the price ($6 for a pack of 6/Carter’s brand), it was worth a try. I LOVE THEM even MORE than the AIO’s!!! They are very absorbent and NOW I can’t imagine using anything else. I do plan on ordering some snappi’s too, but the ol’ fashion diaper pins are great. Like your friend, w/ an older baby, I don’t always need to even pin. Thanks for the post!
Amy says
Yay! I’ve not seen the Carter’s brand, so I can’t say for sure about whether they are the same or not. I know what WalMart used to sell was not absorbent enough and couldn’t be used for much except burp rags, but it sounds like you’ve found something much better! Fantastic!
Christina Crabtree says
We had our first two babies 13 months apart. A few months into having the second baby, I realized cloth would be MUCH cheaper!!! 🙂 I am so glad I made that decision. We have drifted from g-diapers, to Bum Genius, to Happy Heiny, to Fuzzi Bunz, and finally to prefolds. I’ve had the prefolds since they grew out of the gdiapers and I had to save up the money to switch to the HH Organic (had to buy them new because they had JUST come out and DS1 was allergic to polyester). I got FB for DS2 off diaper swappers and got out of the prefolds as fast as I could! he he.
NOW that they are 3 & 2, I am using the prefolds during the day sometimes, JUST BECAUSE! Funny how that works, we’re scared of something at first and now we can’t imagine being without it!
DD1 is due in September and now we are deciding which diapers to use on her. The gdiapers are gone. The FB are medium. The HH Organic are rough and I can’t wait to get them out of here (DS1 is FINALLY considering potty training!). All that leaves is the prefolds…ah, the prefolds…LOVE them now but Hubby still can’t figure them out and they are a sz. premium. So we’re starting all over.
I’m wanting to breastfeed for AT LEAST a year and cloth diaper from day 1. I’ve never breastfed past 3 months and I’ve never cloth diapered before then so this is all new territory for me. I am so excited and DETERMINED to stick with this! We decided to go with Rumparooz because of the internal gussets. that way I KNOW all that runny poop will stay in! Problem? We have 9+ lb. babies and they take up to 3 weeks to loose their umbilical cord & heal in that area. So those are out until around 1 month. But most newborn diapers wont fit our big babies long enough for their cord to heal.
Hubby’s solution? Use disposable until then. But that just makes my heart sink. Not because I think disposables are the worst thing in the world ever, just because I love cloth and I know we can do it for cheaper then disposables. My solution? Prefolds!!! And to make them daddy friendly, I’m turning them into “pre-fitteds”. And he agreed! Yay!!! I am so excited!
Conclusion? I have gone from only having them out of necessity to going out of my way to keep using them. He he, life is funny sometimes!
(Sorry this turned into a BOOK! I recently found your blog and am LOVING it!!)
Amy says
Welcome! It is funny how our preferences change over the years. Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks?! 😉
Sarah H. says
Oh, can you sew? There are lots of free patterns to make your own, or I bet some of the WAHM’s on etsy would work with you to get a dipe that will fit your newborn till the umbilical cord falls off. Canadian Cloth makes fabulous dipes, pockets as well as AI2’s so you can just use them as covers if you like. Let me know if you need links to patterns or whatnot! Hope that helps in your quest to keep cloth diapering {;0)
Christina Crabtree says
Oh, and I totally second the snappis!!! I wouldn’t have even tried prefolds if I had to use pins! I’m too clumsy to trust myself not to poke baby! And if you have a bigger baby/toddler and still want to use snappis, try the toddler ones! They still work great on my 37 lb., high rise, 3 year old!
Andrea says
Has anyone ever had trouble transitioning? We have an 18 month old; started cloth with her on 8/17/11. Due to have a new baby in Oct and going to use cloth. The 18 month old sincerely seems to dislike the cloth. She is constantly tugging, taking them off. Using prefolds and fitted with Thirsties cover. So I’m thinking now is a good time to start potty training! Any suggestions? We have not made a huge investment in her size, and obviously the next baby can use what we have purchased. But I don’t want to use disposables anymore – we need to save that money! Thank you for any true help offered.
Amy says
Andrea, let me ask this question on my facebook page. Are you on there? I’ll link to this post in case someone wants to comment over here too. My transition baby was only 10 mons and very easy-going when we switched.
Grateful for Grace says
We started using cloth on #6 when he was 20mo. We had great success with Rumparooz, Ragababe and Fuzzi Bunz. The Rz and FB were one size. I prefer and would buy again the Fuzzi Bunz. They are great. You could use them for awhile and then when you potty train, use them on the new baby. You can find some great deals on used cloth at and Diaper Swappers. I bought mine new, though. If I get to have another baby, that’s what I’ll use.
My son has very sensitive skin and couldn’t use prefolds or other cotton on the skin diapers. I was blessed to try over 10 kinds of diapers before trying. Rumparooz was the only one out of those 10 I tried that didn’t affect his skin, didn’t leak and were one size. My friend, Autumn, runs the #1 cloth diaper blog and she has tons of great info. She hadn’t tried FB in a long time. We both love them now.
I hope this helps!
Christie says
Children love to take things off. My 23 month old (we are working on toilet training) loves to take his diaper off. we have to make sure it is out of sight out of mind. He will also take off his disposable diapers, and if I let him every stitch of clothing he has on. It may just be that she has found something she can take off.
The only other thing I can think of is perhaps she does not like the bulk between her legs, you could try a bikini twist fold that would reduce that bulk. Elijah (our youngest until Dec) has very sensitive skin so much so that there is only one brand of disposable diapers we can use and that also means that he must be changed almost immediately after wetting/soiling and that the diapers must be washed daily to keep them as clean as possible. He goes around coverless most of the day so I have a good read on whether he is dirty or dry.
Tiana @ God Made, Home Grown says
We love prefolds! We’ve come full circle on them. We used them exclusively with our first two babies. When baby #3 came along, we tried *a lot* of other things. Now, baby #4 is back in prefolds.
I really like Green Mountain Diapers prefolds. ( They are very high quality, and she has many different sizes to choose from. Most of the time, prefolds are only available in 2 or 3 sizes. She has 6.
If you get yourself a good one-sized cover (like WeeHuggers–, you can simply fold your prefold in thirds and lay it inside the cover–no pinning and no Snappi either. 🙂 It’s a Christian family business, too!
Kelsey says
just read this post while looking around your blog!!! I was lucky to be swayed by a few of my prefolding friends to start with them from the beginning….I love them too! so simple 🙂 what are your favorite covers? i havent been thrilled with any yet (fit wise- i have a long, moderately chunky baby boy with big ole’ thighs) 🙂
Amy says
Welcome! I used to use only Motherease AirFlows on my bigger babies and Bummis Super Whisper Wraps on my newborns, but recently I ordered some Bummis SWW for my older “baby” and LOVE THEM! (I ordered from Sweet Little Blessings in my sidebar 😉 ) They cover ever diaper I own and work wonderfully! So, as my Motherease are wearing out, I think I’ll be replacing with the Bummis.
Chantal Guidi says
I have been using cloth diapers since my daughter was born. We use a mix of prefolds and covers, pocket diapers, all in ones and all in twos. I only have the original size of prefolds that I purchased osocozy infant sized prefold (12×16). I currently use them trifolded in a cover but lately have been having more leakage issues. Do you recommend sizing up in prefolds?
Amy says
Yes, it will work better if you do size up. 🙂
Sheena says
I have a 3 year old boy, whose all boy amd always on the go (very over enjertic). He weighs 45lbs. What would be the best fold? I have thought about trifold so I don’t have to use the snappy knowing it will unattached because of how he is but not sure?
Amy says
A friend of mine used to do a trifold with a Bummis cover for her active twins. I think it did very well for her.
Reggie says
I have prefolds for my toddler size thirsties covers. Love them! Otherwise, I use flats for NB up to 18 months or so as they can easily be folded into various styles depending on baby’s size and needs. I personally was scared by flats initially, but my mom-in-law swore by them so I finally gave them a go. Very glad that I did!