Children see the world through a fresh lens. It’s almost as if they have a better understanding of creation than we adults who are racing and organizing and pushing. They have the time to see the vibrant colors of a butterfly, the fluffiness of a cloud, the funny gait of a “watopillar” (otherwise known as a caterpillar¦ otherwise known as a roly-poly). They wonder at the world around them almost as naturally as they breathe.
Having children has taught me something beautiful. It has taught me a sense of wonderment.
As homeschool moms we need to harness this wonderment. We need to take the natural curiosity and joy of learning our little ones possess and choose curriculum and ways of infusing information that correspond with this.
You will find I am not a big advocate of preschool “curriculum” because I don’t think preschoolers NEED curriculum. They need mama and daddy. They need books read to them and smiles and hugs. But, it seems moms and dads who are new to homeschooling are eager to add their preschooler to a rigorous school day (I know I was!).
So, I beseech you to consider The Wonderment Curriculum.
No, this isn’t any particular curriculum, it’s a general frame of mind, if you will. It’s the homeschooling frame of mind that says
Young children need only the opportunity to explore and learn from what they discover with mom and dad at their sides to guide their learning.
It is Delight-Directed for little ones!
So, if you must “do school” with your preschoolers, here are my top picks for building a Wonderment Curriculum for days full of delightful learning!
Free Ideas:
- Your local library – choose a topic and grab up as many children’s books as you can! Take books you already own and supplement with library books, cookbooks, and online videos and information!
- Out of doors – There is so much to explore outside no matter where you live. Take regular nature walks and keep a journal of what you find!
- Less electronics – Less entertainment-driven media (which almost always creates an environment where the child is told what to think) will easily and cheaply foster creativity.
Toys that encourage creativity:
- Playsilks – Oh, the possibilities!
- Dress Up Clothes – This doesn’t have to be fancy and definitely doesn’t need to be store-bought!
- Critter Catcher or other safe way of catching and observing bugs.
- Kitchen sets – this can be anything from stuff you pick up at a thrift store to the nice play kitchens you see in stores. There is just something about kids and the opportunity to concoct with dirt and water!
Actual Curriculum:
- Five in a Row Series – literature-based in an easy style.
- Unit Studies – A quick Google search of “Free Unit Studies” will net you huge results!
Books for mom and dad that facilitate Wonderment:
And don’t forget to infuse your little ones with the Bible! Everything you do and say and teach should be out of the overflow of a heart that loves the Lord! He is the Creator of these little ones and their sense of curiosity. Lead them to Him!
{photos by Megan @}
Rebecca says
I’m with you…and when I began to realize this I took my youngest out of preschool and never looked back. He happens to be my happiest child…and is progressing very well in all areas!
Renee says
This is great, we love being outdoor with our toddlers too 🙂 It always amazes me to see how curious they are 🙂
Rachel Q says
Beautiful post and pictures…as usual =) It is a beautiful morning in our neck of the woods, and the little ones are already outside in it! It looks like a day we’ll all be doing as much outside learning as possible…even if it’s just to take our math books out on the porch! I so agree about the preschool curriculum, and I love your choices. I’ve never heard of play silks, though. What do you use them for?
Amy says
We did much of our school outside yesterday. 🙂 Playsilks are silks of different colors that can be used for everything from dancing in the wind to making clothes. They are just big colorful pieces of fabric (silk 😉 ) They make me smile!
Pam says
Loved your comments about wonderment – but a caution about playsilks. The Amazon listing looks like a basket of different colors, but the reviewers warn that the photo is misleading and doesn’t show what is actually sent.
Amy says
Thank you for sharing that! I was looking for a link that would show a good representation of what they look like. There are other links near the bottom of that page, but that one showed the colors the best. I don’t own those particular ones, so it wasn’t an endorsement of those exact silks, but I appreciate you pointing out the review!
Jill says
I could not agree more! We have been homeschooling for 8 years now, and preschoolers learn a great deal from just being present in the school room.
Let them play and explore!
And we love nature notebooking, too!
Jennie M says
Great post! As a preschool teacher for 12 years now, this is pretty much what I do. No boxed curriculum for us! Gave it up years ago! I loosely follow a “letter of the week” sequence, more for me than the kids. I also use the Days of Creation as a monthly undercurrent to exploring this big, wonderful world to which the children are becoming attuned. I am always willing to follow the children’s suggestions as they become interested in a topic or activity. I will rotate selected good literature and we read lots of books. We cultivate godly character habits through stories, play-acting and those real-life “teachable moments.” 🙂 We do have a little “school-time” where I may introduce a new idea or concept. But that is usually only 10-15 long and then we get moving with music and dancing! Preschool “academics” like alphabet, numbers, colors, shapes, etc… are simply worked into daily conversation No flash cards for us! We spend about 50% of our time outside playing, climbing trees, gardening, exploring in the woods, picnicking, nature walking, bird watching, etc… Many times we move traditional indoor toys outside and create an outdoor classroom. We like to take field trips to the local park, nature center, museum, theatre, and a farm. Parents and siblings always join us.The kids are learning through play and many different experiences! All around child, delight-directed fun, fun, fun! I learn so much too!
Lari says
I completely agree with this. They pick up so much from just playing and being around Mom, Dad and older siblings…
Candi says
I agree completely. Adult life is forever, but childhood is a vapor. Let them play! My favorite online shop for playsilks and creative play is I find their prices to be more reasonable than Amazon and the selection will make you drool. Go to and search for the store name for coupons for free or discounted shipping. They have playsilks, craft supplies and so many fun things for a creative childhood.
Amy says
Thank you for the suggestion! Had no idea you could get coupons!
Kerry Beck says
I completely agree. Even though we live in town, we have about 1/4 acre of woods on our lot. Great place for wonderment. Thanks for the reminder.
Heidi (Dearly Loved Mist) says
Great post! I agree. 🙂 I did a post on preschoolers awhile ago here:
kelli- AdventurezInChildRearing says
adore these pictures!
Amy says
It helps to have a resident photographer with a gifted eye! says
Best preschool curriculum EVER!! =)
People ask me what to use for Pre-K, I only bought little dollar workbooks if they wanted to “do school,” otherwise I just let them learn by living! I did the same for Kindergarten. It’s amazing how much they learn by asking questions and touching and feeling and tasting and seeing and doing!
Amy says
Heather says
I feel a little silly, but I got tears of joy reading this… these thoughts are so close to my heart! This isn’t the first homeschooling post of yours that has gotten to me like this, and I’m happy to find in you a kindred soul to bring me encouragement. Thank you!!
Amy says
Joyful tears…perfect! 🙂
Valerie says
Mary says
Thank you for this reminder today! We recently found out that one of my prenatal screening tests came back with some abnormalities and life at our house the last few days has been a little emotional. I desperately needed reminding that the butterfly my daughter saw at the park today while I walked and prayed was enough learning for today. 🙂
Amy says
Home Grown Babies says
Love this – so important to our little ones development; real life, outdoors learning to stimulate and envigorate them!
Gabrielle {CA Monkey Momma} says
I love your take on this! I, too, was really eager to get my son on some sort of curriculum when I decided to home-school him. I printed off work sheets, bought work books, and spent HOURS and HOURS searching the web for ways to create a structured lesson plan for him. It wasn’t until I tried to actually implement that stuff that I realized he really just needs to be able to learn what he’s interested in and intrigued by. I still have the work sheets and books, we work on them from time-to-time {when he’s in the mood}, but mostly, we just explore outside, discuss what we find, and or course, READ!! He just moved next to a HUGE library with an entire floor dedicated to children so he’s been having a blast finding new and interesting books to bring home 🙂
Thanks for sharing The Wonderment Curriculum. I totally agree with this philosophy and hope your post helps others who are considering homeschooling not to push their toddlers into a formal curriculum just yet 😉
Amy says
Thank you! That is my prayer!
Nicole Anderson says
So true! The more exploring and new things introduced to your little ones, the better he/she will understand God’s world around them! Great post! Thank you!
Sarah says
Hi there! I found your website through a friend, and even though this is the first of your posts I’m reading (and it won’t be the last for a long while, I’m sure!), it clicked with me on so many levels.
I am a stay-home mom with two boys – 3.5 and 1.5 yo.
Homeschooling is something that I’ve been thinking off for some time, but it’s only recently that I’m giving it serious consideration. However, I find myself so handicapped and caught in this ‘I don’t think I’m disciplined enough’ conflict inside my head. Even though I am a trained teacher, I am so afraid I cannot manage the housework along with managing the curriculum! Plus, I live in a rather academically-driven society (I’m from Singapore, btw) and I have to admit that I’ve also this great anxiety/ panic attacks ever so often about whether I am doing enough to ‘teach and providing him sufficient learning stimulation’.
However, lately as I’m calming myself down, and forcing myself to pray and seek the Lord about this, I realize that I’m thinking about it all wrong. And this post of yours about ‘The Wonderment Curriculum’ just hits home on so very many levels for me.
For one, it isn’t a curriculum our children need! They need me to be ever-present for them. They don’t just need to be filled with head knowledge; we need to feed their spirits and souls with the knowledge and love of Christ.
I’m so sorry for this long post, but I really just wanted to drop you a note to tell you just how thankful I am for what you’ve shared. Blessings on you and your family!
Amy says
Welcome! So glad you are here! 🙂