Did I get your attention with that title?
Yes, this week saw me living in my mother’s basement and popping pills. Zofran to be exact. Actually generic Zofran, which takes a huge chunk out of the original price of $600 for a 30 day supply.
Why was I in my mother’s basement?
After my grandpa’s funeral, my husband and oldest son had to go to Boy Scout camp, which left me with just my 11 year old daughter and a handful of littles. Since weeks 9 and 10 are typically really rough for me, we decided to stay behind at my mom’s house while they went on to camp. It gave me an extra set of hands and the distraction of my mom’s company.
So, you might be wondering…
Does Zofran work?
8 years ago I took it when I was pregnant with my 2nd daughter. It wasn’t the miracle drug I wanted it to be, but it did allow me to sit up without throwing up. I still threw up. I was still nauseous. I chose not to take it with any other pregnancies because it is so cost prohibitive. Now that there is a generic I thought I would try it once again.
The jury is still out. Maybe next week I’ll have a better assessment for you.
We also had a bit of a scare this week. I started bleeding on Tuesday. Thankfully, it was just from the subchorionic bleed I always have, but still after 2 miscarriages at 10 weeks, there were a lot of things going through my mind.
Other baby updates:
*I hate food. It is a necessary evil and I try to get exactly what I want because that is usually the only thing that will stay down, but for the most part food makes me mad.
*My first “real” appointment is next week. Yay!
*The computer makes me sick. It never fails to make me throw up, thus the reason for my lack of posting.
*I sleep with a fan blowing directly on me so I can actually use the covers. Otherwise, I’m hot…all. the. time.
*If you came to visit me, I would be in my pajamas with my hair piled on top of my head. And if you came on the right day, I might have even brushed my teeth.
*I don’t live in my mother’s basement anymore, but I sure wish I could bring her home with me.
Monica says
Sorry you are so sick! 🙁 Have you read this blog post about magnesium? It worked for me! http://www.mommypotamus.com/the-real-cause-of-morning-sickness/
Amy says
I did, but I’ve had a blood workup and don’t have a magnesium deficiency. 🙁
Monica says
Its funny mine actually appeared fine too, but then I read something about magnesium being stored mostly in the cells and not the blood so the test is not that accurate unless you have deathly low levels. I don’t know that much about it, just that taking magnesium oil was a huge help to me! Hope you get to feeling better soon!
Andrea says
Just wanted to encourage you! Our little one is 3 wks old and her birth has made me nearly forget the rough pregnancy! There were days I thought I just couldn’t do it anymore! It,s such a reward to hold my sweet baby, knowing how hard our whole family worked for her! Hang in there!
This may be helpful … From the Magnesium Miracle by Dr. Carolyn Dean
Another reason that Dr. Altura felt magnesium was not given its due is because there has been no lab test that will give an accurate reading of the magnesium status in the tissues. Only one percent of magnesium of the body is distributed in the blood, making a simple sample of magnesium in the blood highly inaccurate. That’s why most doctors who rely on blood tests for magnesium and not magnesium deficiency signs and symptoms and realization that up to 80 percent of the population is deficient, will miss an important diagnosis.
Amy says
Interesting…thank you for sharing. 🙂
Anna-Marie says
I was on zofran for both my pregnancies, it was either that or hospitalization. I found it help with the vomiting but not the feeling of nausea which I had for the entire time for both pregnancies. Hope it passes for you.
Mama Mirage says
Same experience here. It helped me throw up less, but I still FELT like throwing up the whole time anyway. Not a miracle cure but at least I wasn’t losing 30 pounds in the first trimester from not being able to keep anything down like I did before.
Crissi says
I can sympathize, all but one of my 7 pregnancies, I was sick until at least 6 months. The last pregnancy, I discovered ginger…. Yogi makes a couple of teas that have ginger and cinnamon that seemed to help. Or there was one I got from Whole Foods, not a Yogi tea, but a Ginger Peach tea. My theory was that if I at least got fluids down it was better than nothing.
Kristin says
Praying for you during this time! I just wanted to let you know, that a zophran in the morning and a unisom (my ob swore it was fine, and my kids are perfectly normal and well behaved, 😉 ) at night was the perfect cocktail to get me through the horid morning sickness that I go through with pregnancy. It took a while to figure out, but it was such a blessing to stand up… then go to the kitchen… and then even begin eating again, a bit at a time 🙂 Anyway, just thought I’d share! Feel better soon!
Jennifer says
HUGS!! Phenergan at night, Zofran during the day. That’s what keeps me going!! Finally hitting the 20 week mark and food is enjoyable, the computer is not making me sick anymore, and I feel like a normal human being again!
Mama Mirage says
Phenergan (Promethazine) makes me hallucinate! I took it all through my first pregnancy and didn’t know it because I would zonk out every time I took it. Tried it again with my next HG pregnancy (#3) and struggling to stay awake, I saw black fuzzy things oozing out of the ceiling and would zone out and “wake up” to my toddlers playing with scissors on the floor at my feet or something. I didn’t even think about only taking it at night. Wouldn’t have to worry about the passing out, zoning, or hallucinating if I were asleep…
Christie says
I am just a couple of weeks behind you with my 6th pregnancy. I could SO relate to everything you said in this post!! Probably starting Zofran over here today 🙁 Sending prayers your way!!
Kelly says
I’m also about 8 weeks along with baby #4 and can completely relate to everything you said. I hate food, my body temperature is all off, I rarely get out of my pjs. I’m really struggling with this pregnancy. Although we had previously decided to let the Lord determine our family size, I’m seriously reconsidering. This is ROUGH. Is this really what the Lord wants us to go through? My house is a wreck, the dishes are piled up, my husband has no clean clothes to wear to work and my three littles are becoming undisciplined and out of control. We also haven’t been able to make it to church in a month. Aggh! I don’t think I’ve ever been closer to depression than I am right now and I’m still looking at 6-8 weeks of this. I know this will pass and I’m typically an extremely optimistic person, but come on! I apologize for venting here, but I needed to let it out around ladies I thought would understand and relate. Thanks for listening.
Diana says
Kelly – I’m not pregnant right now, but when I am, I am in your shoes – and I know exactly what you are going through and feeling. We too are toying with the idea of letting the Lord handle our family size, but we experience exactly what you describe when I am pregnant. I hope you feel better soon – it can be so rough!
Michele says
Praying you through this difficult season, but glad all is still well!!! Hang in there!
Sharla says
I’m glad you were able to stay at your mom’s and have a bit of extra help and support. I had hyperemisis graviderum during my pregnancies (medical way of saying I couldn’t stop throwing up) and was hospitalized for three months for it during my second pregnancy. I feel for you. Zofran doesn’t work for me, but it works for many others. But the reward at the end is so worth it…a precious miracle! Hang in there!
Tabetha says
I also had hyperemesis as one of the pp mentioned. Zofran worked for me only as long as I took it at the 7.5 hour mark every time. I took 3 a day. I would set an alarm and get up just to take my meds. I was also on Reglan and Zoloft. My MD had me on max doses every 8 hours. I can only remember about 3 days during the whole pregnancy that were good. Phenegren does a better job of stopping the vomitting and zoloft of holding it off by continuous, on time dosage. If you get in too much of a bind Phenegren can actually be prescribed as a compound that can be rubbed on the wrist. I feel for you. I kept telling myself eyes on the prize, this is a finite amount of time. I will be praying that it will be just morning sickness.
Amy says
I’ve been on Reglan before and it just made me sleep until I threw up. I feel better, but still throw up most nights. I’ll mention what you suggested to my OB.
Elizabeth says
I’m 14 weeks and got over my morning sickness a couple weeks again. It never fails to feel like it will never end and then it does. Hope you feel better soon and congrats!
Stephanie says
Oh, how I can relate. I have had Hyperemesis for all of my 7 pregnancies.I have been on IV’s, have had 4 different picc lines and had hospital stays. However for the one I am in now I sought out a natural doctor. She gave me vitamin b complex injections. Also she sent me to an acupuncturist which I was very apprehensive about since it seems so eastern and I was worried it was going to be mystical or something. It wasn’t!! She was professional and it felt like I was just going to the doctors. Guess what??!! it helped A LOT!!!!! The 2 things were worth every cent. It was a lot of money in the end but my husband kept reminding me it was worth it. (We used our tax return!) The vitamin B complex shots gave me energy too….which is something I never experience normally till 20 weeks. The acupuncture gave me way less nausea and I only threw up a hand full of times. It was truly a miracle…I also added the zofran in, which helped as well. Ok…hope any of the helps dear one. You are a beautiful mother and I pray this will be a wonderful healthy baby!!
Diana says
Thinking of you, Amy! I have been there with each pregnancy!! Here are things that helped for me: Vitamin B/Magnesium/Folate injections, eating very low carb and high protein, lots of magnesium and zinc…. and Zofran and Unisom. I pray that yours is short-lived!!!
Jennifer says
Zinc actually makes me nauseous even when I am not pregnant…so I’d have to be careful with it during pregnancy. I have also found that Colace (you know *that* wonder drug) also makes me very sick to my stomach, so while it is good during pregnancy for certain things, it is bad for me 🙁
Diana says
Jennifer – I’m sorry to hear that zinc makes you nauseous! I hadn’t heard of that before! Here is the article that I referenced for the zinc (as well as B-complex and magnesium).
Also, I hadn’t heard of Colace causing stomach trouble – I always have to take it concurrently with Zofran and hadn’t noticed any ill effects – I’m sorry it causes you grief! But I’m always so thankful when I can STOP taking it, LOL!!! 🙂
Jennifer says
Thanks for the link!!
Diana says
You’re welcome!! 🙂
Amy says
Ever since #4, I’ve stepped up my protein with each pregnancy and it was that pregnancy that I finally started seeing a marked difference in my morning sickness. I just needed a little more than that this time.
Diana says
That’s awesome. With my last, I did extremely high protein and almost no carb (for the first trimester), and it was my easiest yet. I was still on masses of unisom and 24 mg/day of Zofran, but it was still the best yet.
Kim says
I pray the medication kicks in and gives you some relief soon. It’s always good to get Mom’s help, no matter how old we get (and I’m way older than you and still feel that way!!) Hugs and prayers, Amy!
Tamra says
Ah. I am going through the same thing. I am at week 8 with #4 and I should be peaking next week or so… I stay nauseous, I hate food as well, but make my self eat so I dont die, lol. A new friend was and is so helpful, nice, generous… she brought several meals for us. It really is a big help. Having had a previous miscarriage I am so excited that when I lay flat on my back I can feel my little baby bump above my bikini line now! Gives my hope! Continued prayers for you!
Karen says
You have my deepest sympathy. You will survive! We just found I am 5 weeks pregnant, and the nausea-bomb usually drops right at 6 weeks, so we are preparing best we can. I tried Zofran generic with my last pregnancy, with same mixed results as you. This time, my midwife recommended the B6-unisom combination. Have you ever tried it?
Amy says
I used that combo last pregnancy, but I knew this one was worse and decided to go ahead and try the Zofran first to get me through the worst of it. The unisom/B6 did help though.
Jennifer says
Sorry to hear that you are having such a rough time with your “morning” sickness. I hope it eases for you soon.
Tracy Avery says
Our family is so excited for this blessing that the Lord has placed in your care. We pray that you feel better and can enjoy this experience as best as possible. During my pregnancy I found that preggie pops were a life saver. I was also hospitalized for morning sickness and the meds were not working. Try the preggie pops. Much cheaper than the meds.
Jennifer says
Yes!! I used preggie pops with my first and they were WONDERFUL. 2nd time around I am diabetic so I can’t use them, boo. But thankfully I’ve been fortunate and haven’t been very sick.
Jeanette says
Hang in there! It’s so hard! I also suffer from severe morning sickness when I’m pregnant. My prayers are with you!
Kristine says
I had awful “computer sickness” a few months ago with this pregnancy. It has been better but I have to be careful. Hope you start feeling better soon!!!!!!
Teacher/Mom says
My first two pregnancies, I was so sick I had to go on home IV therapy. While on home therapy the first time, they had me on zofran. I still threw up at least three times a week all the way through. The second pregnancy, after the home IV therapy (during which my veins gave out and they had to insert a PICC line,) they kept me on zofran the rest of the way through and I still threw up two times a week. For my third and fourth pregnancies they put me on zofran (the generic the fourth time) from the moment I tested positive. I still threw up at least once a day, but I was able to avoid the home IV therapy. The first time it wasn’t so bad, but I couldn’t parent my small child the second time. It happened to be at a critical point in her life when she needed me to be 100% consistent with her discipline, and I could only sit on the couch and tell her “NO!” – watch her smile sweetly at me – and proceed to do exactly what I told her not to do. I couldn’t follow through because if I moved, the IV fluid couldn’t get through and I would throw up the moment I tried to stand. We are still suffering the damage that time frame did with her as she resists most forms of discipline and is the most strong willed kid I know of. While the zofran didn’t stop the nausea and vomiting completely, it did prevent a repeat of the dreaded home IV therapy.
Heather says
I’m just about to let my family know I’m pregnant again, with our fourth kid (and fifth pregnancy). Ours have come very close together and that’s been the topic of lots of conversations, not all good. How do you let people see that you are sick and that pregnancy is difficult and yet maintain the idea that children are a blessing? I realize I’m probably too affected by their opinions and even more so when I’m all hyped up on pregnancy hormones, but I’m wondering how I could avert some of the pity and i-told-you-so’s about having more kids than people seem to consider ‘appropriate’
Kelly says
No suggestions, but I can SO relate. Fifth pregnancy, will be fourth child, and OH, the comments. I’m thinned skinned and it’s hard for me as well. Blessings!
Kristine says
Do NOT let other people’s opinions steal the joy and excitement of the Lord blessing you with another!!! I am pregnant with #5 and I have made this commitment with this pregnancy….and any other blessings the Lord chooses to give us! I have never heard anyone say, “I wish we would have stopped at 2 kids instead of having 3. Our life would have been better.” But I can not tell you how many times I have heard, “We have 2 kids who are grown now. I wish we would have had more.” Their regret breaks my heart. As for dealing with family members who don’t agree, I put a smile on my face and delight in my blessings in their presence. Even if I am maybe feeling like I’m going to be sick, going to pass out, or just plain exhausted. My children still always bring a smile to my face.:) I’m not one to post one of my blog posts but recently I wrote about all the questions we have dealt with since the announcement of baby #5. I hope you get a laugh and it blesses you!
Amy says
It’s not easy. I had a friend tell me years ago that through difficult pregnancies, people see Christ because they see that you persevere even when things are not easy. God doesn’t call us to easy things. Yes, the comments hurt, but we have to ask the Lord to shut our ears.
Bethany W. says
Lord, Thank you that you are with Amy while she is sick. Help her to *feel* that you are with her while she is sick. Please calm her stomach and her heart as she is living through one of the more challenging parts of pregnancy. I ask you to protect her body and the baby’s while he/she is forming. We thank you for your many gifts to this family. And, I ask you to turn Amy’s heart ever more towards you today.
In Jesus Name and for His Glory,
Amy says
Amen. Thank you.
denise says
sorry you are sick! you may have already tried this, but check with a local independent pharmacy for a better price on the zofran. when i needed it, it was $100 cash price at Walgreens and $30 cash price at the independent across the street. 🙂
Amy says
Thanks, I’ll see if I can locate one nearby.
jen says
Ha Ha. I know exactly what you are talking about. I also don’t think the zofran does anything at all.
chelle says
aaahhh Zofran about the only thing I ate for months during both my pregnancies…until I got the IV stuff through my PICC line during my 2nd…IV worked a lot better than the pills (I kept throwing those up) still very nauseous but less actual throwing up. Hang in their momma!!
abba12 says
I feel for you… I simply can’t afford zofran, so not sure if it would work for me, but I have found some mixed relief from HG with some over the counter travel sickness pills. HG is hard because what helps one woman often won’t do a damn thing for another woman. I’ve only now, at 22 weeks, finished successfully halving my dose of pills, I experienced it right through to labour with my first, this time I am hopeful for relief earlier though, last time I couldn’t halve the dose at all and just had to go cold turkey when we passed about 34 weeks (these pills need to be discontinued before term because of possible effects on breathing, I had to be induced at 37 weeks).
I’ve heard plenty of different ideas for things that work for different people but I’m sure after so many pregnancies you’ve aleady tried most of it. Are you on the help HER forums? You might find some moral support there if nothing else. You’ll be in my prayers. If I remember right from last time you talked about it you find releif pretty ‘early’ by HG standards don’t you? If that’s the case then just remind yourself that the end is in sight! You might be almost halfway through already! Stay strong 🙂 If it’s not the case then just take it a day at a time, it always ends eventually, and the smile of that little one will be enough to make you forget all this.
Amy says
Thanks…I know you understand. I’m not on any forums because I’d just rather not be on the computer at all.
Anna@The DIY Mom says
Sorry you’re feeling so ill, morning sickness is the worst, but at least everything is going well with this baby. Hugs 🙂
Mama Mirage says
*HUGS* Amy! Hope it works better for you this time!
Lisa M says
I have a friend who was having a terrible time the first trimester and her hubby came home one day with motion sickness bands. She wore one on both wrist and felt much better. Just a thought
Amy says
Tried that with #2. I think I’m just one of those people who not much works for. I have my little tricks, but nothing totally fixes it.
April says
Sounds like me when I’m pregnant! It’s a good thing those sweet little bundles are soooooo worth it!
Jillian says
Oh Amy, I feel so bad for you. I know how hard my morning sickness is on me, and it’s nothing compared to yours! I say you go on a month long sabbatical or until your morning sickness isn’t as bad. WE’LL ALL BE HERE WAITING FOR YOU! Really. Hope better days are coming soon!
monique says
Rejoicing with you! Even in your affirmities, I know you are taking comfort! Eating what you like is good. Read a book once: think in terms of categories:
etc….then find a food that fits that category. As long as it’s food and not harmful, eat/drink it. The first time I did this my friend and I scoured the area for the coldest, tartest thing we could find! 🙂
May the Lord bless you
amy marie says
I hear ya on all accounts! Zofran just made me sleep – i took it with my first but couldn’t with my second. I will be praying for you, ALL your wee ones and your hubby too. I won’t tell ya to “hang in there” cuz those comments never helped me to fell better. Just know you are in the hands of the All Mighty & we know Those hands are the best to be in – rest there dear sister in Christ:)
Abby says
Oh Amy, I’m so sorry you’re having such a hard time. I’m between nine and ten weeks right now myself, and can completely relate to everything. Not only does food make me mad, but the people who tell me how lucky I am to have an excuse to eat so often make me mad too. 🙂 I wish I had some remedy to offer, but even with increasing protein and magnesium I am still having a hard time. Gratefully the Father has blessed me with a few good days so I can get to the store since my husband is deployed, and we still have to eat. I’ll be leaving soon to live in my in-law’s basement and pop pills. 🙂 You will be in my prayers!!
Jeanie says
I am trying to be totally chemical free (as much as is possible in this day and age!) I had cancer last year and went as natural about it as possible which included IPT which is basically a dose of chemo that is only 10 percent of the normal dose. After I finished all that, I got off all medications (prescription and non) and began seeing a natural health doctor who uses whole food supplementation. I detoxed from the chemicals and got healthy again, and now am expecting #10. While I was doing the chemo they gave me Zofran (which did help) but I also heard of a natural nausea relief called Nux vomica. When my rx for Zofran ran out, I tried the Nux and it worked just as well. My daughter got pregnant in January and had SEVERE morning sickness, I gave her the nux and she kept it with her at all times! (she worked in a restaurant as a waitress and the smell of food made her sick – but the nux did help) I got pregnant in February (Praise be to God!) and I wasn’t quite as bad, but did take the nux when I felt queasy and it did help! It comes in these little blue tubes at the healthfood store (or you can buy online) and made by Boiron. They are expensive ($7-$10 a tube) but they really do work. Good luck!
Jessica says
Oh, how I love you right now! Thank you for being so honest, because this is exactly how I feel my first trimester, and I get depressed because I feel absolutely useless! I know that my body is nurturing and growing life even when I am laid out doing absolutely nothing else, but I look around at the rest of my family and feel so guilty, like I am neglecting their care and the care of our home. I was just thinking yesterday how eating is a necessary evil and I don’t enjoy food at all! And I too am always in my pajamas (I brush my teeth everyday because the yucky taste in my mouth would worsen my nausea, so I guess that’s a plus?)
My oldest has been such a blessing, but I cannot expect her to do everything especially since she has a full load of school for the summer. So our meals have consisted of easy things like frozen pizzas and the like–yuck! Good thing my children love fresh fruit and vegetables so it’s easy enough to put out some carrot sticks and grapes and things like that or else they would be eating nothing but junk!
What do you do besides their schoolwork to keep them busy while you are feeling icky? The rest of the children have a lighter load in the summer and then have lots of time for other things, but since I am feeling so terribly I shamefully will put a movie on for them so I can keep them all in one spot for awhile just to make things easier. And it’s not usually an educational film either! Ugh! The guilt that keeps on giving, lol!
Your words and sharing how you are feeling have been such a huge blessing to me. Since we have just moved I don’t know very many people and have felt quite lonely, so I feel I have a kindred spirit when I read your posts! Thank you, thank you!
Laurie says
I am there myself right now. I am not going to tell you not to feel guilty because I feel the same way. *hugs*
Mandy says
My sister had miscarried last year, her first pregnancy. She is 12 weeks with her second a d was just diagnosed with a subchrionic hemorrhage. Do you have any advice I could give her? I myself have never had any issues during pregnancy and while she struggled to become pregnant I have never endured that either. I am at a loss as to how I could be of her.
Amy says
I’ve had SCH with 5 of my 8 and with both of the last two miscarriages. The difference between the babies that were okay and the ones I lost was the size. The SCH was bigger than the gestational sac with the last two miscarriages. Not good. But a little bleeding is VERY common. Sometimes I have bled, sometimes not. Take it easy. Keep hydrated. Don’t lift the toddler. SCH isn’t a cause of miscarriage, but it can be a symptom. However, as I said, it is very common even in healthy pregnancies. 🙂
Anita says
Oh Amy! I’m sorry you are so sick! I wish I could come and do your dishes and vacuum for you etc. Although perhaps your wonderful children are taking care of that. Still, I wish I could do something practical for you. Bit hard all the way from Australia! I pray you find some relief!
jackie says
Hi! hope you feel better! we seem to be at the same point right now…I will be 10 weeks tomorrow! Nausea is killing me…I’m trying to hold out on the zofran, I just don’t want to pay for it! Maybe we’ll look into the generic. I understand about the nervousness with bleeding, I was bleeding for 3 weeks straight, it just stopped a few days ago, but baby is good! 🙂 take care!!! -jackie
Judy Zander says
Boy, I can relate to morning sickness!! By my 6th pregnancy, I learned to keep water at my side. Every time I got that icky feeling, I took a sip. It seemed to change the taste of my mouth and cool me off enough to keep it down. {Purified water… I couldn’t stand tap water the whole 9 months!} I have also used Phenergan {never heard of Zophran} which is a motion sickness pill. It made me REALLY sleepy, but I was able to stop throwing up and get some nourishment. With my first, I would throw up every time I moved… and sometimes when I didn’t! I have learned so much since then. Of course, keep up the protein as best as possible. I’ll be praying for you!